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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Every year, five companies capture thousands of horseshoe crabs, drain the animals of up to 30% of their blood, and release them back into the wild. It's the first step in the production of a chemical used to make sure any injection you've ever received (from vaccines to pain killers) is free of potentially life-threatening bacteria.

How does the Navy prevent norovirus?

Despite its reputation for sending hundreds of cruise ship vacationers to the bathroom en masse, norovirus isn't nearly as big a problem on naval vessels. Unfortunately, how the Navy prevents norovirus from spreading isn't really applicable to civilian ships — it involves a lot of discipline with cleaning, strict rules about quarantine, and a lack of places to just hang out and socialize around food and drink.

Facebook, one of the primary backers of the Internet.org initiative, which aims to bring affordable Internet access to the 5 billion people in the world who still lack connectivity, is in talks with a company that could help further that agenda." Facebook wants to buy Titan Aerospace, makers of near-orbital, solar-powered drones that can fly up to five years without having to land.

The South Carolina House of Representatives has withdrawn $52,000 from the College of Charleston for including Alison Bechdel's brilliant, celebrated memoir Fun Home in its summer reading program. Bechdel, creator of the Dykes to Watch Out For strip, published the memoir in 2006. In graphic novel form, it tells Bechdel's story of growing up closeted in a family riven by a father who can't admit that he is gay and an embittered mother who doesn't allow herself to notice her husband's affairs.

In further developments, they are also considering whether  after divorce are the two people still brother and sister.

This polite elephant crossed dozens of fences and never damaged a one...

A guy can only be called "Annie" so many times before he snaps.

I heard a black leader from a major city say that the two biggest problems were: 1. The huge drop-out rate of black boys. 2. The percent of unemployment rate of black boys.
Now, it would seem to me that these two things are directly related. Plus, 72% of these young men have no father in the house and I'm not sure what the government can do about that.
I also believe there are just as many stupid white people as there are stupid black people. It's just that the stupid white people are spread out with a few in this trailer park and a few in that trailer park; whereas stupid black people all crowd into the ghetto.

NEVER put a porn flick on closed caption.

Cheap productivity assist...

There isn't a dime's worth of difference...

This person needs her therapist on speed dial...

I told a young friend about how proud I was of myself for not looking up my hip surgery on Google. I was afraid that I would start to feel every ailment it told me I could have. He laughed and said that one night he was so drunk that he threw-up so hard he busted a blood vessel in his eye. He freaked the next morning when his eye was bleeding, so he Googled "bleeding from the eye". The first thing he read was the title of an article: "Living With Crohn's Disease".

I try very hard not to be that guy...

So, what funny guy took the picture?

The girl in the magazine doesn't even look like the girl in the magazine.

Brilliant. Fucking brilliant...

My wife is very good a finding young women who write her bad checks. She calls it "Nancy Drewing".

Guy uses broken mirrors for photos...

A lame OOMVO...
Let's try another...

Problem solving at its best...
Yes, he ran out of gas.

They were but children...our children...
 And many of them came back changed; never to be the same person again.

Japan has a new fun house where you "shoot"....

This is true...no photoshop...
...but it looks like the weapon is clamped to the table so there wouldn't be any recoil.

 This photo reminded me of a friend of mine...
 He was so good he could pick up strippers right off the stage...truly a legendary man. Anyway, he woke up to find a stripper already awake with one of his books open on her lap. She looked over and asked, "Is this Plah-to a good writer?"

No. No it didn't...
 The video store committed suicide by not adapting.

No photoshop here, folks. That's paint...

If I could fly I would probably consider it exercise and not do it.

If you live in North America, your driveway is connected to ever other driveway in the country.

History classes are only going to get longer and harder as time goes on.

Well, no. There is much, much more...

Two events: The building of the ark and the creation of the universe. God told us the EXACT dimensions and the kind of wood for the ark. The second he never even mentioned a super nova or DNA or ANY fact that Bronze Age people didn't know about already...ribs and stuff. Go figure.

 Oh, look, some one was kind enough to give us an instruction book...
 ...and it just so happens it's the guy selling you all the shit.
And then there's this: You can't keep someone out of your restaurant because of the color of their skin or their religion, etc, but you CAN keep them out if they can't afford the "proper" attire.
Can I get a big "Fuck You", Happy Mutants?

This show has be analyzed more than a William Faulkner novel...

And then artists said, "Fuck it. I'm going to show every single brush stroke."

Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.

Now ain't that some shit...

When you "bite down" on something, you are actually biting up, since the upper jaw doesn't move.

Whenever someone has a pretty good reason to lie, 
they usually do.

Just Castro and Che fishing...

"We're all mad here."

- Cheshire Cat

Ian McGregor lost his entire leg to a cancerous tumor, but he's lucky to be alive thanks to a weird, never-before-attempted 18-hour surgical procedure: First doctors removed his calf and attached it to his arm to keep it alive during the tumor and leg amputation. Then they used the calf to fix the huge hole that resulted from the operation.

US Customs and Border Patrol agents can detain American citizens for hours and seize laptops and phones without evidence or suspicion of wrongdoing.

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