About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


This ordinary guy is not ordinary. Stuck in an airport overnight he got creative. No need to watch the whole thing, but the music might be okay to accompany your viewing...


TRUE: Hal Warden, the Tennessee 16 year old who was married at 15 and granted a divorce from his wife. He had previously been married at age 12 to a 14 year old, and fathered children with both; but the first wife divorced Hal because, she told the judge, “He was acting like a 10 year old.”


Oh, doctor, you make me blush...


So Obama CAN release detainees fro Gitmo without notifying Congress. So why are there still detainees there when he promised to empty it?



As I understand it, the International Olympic Committee is watch the World Cup carefully to see if the games need to be moved...


This is not that newsy, but I wanted to show it to you first...


 How outrageous! A woman suggesting that other women take personal responsibility for her own safety!


 After 60 hours the race is called off. I'm assuming they also race at night, thus the head lamp.



If this doesn't outrage you, then you are beyond outrage...


 NASA's concept of what a warp drive ship would really look like...


Well, like it or not, the World Cup starts tonight...
I sympathize with the protesters, but the influx of so many tourists has got to dump a ton of cash into the local economy.

I normally would not have posted this, but according to other sites, many people think it's funny...

When I open the back door and can hear my wife talking to two of the women from the neighborhood...

How many times I've said this sitting around a poker table... 

Check this out...
Think it's a joke? Read on...
Think that's made up?
 That made me smile.

The Aral Sea...

There should be a drama series about women trying to figure out their mystery leg bruises.

Oh, look, it's Fuckthatshitville way up north...

Anyone who says “I have never been so offended in my life” has probably been that offended hundreds of times.

Speaking of...
 Actually, that's a pretty good idea.

 I know I post a lot of Arab gags, but sometimes they make it just too easy...
That's a shampoo ad.

This kid has been around for a long, long time. Now he's all grown up...I think...
 With all the starvation jokes, he seems to have done quite well.

This is an excellent example of cultural bias in testing...
White kids would freeze at the unknown word 'weave'. Black kids would have no problem. But most test are written by white people, so question featuring "white" words like soccer ball, sundae, job, and stocks, make minorities freeze.
(that was a joke) 

I had to watch this several times...

The secret to being a great conversationalist is NOT finding something in your life related to anything in the other person’s story.

 A fire extinguishing grenade...
 ...he seems very pleased. At least it works well on burning boxes.
But seriously, firemen need all the help they can get...
I mean that. Firemen ARE our heroes.


Meanwhile in Chernoyble....

If cartoons are any guide, the secret to never aging is wearing the same clothes every day.

I’m going to have to stop saying, “How can I kill my way out of this one” out loud.

Is this true?
 Any of you women "had" a lumberjack?

I pretty sure if you can lie about where you went to college, you can lie about going to college.

Once while I was still writing, I was describing the perfect murder to my wife and she told me that I was scaring her.

 And most people think that global warming is simply a matter of turning up the AC.

I think this is true...
 The waitstaff just wants those people gone.

This is awful and hilarious at the same time...

“Your mother is so ugly that I had to invent a device that allows me to converse without looking at her.”  – Alexander G. Bell

 Reuse at it's best...
You have to remove all the rocks from you field before you can plow it? What to do with rocks? Make a fence. Brilliant.

I tried over and over to find out where these came from to no avail. I can assume they were recovered in the ruble of 911....

If I lived each day like it was your last, all I would do is walk around screaming, "I DON’T WANT TO DIE" all day.


I would like to sponsor a tattoo removal clinic called “Sometimes Tequila Happens”.

Oh, my...

Don’t be that uncle who drinks vodka straight out of the bottle and ruins Thanksgiving.

But as I drove down the interstate I saw a chest of drawers teetering on the back of a truck. I slowed down, changed lanes and watched as a big piece of furniture fell off that truck, settled in the lane and after a full minute was hit by a woman going 65mph. How she didn't SEE it in her lane I never figured out.
I think this is the same woman.

Look at this guy...
His artwork is almost guaranteed to last a long, long time. Seriously, unless it is burned in a fire, no one in their right ming would dare just destroy it.
Then I think of my own artwork. Years from now, when there is no one to leave them to in a will, they will be sold at a garage sale...probably to artists who just want to gesso over the painting and repaint their own work on the stretched canvas. 
It's even more depressing thinking about all the thousands of dollars I have formed into art work. Shit, after years, it won't even make it to a yard sale. The money will simply be peeled off and spent for....beer. So, at least, I have that going for me.

Would I eat breakfast off a nude young lady's ass?
I HAVE eaten breakfast off a beautiful young woman's ass!

Stupid people. You got to love stupid people...
That he is or is not vegan is no concern to me. That he would etch it on his flesh is of interest to me. 

I absolutely love being a white heterosexual male and I wouldn’t want to be anything else.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present PRESSING YOUR LUCK....Level: Expert....

If Scotland and England break up later this year, will Scotland have to pay child support to Wales?

(I don't know what that means. You British people need to help me out here)

I absolutely LOVE bread. In another life, I think I was a baker....
 I don't like to slice my bread. I like to grab that bastard and rip a hunk off it....because I'm a fucking man.

When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer "Present" or "Not guilty."             - Theodore Roosevelt

1 comment:

M. said...

You know, bud. Sometimes I have so much to say by the time I get to the end of a post, that I completely lose all of it. Well done!

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