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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Bosnia had three months of rain in two hours. No one had ever seen anything close to that in the region...and their records go back a long, long time...

 The report stated that whole cities had been evacuated.

I don't understand the bringing back of old ideas...Batman, Superman, Godzilla, etc, etc. It's not like they don't have great writers out there...think Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, etc.

This has made the rounds...but...
Kid got a foul ball thrown to him and immediately turned around and gave it to a beautiful young woman.
But, in fact, it was a ball he brought to the game with him...see the caught ball still in his glove...
This kid will go a long way in life, but had he been under my tutelage, he would have written his motel room and cell phone number on that fucking baseball.

A Russian rocket carrying a $275 million telecommunications satellite failed and burned up shortly after launch on Friday, the latest in a series of setbacks for Russia's once-pioneering space industry.

The evidence for the primordial gravitational waves that caused a sensation when it was announced in March could be less strong than previously thought, according to a cosmologist, adding to reports of existing rumors that questioned the work.

"The United States plans to announce espionage charges Monday against five Chinese individuals in the military who are believed to have spied on American companies and stolen trade secrets." As I stated before, the whole world is vulnerable. When the attack comes and all computer systems are compromised, what are we to do? Well.....planting a garden, comes to mind.
(and, of course, they announced just that)

Shit you don't see every day....

You can improve the processing speed of your computer by putting your face in your hands and whispering, “Come on for fuck’s sake,” a few dozen times.

A mere rock?....I don't think so...

Many of the health benefits of alcohol consumption are lost if it is not consumed on a regular basis.

(that was stated as a fact...ON A SCIENCE SITE!)

That's pretty damned good...

London in 1924/2014 overlap…

His mother never told him not to play with his food...

American GI's on Hitler's patio...

When my wife tells me that I promised to do something in 1995........April.........29th......at 9:42pm.....

The day your stomach starts filling up on finger food before dinner, is the day you know you are an adult.

 That's me. I held up my hands so I would know...

See anything odd about this?
 It's a tiny rubber toy soldier.

I don't always listen to Credence Clearwater Revival, but when I do, so do the neighbors.

Betty Crocker...

In 1945 she was voted the second most popular woman in America.

My eaten alive by lesbians didn't even make the list.

Written, of course, by a funny guy.

For me, in spring, at the end of the day, I should smell like art.

No shit.

I worry that my wife fantasizes about food during sex.

Life gets really boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.

I believe that.

There are four things women are better at than men:

1. Menstruating.
2. Getting breast cancer.
3. Falsely accusing others of rape.
4. Having sex after death.

"I'm not fat...I'm cultivating mass."

There are many of these. They are called six word stories...
I can only assume it came from Hemingway's famous six word story: "Baby shoes for sale. Never used."
I like them very much.
As to this latest one, I've known so many women who were abused as children...never understood how anyone could do such a thing.

It never ceases to amaze me that the little space between the driver's seat and the center console will fit any object that can possibly be dropped, but will not fit your hand.

You know you're getting old when a commercial about a product to 'remove baked on grease and grime' actually sparks your interest.

Internet language...

The Goldilocks Zone...
The luck of the draw has been declared god's great invention. Our planet is in just the right distance from the sun that it is warm enough for liquid water, but not cold enough that it freezes. Well, la-tee-da.
Here's another perspective:
We were "placed" on a planet close enough to the sun that it will give you cancer. The entire planet has countless ways to kill us...germs, snakes, insects, tornados, lava, earthquakes, forest fires, etc, etc, etc. 
Yeah, like that shit was PLANNED! FOR OUR OWN GOOD!!!

A fire pit made from old wash drum...
I bet it warped the first time used.

French tourist give Richard Gere pizza, not realizing he’s playing the role of a homeless man...


Gigantic study of UK CCTVs find that they should be used in parking lots, scrapped elsewhere: The UK may have deployed 14 CCTV cameras per red blood cell, but a meta-review of 44 studies on crime and CCTV find that ubiquitous surveillance is useful in late night parking lots, and that's about it.

Scroll through these fascinating images...
(granted, some of the above parked cars are awaiting shipment...but not all)

Nobody is buying brand new cars anymore!  Well they are, but not on the scale they once were.  Millions of brand new unsold cars are just sitting redundant on runways and car parks around the world.  There, they stay, slowly deteriorating without being maintained.

When a car is left standing idle, all the oil sinks to the bottom of the sump, and then corrosion begins to set in on all the internal engine parts where the oil has drained away.

Cold corrosion is when condensation builds up in the cylinders and rust forms in the bores. The engines would then start to seize and would need to be professionally freed before they could be started.  Also the tires start to lose air and the batteries start to go flat, indeed the detrimental list goes on and on.

My personal view is that the cars nowadays are made just too damn good. When I was growing up, if a car had 50K miles it was worn out. Now 50K is just broken in.

There are more cars than there are people on the planet with an estimated 10 billion roadworthy cars in the world today.


Anonymous said...

Regarding the beach art. You said "pretty damn good".

I remember a story you once told (about 25 or 30 years ago) where a man came up to you while you where on a scaffold. He said, "that's pretty good". You said, "Thanks a little".

Since that day I have tried to never compliment anyone using the phrase "pretty good".

Ralph Henry said...

Who said I was complimenting the guy?

Just kidding. I thought it very interesting. I can see myself standing up on a deck directing the "drawers" with hand signals as to where to start and where to end to get that perspective.

Spider Borland said...

I present you with the Mercedes W123:

Built from 1976-1985. It is considered THE greatest engine ever built. There are more of these cars on the road with a million miles on them, than any other car in history.

Commentary about the Diesel engine: "You can go to the grocery store right now and buy a gallon of peanut oil and you can run the car on it. Heck... in an emergency, I ran the car on transmission fluid alone."

It's the car I want... and I fully expect it to be the last car I ever own.

This in response to your "When I was growing up, if a car had 50K miles it was worn out," comment.

Senph42 said...

Those floods are also happening in Croatia and Serbia too;


Well, I know the following is a very subjective opinion, but it's one side of the story:
The scale of errors and failures that the serbian government showed in the last few days is enormous, for example the central government refused to help the cities where the opposition is in charge, they let a whole city to fall ( Obrenovac - http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/2Q2OZRmLy1g/hqdefault.jpg ) just to spread panic and prevent the capital to be struck by floods (unsuccessfully btw) and now they are trying to censor all news about this by shutting down independent news and removing articles from the internet while pretending and lieing how heroically they saved the country! In the meantime the serbian orthodox church held a ceremony where they prayed for the rain to stop and said this is happening to us because few days ago "god is angry because some woman with beard (or guy with tits, I'm not sure, I don't follow that cr*p) won the Eurovision competition"! The other rumour spreading on social media is that Americans brought this on us with their weather-manipulating antennas. :/ Welcome to my hood! :D

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