About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


The most manly man in the world...
 If you are like me, I would have bet money that something real bad was going to happen....nice surprise.

From the maker of film about that North Korean nutcase...

Anybody know if this is true?
I'm going to miss this guy... 

The entire world is getting sick and tired of this shit...

Now there's an explanation...

If only we could all do our jobs as good as he can do his.

Now some fun facts...
I gave Algeria and one point plus the tie. I lost my bet in the last seconds of the stoppage time after OVERTIME!!!
But it was a very good game.

They have bars around town who have special deals on American products tomorrow when USA play Belgium. The beverage most advertised in these come-ons is Budweiser....which is now owned by a company in Belgium!

Want to stop conversing with anyone else at the bar? Well, tonight they did a close-up of one of the players and a swarthy looking guy said (I swear), "That one's got a real purty mouth." Needless to say he was given a wide birth...I mean berth. Wide birth is what that big headed girl of mine gave her mother.

Then the bad news. I had Colombia in the most facial warts on female spectators pool. I had a slight lead until they showed a German girl...ONE FUCKING GIRL...with seven....ON ONE FACE! She looked like her face caught on fire and they put it out with an ice pick.

Machine that can cut stone anyway you want it...

Parenthood explained...

Has anybody ever actually gotten salmonella from eating raw cookie dough or are people just trying to stop me from living my life?

For my daughter...

The average man thinks about sex every tits seconds.

 Me and the love of my life...
Back when we both used to Roll n' Roll.

A Roman public toilet...
 My dream bar...

Just a reminder - if you are now cursing the heat after cursing the cold, then you are just a whiner...

Never heard this phrase before...
But I like it.

 This is me when someone said to me: You will never convince me that the Garden of Eden wasn't real....

In adolescents (aged 11-14) low self-esteem has been linked to aggression, antisocial behavior, and delinquency.

Question: How the hell did he learn he could do that?

Teenage drivers who showed a higher biological stress response during an initial test task also got in less collisions and near-collisions over a 18 month period compared to those with a lower stress response.

When teachers tried to motivate students with scare tactics that reminded them of the negative consequences of failing, this backfired and resulted in poorer performance in high-stakes exams. This was partly due to reduced motivation in the students.

I Was Shocked To Read That The Army Murdered Men, Women, Children, And Animals. But Then I Found Out God Said It Was Okay. 

I don't always take my own advice.

 Queen on GoT set...

The first 60 years of childhood are always the hardest.


 And unsolved riddle from around 1870...
The only hint I can give you is that its creator was very religious.

1934 Solar Powered airfield in the sky...

What was more important than the first telephone?

The second one.

A couple of interesting family portraits...

I like trains...
I think of the millions of miles travelled with minimal mishaps. And all for a fraction of shipping costs otherwise. 

This is called the Hard Sell...
 And here's another...

Not only do I wonder what the people looked like as they climbed or descended these stairs...
 But also their mood. Are they delivering good news, or bad? Are they afraid?

U.S males are 4,000 percent less effective in a fight than they imagine.

Back in 1949, American linguist George Kingsley Zipf noticed something odd about how often people use words in a given language. If he ranked the words in order of popularity, a striking pattern emerged. The number one ranked word was always used twice as often as the second rank word, and three times as often as the third rank. He called this a rank vs. frequency rule, and found that it could also be used to describe income distributions in any given country, with the richest person making twice as much money as the next richest, and so forth. Later dubbed Zipf's law, the rank vs. frequency rule also works if you apply it to the sizes of cities. The city with the largest population in any country is generally twice as large as the next-biggest, and so on. Incredibly, Zipf's law for cities has held true for every country in the world, for the past century.


I'm happiest when my hands look like this...

The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilization and humanity's lack of contact with, or evidence for, such civilizations.

Harley has a new electric motorcycle...
If you don't know why this is funny...it's okay...it really is...

The ISS is zipping around at 5 miles per second and orbiting the Earth every 92 minutes.

 What would it take to get you to take to the streets?

Seriously. What would our government have to do before you had had enough?

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