About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Tonight I gave the wife some time off. More accurately, I had her drop me off at my favorite bar for a couple of hours and I, for the first time in a while, parked my ass on a bar stool. All went well...a sign of better times to come.
Praise Allah.

And god said, "Fuck those three cars in particular."

The last photograph of Hitler...
 Imagine what the general is trying to tell him. I think the body language tells the tale.

Latvia is the real giant here folks. It only has like 138 people.

The next time someone tells you that photography is not a true art form...show them this image...

I miss hating the summer heat.

This is the best description of my wife that I have ever read...
 I'm not there yet, but as this man once said....
I'm tryin'. I'm tryin' real hard.

I once wrote an apocalypse book. The survivors spent a lot of their time collecting manuals that future generations would need - smelting ores, tanning leather, knitting, weaving, natural medicines, etc....
 They stored the manuals in airplanes in the desert because of the utter lack of humidity. Other real objects (looms, cotton gin, etc) were placed deep in salt mines to preserve them.


Easy opening packaging tape....

Meanwhile in Japan...

Zebras are actually black with white stripes.

This is a new snorkel design that allows you to breathe out of your nose or mouth...

Went for a drive with my wife today. I saw a kid go down a slide at the park looking at an IPhone.

Scientists have created the first global geological map of Jupiter's huge, ice-covered moon Ganymede, more than 400 years after its discovery by Galileo Galilei. The map, created using observations by NASA's twin Voyager probes and Galileo orbiter, highlights the varied terrain of Ganymede, which is bigger than the planet Mercury.

Researchers discovered DNA and amino acids components in a space rock that fell over Murchison, Victoria, in Australia in September 1969. This study would lend more credence to the idea that life arose from outside of our planet.

I bet most people would find it hard to jack off to that.

Let me ask you a question...
Most of us "normal" people give about half our money to governments...from local to federal. What percentage would cause you to riot? 60%? 70%? What about 90%? Just sit there for a minute and think about that.
Now another question: Without getting all caught up in the accuracy of my numbers, let's suppose that the top 1% of Americans have 50% of the money. What percentage would cause you to demand change? What if the top 1% had...oh, 80%? Would you take to the streets then?
Question #3: You and I pay about 30% in income tax to the federal coffers. The rich pay 15%...or so. How low would their percentage have to drop to get you off your ass and onto the picket line.....10? What about 0%?

And on an unrelated note...

"New York looks gorgeous in the snow….for five minutes."

My buddy was a hardwood floor guy and on every invoice he had a JB. Only once did a client ask him what it was and he was honest enough to say "Just Because". The JB fee varied with the attitude of the client.
Apparently he's not the only one to pull that ruse...

Well of course you do, Sparky. Nothing could be easier to believe than a prophet riding up to Neverland on a flying horse.

But EVERYBODY thinks their god is the true god and I think that's the allure of the whole thing. You simply declare yourself superior.
But, of course, that's impossible...
I'm sorry, but if this doesn't scare the shit out of you, then you just aren't paying attention...
But I could say the same for all the chanting and groupthink of every religion.

I don't know how I developed my contempt for mass produced objects.
My wife and I were once asked to feed a neighbor's cat while they were away and we were given a key to their house. I just stood looking and was horrified at what I saw. There was no art. Oh, they had a couple of paint factory pieces from Walmart, but that is not art. There were no antiques; no hand-thrown pottery; no homemade quilts; no hint of anything creative. Every item had tens of millions of exact replicas in homes all over America.
So for you people who would like to add just a dash of uniqueness to your home, here are some suggestions. Go to charity art auctions. You get good stuff for cheap. Go to art student shows at a local university. Go to gallery openings, but don't buy at the gallery. Meet the artist and ask if it's possible to drop by his studio. Most artists will sell to you without the gallery charge. If you go to craft fairs, try to make sure all their work doesn't look exactly like their other stuff. Real artists don't just knock out the same thing over and over again.

A headline...

 Hippo say, "Lions be tryin' to eat me and shit..."


This is supposed to be the frequency of each occurrence and timed correctly.... 
 (someone has sex in North Dakota?!?!?)

Photographer shoots people walking in front of a white wall...
 Here's one frame so you can see the progression...
I like those very much.

 Stairs at the Leaning Tower of Pisa...
If I got wet, shit like that would make me wet.


A survey included more than 2,200 people in the United States and was conducted by the National Science Foundation found that one in four Americans are unaware that Earth circles the sun.
I think the overall score on this test was 65%.

That's fucking disgusting.

Here's the test...good luck (I had to guess at #8, but got it right...100%)

1. The center of the Earth is very hot. True or false?

2. The continents have been moving their location for millions of years and will continue to move. True or false?

3. Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?
4. All radioactivity is manmade. True or false?
5. Electrons are smaller than atoms. True or false?
6. Lasers work by focusing sound waves. True or false?
7. The universe began with a huge explosion. True or false?
8. It's the father's gene that decides whether the baby is a boy or girl. True or false?
9. Antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria. True or false?
10. Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals. True or false?

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

-"Someone Buys A Vibrator" Blink, and you'll miss it.
-Nailed that quiz. 100%

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