About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I heard Obama utter these word...

“Nobody has the right to invade another country unprovoked.”

How soon we forget Iraq.
Also I hear many people talk about how scary Putin is because he was once head of the KGB. Well, the first George Bush was once head of the CIA.

Let us pray.

Let's talk acting...

This guy was fucking amazing...

This guy whispers too much...I need closed captions just to follow the dialogue...

Wife and I watched Walking Dead last night and it was centered around Daryl. I immediately said, "Daryl is not really acting. He just says a few lines every once in a while, but most of his shit is action."
Then they gave him a whole episode and he acted...he really, really acted...and it made me feel all better.

Overwhelming inarguable scientific evidence is no match for a guy who “just knows”.

Reminds me of all the people who watch an entire concert on their little screen just like they could have seen on countless Youtube videos.

 I agree...even if Mr. Ford didn't actually say it.

 ...New Zealand.

Men look at boobs for the same reason a little kid looks at puppies in a cage....we just want to set them free and play with them.

Become an atheist and save 10% a year.

Stenciled on a wall...ala Banksy...

All dogs have Stockholm syndrome.


Soccer/golf. I like it...

Another way to fuck with people...periodically I say, "I got my first blowjob while this song was playing."

If atheism is a religion, then off is a TV channel.

 Fuck yeah, motherfucker!

Pride is good...
 ....right? Right?

A new submersible body suit will take ocean divers to a depth of 1,000 feet and let them spend hours there...

Let's put a carpet on the stage...it will look great, they said...

American proverb: It’s not porn it’s Game of Thrones, I swear.


Doesn’t this weather just make you want to shove live eels up somebody’s ass?

Who named Trojan Condoms. The Trojan Horse entered through the city gates, broke open and loads of little guys came out and messed up everyone’s day.

 Yeah, I'd do that.

Beware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.

 And we are STILL fucking them over.

Believe it or not...

I am really lucky that my daughter was too lazy to go through a rebellious phase.

I've always hated these...because most are bullshit...
 But I looked this one up and it's fucking true.

Yeah, I know a little German...

Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.

If you ever start to feel underappreciated, think of the people who write the terms and conditions.

Looked this up and it's true...

Whenever Vincent Vega visits the bathroom, something bad ALWAYS happens...

What if Stephen Hawking is actually dead and his computer become self-aware?

People who can’t handle alcohol shouldn’t drink it.

Since my "unfortuneate incident" I got to stay home and plot the death of Dora the Explorer.

If you find me offensive, then I suggest you quit fucking finding me.

Every time you spend money, you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want.

If you are reading this, you have survived your entire life up until this point….the traumas, heartbreak, devastation, the different phases of life. And here you are. You go, motherfucker. You are awesome.

I read somewhere that a movie clip of her giving a blowjob just sold for a lot of money....is that true?

I miss you like an idiot misses the point.

Interesting way to illustrate how long you are liable to be snowed in...

The perfect example of a symbiotic relationship...
Crows, because of their view-point, are very good at spotting dead of near dead animals. They are not very good at eating said animals, since they can not peck through the hide. So when they see a carcus or a, say, deer with a broken leg, they fly to the nearest wolf pack and signal for them to follow them. The wolves get a meal and the crows are welcome to share.

Spending weeks and weeks traveling the back roads of American, I've often thought this...
It has nothing to do with size. I've seen some charming very small towns...then I've seen places that would drive me up the fucking wall the first week I had to live there. And I don't think it has to do with money. I think it has to do with aethetic illiteracy. Some places are just fucking ugly...for no reason. It's like no one living there takes any pride in their property. Sad really.

Howard Huges' Spruce Goose...

 Yesterday I was asked, “Do you basically just wake up and blog?” The answer is, "Yes."

Me oh my...

1980 is as far away as 2046.

David Barker was flying from Manchester, NH when he was stopped by two men who identified themselves as "managers" for the TSA, who claimed they had seen Bitcoins in his baggage and wanted to be sure he wasn't transporting more than $10,000 worth. When he asked them what they thought a Bitcoin looked like, they allegedly said that it looked like a coin or a medallion. 


tryjen said...

Day. Made. This: "If you are reading this, you have survived your entire life up until this point….the traumas, heartbreak, devastation, the different phases of life. And here you are. You go, motherfucker. You are awesome."

Ralph Henry said...

And I believe that very much. It depresses me to see all the sad people. I just wish I could help them all, but...

Ralph Henry said...

And I believe that very much. It depresses me to see all the sad people. I just wish I could help them all, but...

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