About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Scientists have been making pronouncements about "hardwired" differences between the brains of men and women since 1854, writes Virginia Hughes at Popular Science, and the science those pronouncements are based on is still deeply flawed.

Parrots...go figure...

Universal icons seen from far away...
And this is EXACTLY what it looks like...

When I was a kid I went to a friend's house who had a hallway with nude family pictures.

What if you could pick a flavor for your dick to be?

I've fallen in love a million times...always with the same woman. And that's true.

Okay, I have some questions...
#1: Do people normally take pots with them when they mountain climb?
#2: Are those flower boxes?
#3: Why is one guy in shirt and long pants and the others are in various stages of nudity?

Pollen: It's like plant semen only it makes you sneeze...

Remember that parrot from above....


Cosmos used typically Christian terms like “tree of life” and “greatest story ever told”, just to name two…there were more. I think it was a brilliant ploy.


It amazes me what prolonged conditioning can do to a human mind...
The war against shaved body parts was spearheaded by the manufacturers of shaving supplies...and it was almost 100% effective. Now there are hundreds of millions of women who would shun another woman for opting to keep her body natural, because of the shareholders in grooming companies.
Pity that.
Oh, look, here's another example of manipulation now...

And I never even consider this...
What expensive practice must they be dreaming up next?
Now let's move on.

Do the math...

Old people can't work forever...
Some are put in homes...like this delighted woman...
Others better adapt to their free time opportunities...
Others, like myself, just like to fuck with other people...
Some think up clever things to say on their death bed...
But whatever you do, don't dress us up like a trained monkey for your amusement...

If you opened a can full of uranium you bought 4.47 billion years ago, it would only be half full.

This is the headline of an article...
And this is the tattoo...
Police thought it was a real gun resulting in long standoff.

I'm going with angle of the sunlight casting different shadows on this one...

For years, scientists have pegged the number at around 10,000. But for researchers at Rockefeller University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, that number just didn't pass the smell test. So they gathered up some scent vials and some sniffers and arrived at a mind-boggling new estimate.

This is the jerk-off who asked a panel of aviation experts if it was possible that the almight god reached down and just took that airplane. The following description is not mine, but the lead off of an article about him...

The next time you think you are incompetent...

I have recurring nightmares over such things...

If you were to spell out every number sequentially, the first time you'd get to use the letter A is at one thousand.

 What kind of learning curve is that?

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