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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Kansas, who I picked to win it all, has lost. Next year I will use this year’s picks as a guide…by doing the exact opposite that I did this year.

Where will you be when the acid kicks in?
 Remember him?...from the moment he felt the earthquake.

The most laid back (literally) cashier, ever....

Neil deGrasse Tyson can most definitely take a joke.
After a slow-motion version of a video in which the astrophysicist discusses Sir Isaac Newton was posted on YouTube, many commented that Tyson appeared stoned. It wasn't long before Tyson spotted the video and responded.
It seems Tyson got enough of a kick out of the clip that he decided to play it during a public lecture at the University of Toronto on March 21. In a video shared by an attendee, Tyson pulls up the YouTube video and explains that this is "what you would see if it were moving at 85 percent of the speed of light."


For whatever reason, it really bothers me when I can't get a cartoon, political or otherwise, but I don't get this one...

I have no idea what this means. I just thought it would be a cool thing to hear her say...


Want to know what I have to cull through while looking for blog content?
Jamaican lady rides a pig
Brazilian footballer scored comedy own goal at second attempt
7-year-old girl crawled under barn to rescue puppy others couldn't reach
Indian politician who walked over children says he was only obliging them
Spanish tourist stripped in front of Botticelli's Birth of Venus
Couple's honeymoon got off to rough start when groom lost his wedding ring down toilet on plane
Bus driver who took children back to school instead of home blames gin-soaked raisins
Man with history of toe sucking offenses appears in court

How much weirdness can you spot in the photo?
Did you notice the Crazy Aunt under the house on the right? 

Man in WWI was saved by the coins in his pocket...
Now THAT is what I call an heirloom. 

 Got this rather nice email from a site from which I was accused of stealing it's material...
I will admit that I use a whole bunch of shit from other sites. I am more than willing (actually encourage) anyone to use OOMVO or anything else and I promise not to be a bitch about it.
But, that said, here is the joke that that woman thought valuable enough to warrant copyright protection...
 That, nice lady, is not a great joke. Looking back, I have no idea how it made my cut....I must have been very needy at the time. So, here is your acknowledgement, I hope you make a lot of money.
I also hope they can forgive me...and don't sue me...

Did you ever notice that before you can fall asleep, you have to pretend to be asleep?

PlanetQuest is NASA's effort to search for new Earths, exoplanets like ours that would probably contain life too. They're doing some really cool stuff, like this sunflower-telescope combo spaceship—"a cutting-edge effort to take pictures of planets orbiting stars far from the sun."

This reminds me of something I saw one time, but I can't put my finger on it...
Oh, yeah...now I remember...
Can't put my finger on it....get it?

I like this very much, but can't figure out if that is an exterior sign with an addition built over it or....it's just faked....

I would hate to live in a sterile place like this...

Architectural porn...

I got nothing against fat people...I really don't. But sometimes, like everyone else, they look stupid.

"No, doctor, I don't know how my kid ended up fat."

Culture...it's all about culture...


I, of all people, have nothing against drugs...
I think mellowing out is a good thing...
But there is a limit...
I just hate for people being talked into taking a drug or drugs by the very people who stand to get rich if they accept their advice. It is normal to feel like a piece of shit sometimes. If you feel like you are wasting your life, don't take a pill to make it all better...get off your ass and change.

This is my nephew and great-nephew... 
Spending a few days in the wilderness is their Prozac. You might want to try it.

Sorry you misinterpreted small talk as an invitation to have a real conversation.

I like this...

And we always take their word for it. We have no idea who these three people were, and remember, we never read a headline like: Israel kills three innocent people by mistake.

The five words that have brought me the most grief:
"Well, why the hell not."

Monster mosquitos are invading Florida...and they are aggressive...

I think we ought to stop admitting states at 53. A prime number....."One nation, indivisible..."

 Mexican hemorrhoid relief...

Back when advertising meant something...


 Watched a whole clip about dogs being fooled by a magician's disappearing treat...

I once forgot to brush my teeth for 5 weeks.

 If an octopus unscrewing a jar doesn't impress you, then get off my blog.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is trying to figure out what the LAPD is doing with the mountains (and mountains) of license-plate data that they're harvesting in the city's streets without a warrant or judicial oversight. As part of the process, they've asked the LAPD for a week's worth of the data they're collecting, and in their reply brief, the LAPD argues that it can't turn over any license-plate data because all the license-plates they collect are part of an "ongoing investigation," because every car in Los Angeles is part of an ongoing criminal investigation, because some day, someone driving that car may commit a crime.

1 comment:

Jambe said...

All I can see is that Republicans are wearing boots to a basketball game, i.e. they're unprepared or playing the wrong game or whatever. Not a very strong toon if that's its only message; there must be something more there.

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