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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 2, 2014

FRIDAY #1973

Nobody meant for English spelling to become so complicated; it just turned out that way. Except in some cases, where people did choose to make it harder than it needed to be. Rhyme came to English from French where it is spelled “rime.” And that’s how it was spelled in English at first too. But in the 16th and 17th centuries, when English spelling conventions were getting standardized by printers, fancy pants writers started to spell “rime” as “rhythm” or “rythme” to show off that they knew “rime” was ultimately derived from Greek rhythmos through Latin rythmus. Other show-off spellings started around this time, including receipt (instead of receyt), indict (instead of indite), and many others.

The Colorado Symphony Orchestra will perform a series of concerts where attendees are encouraged to smoke weed. The bring-your-own-cannabis concerts, called "Classically Cannabis: The High Note Series."

Queensland dogs are getting high by licking the poison off cane toads. Vets are warning some pooches may become addicted to the hallucinogenic and are risking their lives trying to get their next toad fix.

I read that we shouldn’t fear death, we should fear the state in which we die.

I was always a little spooked by Ohio.

I was on this road!! This is the highway that curved up the mountain without guard rails, freaking me out so bad I had to turn around and drive another route.
This is what it looks like in the mountains...
I went back and found that old post about my terror. If you are interested, here it is:

Wait for it......

I’ve once downloaded a movie so I wouldn’t have to walk in the house to get the DVD.

Bonnie and Clyde...

It was stated that this is a true comment: Can anybody tell me wot type ov eggs can I get my wife is she be lack toast and tolerant?

Had we been born elsewhere...

Ever talk to a person so stupid that they made you squint?

If I could time travel, I'd make sure the guy who made up the word Walkie-Talkie got to name more things.

Made from driftwood....amazing...

After 20 years, Alfa Romeo is being sold in America again...
I once owned an Alfa Spider and it was indeed a beautiful machine. But I did find it difficult to use the clutch with such a mammoth erection. It was unavoidable. I had women, total strangers, offer me hand jobs just to sit in it.

Guy pouring water in inverted plane...

I was once very, very good at this game...
The highest score the old machines would allow was 99,990, then it would roll over to zero. At my arcade I filled the high score page with that score under my user name, then walked away and never played another game.
Did I mention the arcade also served beer?

The whole internet says this is true. What do you think?
Huge catfish?

If you replace the "W" in when, what, and where with a "T", you answer the question.

Bicycles: Basically a shitty motorcycle that you propel with your own legs. What is this, the Flintstones?

Men climb real life version of Game of Thrones' northern 
Wall...upper right...
Speaking of...that stupid bastard is holding a Styrofoam coffee cup...

If I had a million dollars for every time I looked on the negative side of things, I'd have way too many goddamn taxes to pay.

I wanted to write something clever down here, but quite honestly, that leaves me speechless.

Big truck competition....that is a bottle of maple syrup...

Have you ever farted so bad that it voided the warranty on your couch?

Those zany Muslims...
Why do you suppose he went after the one prankster and not the other?
I found that a very strange video.

Do you Canadians ever get an American quarter in your change?

All barcode tattoos ring up as ranch dressing. Every single one of them.

If I were on a jury and the guy used as an alibi, "I thought she was a robot sent from the future to kill me", I would let him off for creativity alone.


There's a lot of shit like this on the internet...

Call me old fashioned but I prefer women with eyebrows 
made out of hair.

I want to get rid of this memory foam mattress, 
but it knows too much.

Just watched the movie "Iron Sky". What a fucking trip. Here’s a couple of stills....
 My favorite scene was her reenacting Hitler's bunker ranting scene...

I was going to have a life but then blogs were invented.

A rubber page and line reminder...
 My daughter doesn't even have a book mark. She MEMORIZES the page number.

I left Stephen Hawking like 8 voice mail messages before I realized he'd picked up every time.

I'm more afraid of the shitty music my family is going to play at my funeral than I am of dying.

Another OOMVO...

I not only like fucking with people, I like to watch other people fucking with people...
Repost for my newer viewers...

Every time a Taco Bell rings, an angel gets diarrhea.

Look at that rebound!

Dating someone based only on looks is so shallow. Consider other things, like, do they have a lot of money.

I dare one of you to explain this...

Guy built a house over an old well...includes "window" to look down into it...

I do this thing!!!

Jesus looks over the bill at the last supper: "Why would anyone order wine?"

Man "invents" fastest way to remove a T-shirt...
I wonder how many other ways he tried before settling on this one.


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