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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


This wonderful cartoon is emailed to me every few days. When I got this one (which made me laugh outloud), I assumed some of my readers would not know about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Therefore this tutorial...

This church is EXACTLY as legitimate as any other...

Like jews, FSM adherents (called Pastafarians) have their holy headgear...

As proven over and over, it is very important to instill the tenents of the faith into your children when they are young and lack critical thinking skills...

So accepted is FSM that Pastafarians can wear their holy headgear anywhere....even in court...

Adherents can wear their headgear in any official photo...
 The Pastafarian above had to go to  German court to get permission.
The Pastafarian below didn't even cause the DMV employee to bat an eye...

And like religions the world over, Pastafarians are persecuted for their belief by people who believe in other magic beings who live in the sky...

So accepted is the belief in the FSM that coinage has been minted in almost ever civilized country...

The FSM has been predicted in ancient documents...
 FSM have religious icons just like the older religions that are now fading from favor...

We have our stained glass windows...a must for any legitimate religion...

 We have our miracles which can only be the work of the FSM himself...

Pastafarians have ordained ministers...which is good....right?

The military has endorsed the FSM with enthusiasm...

 And lastly, Pastafarians have their own infallible religious logic, which is undeniable...

So, I dare you to prove that the Flying Spaghetti Monster DOESN'T exist.

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