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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


I once opined that being hung from a cross was bad, but not all that bad a way to die.
Alert reader, Bruce, commented (in detail) about how awful it was. I will repeat, I never said it was NOT bad. I said it was not the baddest.
So, with that still focused on my mind (before I forgot it) I came upon this...eleven of the worst ways to be killed, and I believe much, much worse that simply being nailed to a board and being left hanging until you couldn't keep your head up.


I mentioned the bull in my original observation, but what I didn't include was the victim was locked in the metal bull and SLOWLY roasted...

This one has some men sticking a big pole up your ass, then standing the pole upright. The pole eventually exits the body somewhere and it could take days and days to die...

A person is tied up and restrained in a barrel of water with only their head sticking out. Their head is covered in honey to attract insects. The victims are fed...so that they will continue to shit...in the water. After weeks of this the cause of death was usually being eaten alive by maggots...

Hung from the ceiling, sleep eventually causes the chin to droop and the rest is, as they say, history...

These poor people are stripped naked and hung over the pyramid. Over the course of days the ropes are lowered until death mercifully takes his life. Worse, they are naked and this is done in public and (it was stated) the pyramid was seldom, if ever, washed...

The crank was slowly turned until just about every joint in their body was dislocated...then they were just left to die in agony...

This one is rather straightforward but it stated that some chairs could be heated...

This is an awful photo of The Wedge. A victim was placed atop and weighs were tied to his/her feet. The weights were increased each day until the victime began to split in two...
It also stated that the Wedge (with victim atop) was most often used to show other prisoners to get them to confess.

Similar to crucifixion, the victim was tied to the wheel and as it was turned he was beaten with a metal rod so severely that it broke his arms and legs. Then while he waited to die some one would periodically turn the wheel causing much...discomfort...

Hung by his ankles, he is sawn down the middle. But the executioners were careful not to damage vital organs, thus prolonging life...
It also stated that being upside down would cause the blood to rush the brain, thus keeping the victim alive and aware longer. I don't know if that's true.

You saw "Braveheart" so I don't have to fully explain this, except to remind you that his genitals were cut off and burned right in front of his eyes...

Given my drothers, I'll take the cross.

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