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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 24, 2014

MONDAY #1908

As I understand it, Ukraine is divided on whether to lean toward Europe or Russia between east Ukraine and west Ukraine....
 When Russia was in charge during the Soviet Era, some Ukrainians did very well, while others not so much. The passion of the protests is fueled by the young people who remember family members arrested in the dead of night and such. Now these people set fucking tanks on fire!
 There have been reports that Russia has "loaned" the present government of Ukraine snipers, but that may just be propaganda.
This man looks very, very serious...
The cynic in me still suspects many staged propaganda events...

I lucked into starting my convalescing right when the Olympics started. There have been many exciting events...
 None more exciting than hockey.
Bravo, Canada. You beat us fair and square....twice.
I root for you in the gold...
The U.S. women's team were up 2-0 on Canada until the final minutes of the 3rd period, when Marie-Philip Poulin tied the game with 55 seconds remaining to send the game to overtime, where Canada eventually won. However, the game wouldn't have gone to overtime if that freakin' puck had just gone two inches to the right.

 Meanwhile, the goalpost has been nominated as Supreme Emperor of Canada.

Many people don't know that it's a law in Canada that you have to smile at all times, except during funerals or hospital visits.

The smell of victory...

Shit they don't show you on TV...

The chances are almost 100% that someone has peed in the Olympic pool.

I'm so thankful to Netflix for allowing me to consume TV the same way I do alcohol.

I wish IBM would create a computer to replace the people who watch Jeopardy.

Believe it or not...

Seeking to psych out challengers in the days leading up to big fights, Hall of Fame boxer Charles "Kid" McCoy frequently feigned illness or spread rumors of an injury. Then, when the bout came around, McCoy would show up in perfect form. (This supposedly prompted reporters to wonder whether they'd be seeing "the real McCoy" in the ring.) But McCoy's lowest blow? In 1893, when he fought a deaf mute. Toward the end of the fourth round, McCoy simply dropped his gloves and walked back to his corner as though the bell had sounded. When the deaf fighter turned to do the same, McCoy ran over and knocked him out.

 I am more certain than ever that America has grandiose delusions of exceptionalism.

In 1898, a man calling himself Mr. Martin walked into the office of The Sportsman and asked the British newspaper’s editors to publish the program for the upcoming Trodmore Hunt Steeplechase. The editors agreed, and promised to print the outcome after the race, as well. Later, it turned out that an unknown horse name dReaper had taken the Trodmore Hunt after going off at five-to-one odds, leaving bookies to pay out sizable sums to daring bettors. The sneaky part? There was no such thing as the Trodmore Hunt Steeplechase. It was all a scam constructed by the mysterious Mr. Martin, who took his winnings and vanished.


As you should know by now, I like alternatives to standard dress. I know people like the Steampunk group below have rules and such, but at least they make most of their own stuff and have fun with their garb.
 With that said, these people were escorted out of a mall by security because they looked "suspicious" and the real cops were called....all because they looked different.

Training the Afghan "army"...

A celebrity height scale in a dressing room...

Give this one a minute or two...

I like this painting very much...
 Anytime there is a hard divide like that, the human mind will read it as a landscape, the transition being the horizon...even if that was not the artist's intent.
Anyway, look at the image below...
I placed the red circle around an area that I find particularly pleasing. So why can't I just forget the horses, people, etc, and paint the stylized shapes of the window and declare it just as valid as depicting real objects?
Art that depicts real things (below) is wonderful, but it's not the nature of artists to just keep doing the same thing generation after generation, especially when the masters reached the apex of perfection...
The elitist in me says that Art is what the artist says it fucking is.

I'm trying to deal with the physics of this. I would say the ball is more or less at the top of its arc and has slowed considerably before beginning its descent, thus making it much easier to catch barehanded...

I always smile every time I hear CNN's Wolf Blitzer say "Pussy Riot."


Watching the Olympics is a great way to see someone else's dreams die for a change.

Okay, humans, we are really fucked now...

Women should date men with beards, because growing a beard takes patience...the kind of patience it takes to deal with your shit.

It's better to shit your pants than to die of constipation.

These are the Japanese-Canadians internment camps in Canada during WWII... 
 ...just saying.

Hard Work: It's what pays off in the long run.
Idleness: It's what pays off right now.

 We still educate children using the model invented in the 1800's. We know it is wrong, but we lack the political will to make it right.

I've been giving the suffering a Jesus some thought...
 I've thought about all the torture techniques I posted from North Korea. I remember the movie Sand Pebbles with Steve McQueen and the skinning of his helper. I think of what the Japanese did to POW's. Anyway, I've concluded that being nailed to a cross, then stabbed to hurry your death along doesn't stand a candle to the things that humans are capable of doing to other human beings.

I once saw a chart listing similarities between religions. I have no idea were to find this chart now, but I do remember that most had things either flying down from the sky or flying up into the sky...
I find that a little too.....convenient. I mean, how do you disprove something when it's up in the sky beyond the reach of investigation? Well, you invent space ships that fly off and find......no such god(s). Sorry, guys, but he ain't up there.
I know that believing that mashing on the sole of your foot can make you feel better is comforting...
But I think you will agree, no matter how comforting, it just ain't so. I apply the same evaluation criteria for every unprovable claim. And remember, being written in a book proves nothing...else the Zodiac would be the national religion.

I think it's pretty clear that the purpose of missionaries is to save souls...not lives....

Of all the weird ass shit in the world, this man is sucking a baby's dick....I swear...
And you know why no Jew is appalled? Cause that's the way they've always done it. What a lame fucking reason to do anything...like people thousands of years ago somehow got it all right. 

Every religion has shit that is laughably illogical...
I feel safe to say, if someone asks you to suspend all logic when they want you to believe something, then that thing is bullshit....think talking snake.

I once owned a home in a very nice neighborhood and I wanted to turn my attic into a children's playroom, like this...
 The city inspector told me I could not do such a thing. Reason: 80% of the room must have an 8' ceiling. I told him it was for children....made no difference. I told him, "Okay, I just want a heated and cooled storage room for my art" and he still wouldn't allow me. I never understood why they would even care.

It's hard to imagine what the future will hold...

Does anyone find it bullshit that prisoners are offered free college and kids who have followed the rules all their lives have to suffer crippling debt for it?

Give this a moment of your time...

Is landing on a comet the equivalent of throwing a baseball from New York to LA and hitting a window?
 You should see the route the probe is taking...I mean, damn!

Seattle is planning to build a new city park filled with hundreds of edible plants...fruit trees, vegetable plants, herbs, etc...Free to anyone and everyone. It will be the first "food forest" in the country.



Anonymous said...

There is actually quite a bit of compelling data to support the horrible death by crucifixion (which as I am sure you know is where we get the phrase "excruciating pain"). Although Jesus' crucifixion was purportedly ended early by a spear to the thoracic cavity/heart, the typical crucifixion lasts at least a couple of days. Due to the manner in which the victim hangs from the cross bar, his thoracic cavity is expanded, making it extraordinarily difficult to exhale. In order to exhale, they must exert weight upon their feet which are pierced with nails to relieve the forward tension placed on their thoracic cage. In many cases, the cross also had a small seat in which the victim could rest...this sounds nice but this only prolonged the inevitable. To make the pain worse and/or to accelerate the process, the guards would shatter the shins of the victim so it would be more difficult or even impossible to lift the body in order to compress the chest to exhale. The fact that Jesus was killed by spear rather than having his shins broken may actually have to do with, purportedly, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies about "not a bone being broken" of the messiah.

This information comes from a rather interesting paper on this subject published by JAMA in 1986.


Ralph Henry said...

I'm reminded of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia tying a victim to a tree, cutting out his liver and eating it in front of the still living guy.
I'm not saying dying on the cross was....comfortable. I'm saying that there are far, far worse ways to die...burning at the stake comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Are you telling me that having nails hammered into his feet and wrists didn't break any bones?

Anonymous said...

Testimony of former atheist from the 1640s

Chapter 10: An Atheist in Hell

"We [demons] all know there is a God, although we hate Him; but these souls would never admit (until they came here) that there was such a Being.”

“Then these,” I said, “were atheists....

I had no sooner spoken, but one of the tormented wretches cried out mournfully , “Surely I know that voice. It must be John.”
I was amazed to hear my name mentioned; and therefore I answered, “Yes, I am John; but who are you?”

To this he replied, “I once knew you well upon the earth, and had almost persuaded you to be of my opinion. I am the author of that celebrated book entitled ‘Leviathan.’”

“What! The great Hobbs?” said I. “Are you come here?”

“Alas,” replied he, “I am that unhappy man indeed. But I am so far from being great that I am one of the most wretched persons in all these dirty territories. For now I know there is a God. But oh! I wish there were not, for I am sure He will have no mercy on me. Nor is there any reason that He should. I do confess I was His foe on earth, and now He is mine in hell. It was that proud confidence I had in my own wisdom that has so betrayed me.”

“It is that,” said he, “that stings me to the heart, to think how many will perish by my influence. I was afraid when I first heard your voice that you had also been cast into hell. Not that I wish any person happy, for it is my torment to think that anyone is happy while I am so miserable. But I did not want you to be cast into hell, because every soul that is brought here through my deceptions, increases my pains in hell.”

“But tell me,” I said, “for I want to know the truth. Did you indeed believe there was no God when you lived upon earth?

“At first I believed there was a God,” he answered, “but as I turned to sins which would lead me to His judgment, I hoped there was no God. For it is impossible to think there is a just God, and not also remember that He will punish those who disobey Him. But as I continued in my sins, and found that justice did not swiftly come, I then began to hope there was no God. From those hopes I began to frame ideas in my own mind that could justify what I hoped. My ideas framed a new system of the world’s origin which excluded from it the existence of God. At last I found myself so fond of these new theories that I decided to believe them and convince others that they were true. But before this, I did find several checks in my own conscience. I felt that I could be wrong, but I ignored these warnings. Now I find that those checking thoughts that might have helped me then, are here the things that most of all torment me. I must confess that the love of sin hardened my heart against my Maker, and made me hate Him first, and then deny His being. Sin, that I so proudly embraced, has been the cursed cause of all this woe; it is the serpent that has stung my soul to death. For now I find, in spite of my vain philosophy, there is a God. I have also found that God will not be mocked, although it was my daily practice in the world to mock at heaven and all that is sacred, for this was the means that I found very successful to spread abroad my cursed ideas. For anyone that I could get to ridicule the truths of God, I looked upon as becoming one of my disciples. But now these thoughts are more tormenting to me than the sufferings I endure from these whips of burning steel.”-John Bunyan

Here is the complete testimony:

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