About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Ukraine and USA in a World Cup friendly today….let’s hope friendly. USA got their ass kicked and, I swear, it looked like we threw the game...yes, the USA looked THAT bad...but I wish the Ukraine the best.

Hang in there Ukraine...I wish you the very best...
And fuck this egotistical motherfucker...

Okay, pay attention.

I sold my truck. It was too big for me...I'm a small truck guy. But listen to this. I sold it to a guy that owns one of my favorite bars. I gave him an amount I wanted. He countered with a figure somewhat less. I countered with $500 more in cash and a $500 bar credit. He accepted.
Think about that a minute.
I can't think of a word to describe that maneuver, but I can think of two words....FUCKING AWESOME!

This is where the "unfortunate incident" with my hip occurred...
Since then we had an electrician install a motion light to illuminate the only dark spot on the journey from my studio to my house...
With the added illumination, I was able to see my finger marks (dark verticals) on the screen that occurred when I fell...
 Eery, that....made my wife cry.

Results have been posted online from the first controlled trial of LSD in more than 40 years. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease published results Tuesday from a Swiss study that tested the effects of the drug as a complement for talk therapy for 12 people nearing their end of life. Most of the subjects suffered from terminal cancer, and several died within a year of the trial, but researchers said the psychedelic drug apparently eased their fears as they faced the unknown.

“Their anxiety went down and stayed down,” said Dr. Peter Gasser, who conducted the therapy.

This is one of the comments made on the article from which I got the above quote:

My first drug offense was sale of LSD. I had 1000 hits on paper, and the Feds weighed the fucking paper as if it were dirt & roots under a pot plant. This is The Carrier Medium Issue, which is the reverse loophole opened up when Congress closed the Cocaine Cut Loophole. I got 5 years MANDATORY MINIMUM for the thousand hits I paid forty cents a piece for, $400.00. My case wound all the way to the top of the turd pie: it went to the Supremes lead then by Rehnquist, and the result was 7-2 to go ahead and keep relying on the grossly overweight "carrier" rather than the actual amount of drug. I do not need to remind you that the heavier the carrier, the same price the dose. But the courts loved screwing deadheads this way. At least my hits were not on strawberries or sugar cubes (one sugar cub is about 2 grams, and one gram triggered a five year mandatory minimum back in 1989)

You're looking at a rabbit's heart beating outside the animal that once hosted it. It's alive, pumping blood on its own thanks to a revolutionary electronic membrane that may save your life by keeping your heart beating at a perfect rate.


I guarantee you that this will end differently than you anticipate...

Eagle talons....DAMN!
An American fist bump.

This motherfucker just ate a goddamned alligator...

Must be new to the sport...
Like anything will die instantly with an arrow wound...I SAW "Braveheart"!

Reminds me of the movie "Alien"...

When you are smoking a joint, it doesn’t matter who is the president.

I like it...

A reality show where gay marriage opponents have to live 100% Biblical laws for sex months so they can show us how awesome it is.

 They did it because of all the screaming, not because of the music.

 Sick fucks.

Where exactly do you want them to keep their pubic hair?!?

Target acquired...

If you throw around large amounts of shredded bread on public property, your proximity to ducks determines whether or not it’s littering.

 Yeah, I do that from time to time.

 Too lame? Let's try again...

Never ever utter this sentence: Congratulations on giving your daughter a name she won’t have to change when she becomes a stripper.

All that glitters is overcompensation.

Porn....it ain't what it used to be...

So you ladies like bad boys? Well let me tell you…I am bad at basically everything,

One of my favorite people in the whole world has decided to grow a beard....and very well I might add...
 His son says he looks like a young me.

I'm definitely the drunkest person in this ball pit.

What a great way to tell people you are going to have a baby...

And by then she had already dropped her virginity like a hot potato with a spider on it...

Dare to resist boredom and productivity.


One of the few signed photographs I come across...

Never seen it laid out like this....I think it is much easier to visualize this way...

"W.A.D." — a simple mnemonic device for remembering the steps in folding laundry — stands for: 1. Wad it up; 2. And; 3. Done

In English, this sentence makes sense...

I about freaked...
 Then I read this...

 Just stare at it. I chose the orange blob as a focal point...
 And it just disappears.

I have one of these...

I'll pay you to dress like a Time Warner employee and let me hit you with my car.

And they last forever...

So, what would you give up to slow down global climate change? Specifically. One of your cars. Smaller house? A time limit on internet use? Would love some comments on this.

 New Game From Hasbro: The Titty Twister!

 Oh, look where I will never, ever live...

You would think there'd be a word for 'sleeping bag' that isn't just a description of what it is

Research on racial disparities has revealed that when white people see someone experiencing physical pain, they sweat more if the person is white than if the person is black. In fact, one alarming study found that some doctors prescribe better pain medication for their white patients than black patients.

This motherfucker was found in ice...
 What could possibly go wrong.


Anonymous said...

Tell that friend of yours with the beard that I think he is sooooooo handsome. What a great-looking guy! I'm going to print that picture and frame it and put it on my desk so I can stare at it all day long.

Anonymous said...

Is the "beard guy" single? Wow...what a hot guy! He can take me hiking any day! And that beard...its incredible. I might even call it ferocious, although I'm not sure if there are really any adjectives good enough to describe it. Luscious maybe? I could get lost in that beard all day long and be happy the entire time. Its so inviting.

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