About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


You hear people talk about the golden age of rock and roll...back when they knew something about lyrics and meaning. Well, here is a good old '60's song that you may enjoy as you scroll through today's Folio Olio...BTW-you need not watch the video...watching only depressed me...

NOTE: Lots of excellent photographs in this post. Give them a moment to appreciate.

The thinness of the skin still astounds me...

Meanwhile in Russia...
Note background.

Too subtle?

A re-creation of one of our ancestors...
In a bar fight, I want him on my side.

I love Australia and regret that I will never have the pleasure of visiting, but there are a lot of online gags about the numerous ways to die there. 

A repost to astound my newer viewers...

This is a fucking airplane wing...

For my daughter...

"The road to power is paved with hypocrisy." 
- House Of Cards

War is hell...
Did you notice the cricket bat and ball?

This will fuck up your whole day...
But this happens very, very seldom...

Teaching robots “gaze aversion” to make humans feel more comfortable

That's right, humanoid robots are instructed to gaze around the room during conversations with humans so the humans don't think them rude.

Ask me how high you have to be to adopt a garden slug.

I have a friend that can tie any knot known to mankind. He can, and has, tied something like this for me...

At least he's honest...

Parents of Flight 370: Very thin line between hope and denial.

With the acquisition of a new truck, I can now listen to my beloved books on tape. On my return to the library I discovered that 6 of 8 newer releases involved zombies. Pity that.

I concur.

I would be proud to have this painting hanging in my home...

I watched a show on post-apocalypse survival and one of the first things they said was that unless you go out and live off the land on a regular basis, then you will NEVER be able to do it when the shit hits the fan...
These guys probably couldn't even do it anymore...

God, I love dogs...

"I shit you not" is such a beautiful phrase when used the proper way.

Language is always changing. Most people are comfortable only with the way they learned it....doesn't, isn't, etc, were rather recent inventions. I think the people who have invested a lot of time getting it right are the most resistant to change....like my friend, Kent, the retired newspaper editor. But I love the changes...U for you, R for are. I think it's fucking brilliant. 

So, let's just all jump on board the change wagon that makes the language easier and faster.

Dr. Tyson once said that island of “knowledge” from the bible is getting smaller and smaller. It got a lot of stuff wrong: The age of the universe, the earth being the center, the origin of man, etc.
Now Christians have a new demon....YOGA!! I would love to hear that debate...a Christian and a yoga guy...I would pay for that.

A new restaurant has opened on my area. Every item on the menu involves bacon. I draw the line at bacon wrapped brownies.

It's easy to appreciate how defendable this fort is...was...

Sometimes a certain photograph will remind me of a story...
One night long ago my wife and I were attending a party at a lake house. At one point everybody decided to take a boat ride, but they were two life preservers short. So the wife and I decided to remain on shore and watched the merrymakers roar off in the speed boat. One thing led to another and soon I suggested we fuck in the water, but my wife was very nervous that we would be seen. I said, "Did you hear how long we could hear the boat? We can hear them coming back from a mile away."
Shortly we were naked in the water, doing what naked people do in the water. Then we looked up and saw the whole boatload of people staring down at us. Their motor had quit and they had to paddle the boat back to the pier.
Do you have any idea how hard it was to talk her into anything remotely risky after that?

I think interfering with these (pro or con) is strictly forbidden...

Fact 1:  My wife's desk in the back room of her store is separated from the sales floor but by a curtain. 
Fact 2:  When my wife talks on the phone she gets excited.
Fact 3: When my wife gets excited she curses like a sailor.
Fact 4:  When a customer looks shocked, my wife's manager tells them that my wife has Tourette's.

Does it look like the spectators are in jeopardy?

Bathroom humor...it's been around forever...

Have you ever thought so highly of yourself that you licked your own armpits? 
 Me neither.

Put me in the game, coach!

How to make a salad:

I read an article that said tens of thousands of lives could be saved every year if everybody at a stop sign just took one more quick glance to the left before entering proceeding into the road.

My dick is so big it goes from A to Z.

Now that the weather is turning warmer, I'm thinking more about the great outdoors...

Remember, if you can do this...
...you can do this...

We all got our names as a birthday present.


Who broke America's joke machine? I used to hear about one good joke a day. Now I hear one good joke a month. I think it's a sign of our demise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very funny OOMVO today with the deep diving suit.

Also...couldn't agree more about the outdoors being therapy. I try to get out on a hike every week. Even better when one of the kids comes along.


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