About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 20, 2014

FRIDAY #2021

Probably a No Bicycle zone in Rio......a predictable concussion infraction....

Interesting graphic...

When will this sissy bullshit end?...

Fuck Spain.
 Spain cost me a lot of money. I don't mind losing, but Spain played like dog shit.

And on another low note, Brazil has taken over the lead in the most facial moles on female spectators pool. This young woman has two, putting me out of the lead 546 Brazil to 541 Colombia...

This guy is wearing a suit completely covered in those mints and is being dropped into a vat of Diet Coke...
 I regret that the clip didn't last longer.

This child is fleeing a captured town in Iraq...
 Has the whole fucking world gone insane? 
Your prophet flew off to heaven on a magic horse, so you get to tell everyone you govern how to live. How very, very convenient.

The world’s turning gloomy. I don’t know what to do. 
Everywhere I look, all the people are blue.

(I did not pen that, but it hit a cord with me)

See anything odd about this image?
 It's a robot...

The government can force me to give my dog shots, 
but not give my kids shots.

I have no idea why, but I think my daughter would find this humorous... 

Extraordinary body assist skeleton for firefighters...
And it works...

 It was stated that these two were raised together then separated...and this is their reunion...

If you frequently pass out drunk at parties, you will be disappointed that this list doesn't include human skin...

Another of my mantras...

“In Bruges”, an amazing film...

Hiring Tom Wheeler away from his job as top cable lobbyist to run the FCC to hiring a dingo to babysit your kids.

Don’t just watch life out of a window.



Four tips for dealing with student loans...

I did some very similar to this one time...
 I painted a very long (150 feet) 10' high wall to look like Pompeii being unearthed. In from of it I half buried three cars....all of the Italian.

All you need to know a parenthood in one clip...
Well looped, I might add.

Note hummingbird...wait for it...
 Did you know that hummingbirds can't walk? Imagine the calories he/she is burning.

One Of My Very Own...
 I feel the need to apologize for that OOMVO. They can't all be gems, but what shames me is that that one is SO predictable. I will try to do better in the future.

Oh, look, a real tall Fuckthatshitville...

Looks like somebody is on the take...

With the "rules" seemingly changing every day, it's so hard to keep up with what is allowable speech and which should be condemned...

Of course! 

Shit I didn't know...

Not sure about this one...
 I mean, we CAN see the Milky Way. Maybe they are referring to individual stars.

The question is, was he talking about just that one tree or all fig trees. I think the implied "you" in the 'No one shall ever eat' sentence is used the same as the animal in the Garden was cursed to be a snake...all of them.
Now, think about this. Just for a minute, that somehow made sense, even though we are talking of an all-powerful entity talking to a tree.
Confusion #2: Why is the bible open to so many, many interpretations? Think about it...people's lives depended on it, but nothing is very straight forward....being contradicted by later verses. 

Phrasing........learn it............

I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want to, because, hell, that’s what the government is doing.

You may have noticed that I don't call those One Of My Very Own, because most of them were flat out stolen from the internet, magazines and newspapers.

 When you have lived this long...
 You have lived for one billion seconds.
Got that from a Youtube video about a speech by Neil  deGrasse Tyson on Bill Gates Wealth.

One of the gems:
What’s the smallest denomination of coin you will lean over and pick up? Dime and quarter is the usual amount from people with average incomes.

So, using the same math, how much money would have to be lying on the sidewalk that Bill Gates wasn’t too busy to pick up?


Scar of WWI trenches and shell craters can still be seen in Europe...
 Look at those artillery craters. A miracle anybody survived.

Sorry about the photo quality...
 A take-off on Gulliver and the Lilliputians.

Very accommodating bus...
 Do you read that as having a bar onboard?
Sign my ass up!

A fog bank rolling in over one of the Great Lakes...

This is me watching soccer through the window with all the other smokers...
My neighbor took that photograph and I think she did a very fine job.

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