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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


These tidbits aren't so much about soccer as about people...
 Did you notice the big guy in blue is about the smile?

What have we become?

Emailed my daughter, the scientist, about the World Cup. Here is part of her reply:
"What can I say about Messi?  A lone star cannot support the orbits of a bunch of brown dwarfs." 
And believe it or not, I found this image...
I am so awful and worry that the internet will ostracize me.

According to Duke Engineering, their axial engine is the most efficient and lightest engine you can put in boats, light aircrafts, and generators...

Previously posted stills of this...
I feel safe making two assumptions:
The leopard is very, very hungry.
The croc is sunning itself because it is cold...thus sluggish.

The upside of living with your parents - You never have to make up lies about how well your career is going.

 Captain's Log...
Some magazine outed that guy, but later had to redact.

I love the sound of rain pattering on the roof because it sounds like bacon frying.

We seem to have changed the definition of "a proven fact" to "crap some guy just made up"? 

Let's hope he's kneading clay instead of bread dough...
By the way, you have to knead clay to remove the air bubbles which could cause the pot to explode in the kiln.

If you're ever feeling lazy, just remember that the ancient Greeks believed their gods lived on top of a very climbable hill but no one even bothered to check.

I bet somewhere there is a male porn star who just likes to stare at his own penis on screen.

 And the town's people put flowers on the grave regularly.

Time-lapse of American seizure of indigenous land, 1776-1887

You never realize how boring your life is until someone asks what you like to do for fun.

These two snarling dogs seem not to notice that the gate is open...
I bet they growl like that daily, through the same hole.

In this celestial map, the bodies of the solar system are placed so exactly that those versed in astronomy could calculate the precession (progressively earlier occurrence) of the Pole Star for approximately the next 14,000 years. Conversely, future generations could look upon this monument and determine, if no other means were available, the exact date on which Hoover Dam was dedicated.

When is information, too much information?

We need to get on with this, people...
If it were up to me, I'd cover the whole wind turbine with solar cells.

Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it.

Damn that looks like fun!

Haven't posted any of these lately...
Interesting use of old milk crates.

From the Bus Scene in Forrest Gump...Tom Hanks' daughter, Elizabeth...

If someone tells you to spell "Part A" backwards, don't do it. It's a trap.

One Of My Very Own...

I'm pretty sure my guarding angel drinks.

Who would have thought some people would have to be reminded of this...


 It said this guy goes through his mail every morning at the gym...
Multi-tasking done right.
Multi-tasking done wrong.

The rule of the OCD Club is that there has to be a second rule so we have an even number of rules.

Am I the only one who looks at the end to know how to put it in the slot correctly the first time, every time?

 Look carefully...

Question: If I could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) it would be ___________ .

I put "alive".

"Best movie of all time" according to IMDb...

After Nigeria was eliminated from the World Cup, the Nigerian captain, believed to be royalty, personally offered to refund all the expenses of fans who had traveled to Brazil. He said he just needed their bank details and PIN numbers to complete the transaction.

During the early space shuttle days, NASA sent its astronauts into the heavens with fresh bread packed into a special food locker so they could make sandwiches. But on one mission, a payload specialist from Mexico joined the shuttle crew, and he packed tortillas in the fresh food locker. Shortly thereafter, high above Earth, the rest of the crew saw the benefits of rolling food up in the tortillas.

How to get a bucket off a bear's head...

I'm thinking that's a touch-activated video screen...

Drone that can be programmed to follow you...

Today I realized "I need a nap" is just two finger fuck ups away from "I need anal".

 What the hell is in those wieners?!

I didn't think it was physically possible but some things can both suck and blow at the same time.

Oh, say can you see...our flag was still there...

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gunners say they are, there would be no anti-gunners.


Senph42 said...

You might like some of these: http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2014/07/15/30-pieces-of-noteworthy-graffiti/ :)

Ralph Henry said...

Thanks! Already snatched a few of them for a post next week.

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