About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Ass progressing nicely.

Well, we lost Shirley...

 She volunteered during WWII to assist wounded vets.
And against all that fame, she managed to develop into a normal human being...

What the fuck happened to us, America?

We aren't out of the woods yet, but we still have power...

 There was about 1/4" of ice topped with an inch of snow.
This guy just took the wheels off his skateboard...
 That thin layer of ice makes driving almost impossible.
On a side note...sure am glad my wife talked me out of heading south...they got hit way worse than we did...

And let's give a shout out to these magnificent bastards...

Can you figure out what this delightful image is?
That, Gentle Reader, is Sochi at night from space.
Here's another during the day...

 I never knew the boards did that...

And this is the "guy" NBC sent to Sochi to talk about skating...
Just to fuck with Putin I think all of the commentators should have dressed like this...gay or not.


Canada has free beer in their compound. For the door to open you have to swipe your Canadian passport...

 I'm sure you've all seen the newsman who thought this was Laurence Fishburne...if not, look it up...

 This Saturday is our big chicken bog feast at the American Legion. Yes, that's a big witch's cauldron and, yes, it is delicious...

Florida used to be its own independent country. 
Think about that for a second.

China did this to thank us for our help kicking the Japs off the mainland...

A photo essay from Syria about life interrupted...
 Didn't know what that was at first, so I enlarged it...

How dated is that license...
Nothing illustrates the differences of the races than reactions to that travesty.

 Seriously, fish are fucking stupid. What other animal will just eat itself to death if given too much food? It's just....oh, never mind...

People have made a whole bunch of gravity wave detectors, and as near as I can tell, none of them work.

 Guy laminates old skateboards together, then carves them...
 I'm a big fan of reuse when it comes to art...it just makes so much sense.
Among other things, my dear young friend, Billy Love, makes lamps out of old bike parts...
That is but one example...all are different and wonderful.
If you are interested, here's his website...


Some animals deserve to be extinct.

These people don't fuck around...

After reading about the post extinction and rats place in it, I came across this...showing rats who all happened to get their tails tied together...
 How could anything that stupid take over anything?

My wife likes to brag about her multi-tasking skills. Here are my two fried eggs multi-tasked with doing the wash, putting groceries away and talking to her store on the phone....

ESPN Sports Center: A constantly repeating loop of basketball dunks, touchdowns, home runs and other metaphors for gay sex.

Remember, normal is just a setting on the dryer.

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