About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 3, 2014

FRIDAY #2126


I have the Baltimore Orioles in a huge baseball pool.
Wish me luck.

Thought this worth sharing...
I have some very special comments in my Question Authority segment at the bottom. Remember this when you read it.

Then there are these guys...
An incredible new map could reveal that 13th century Italian explorer Marco Polo was actually the first European to discover America - more than two centuries before Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World. The crude map drawn on sheepskin shows what appears to be the Bering Straight, Alaska, the Aleutian Islands and the west coast of North America. 


The only bids remaining are Almaty, Kazakhstan and Beijing (which has no mountains) -- all the other states that had bid have pulled out following devastating popular opposition (the remaining cities are in countries where the public doesn't get a vote).

(I thought that was an Italian pasta dish....with squid)

Three minutes and in my opinion, worth the watch...especially the end...

A group of seals is called a pod.

A group of quail is called a covey.
A group of babies is called I'm leaving.

One That I Wish Was One Of My Own...

I'm not saying South Carolina is full of stupid people, but the big buses are the special buses. Parents brag things like, "My son is the first in our family who didn't have to ride the big bus."
Try explaining that to someone not from around here.

Amen, Maya, amen.


My next million dollar idea - reluctant exercise videos with people who aren't perky and gasp "Fuck this shit" often and loudly.

Winston Churchill, aged 21, 1895
That one photo just about sums up what I hate about Empires.

This if very rare...
 Zebras are notoriously difficult to tame. They have a grab on and don't let go bite that is almost impossible to break. Don't believe it? Think about how many times you've seen a human riding...really riding...a zebra.

I see what you did there...

It's funny how axe handles are made of wood. It's like the ultimate 'fuck you' to trees.

This is a doll...

Just look at that ceiling...

If you get sexually aroused by this, that's your problem...not the mother's or the baby's....

We all know smoking if bad for you, but you have to admit, smokers are a generous lot. Anywhere, anytime if a person walks up to a smoker and asked for a smoke, he will be given one. Try that with crack....or money.

I've lost count of the beautiful women I went to bed with only to wake up the next morning and.....not so much.

(present woman excluded, of course)

Got this from a viewer"

To compliment the Bob Dylan post, the engineering department of a not-to-be-named company that I work with, have a running Monty Python and The Holy Grail competition. Here is one example from an engineering order:

 “Place one bag with three (3) tablet holders in the flight deck. Refer to Table 2 for approximate locations. Three shall be the number of tablets thou shalt group together, and the number of the grouping shall be three.”
(I love shit like that. You never...EVER...have to play it straight)

I was gonna start the Great American Novel this morning…but then I got high.

Thermalstrike's heated luggage has plug-in elements that heat the contents of your bag to 140F before you unpack them, which should theoretically kill any bedbugs that hitched a ride home with you from the road

Just how old is H2O? A fascinating new study suggests that some of the water molecules we drink and bathe in are way old -- as in more than 4.6 billion years old. That's older than the solar system itself.
“Our findings show that a significant fraction of our solar system’s water, the most-fundamental ingredient to fostering life, is older than the sun," study co-author Dr. Conel Alexander, a scientist at the Carnegie Institute for Science in Washington, D.C., said in a written statement, "which indicates that abundant, organic-rich interstellar ices should probably be found in all young planetary systems."

I bet finding a date is rather difficulty there.

So is this a penalty?

These guys MUST work for the government...

I hate it when my "Smoke Weed Erryday" ringtone goes off when I'm pulled over by a cop.

One Of My Very Own...

One time I got so high that I had to turn down my TV because I couldn't taste my grilled cheese.

Wouldn't you love to see this guy's peer-reviewed study?
Mercifully cured of being gay himself, fundamentalist Christian and former pornographic actor Joseph Sciambra asserts that anal sex causes gay men to give birth to the devil.
(You "learn" something new every single day)

This is really not all that funny...
 ...but I spent too much time on it to throw it away.

Can you imagine how many balls us humans would have lost had it not been for dogs?

 Being constantly aware of my own mortality does not make me morose. It makes me appreciate ever second I'm alive...and I mean that.

An egg separator...

My wife once bought scented pads and her lady bits smelled like there was a massacre in a rainforest.

 The way we treat veterans is a disgrace.

Does it look like the middle finger is broken or added?
Anybody know anything about that?

Absurdity. I like absurdity...

Danzig was a guard who liked to sketch in the gulag...

Check this out...look carefully...
 But wait, there's more...

 Shatner at his finest...

Shit you don't see everyday...

Wild life, indeed...

Your favorite movie star might be taking a shit right this very minute.

A mantis fly swatter...

Please take the time to read this...

All these guys care about is money. They don’t care about society. They certainly don’t care about jobs and they don’t care about you. OK, you might say, but this has always been going on. But it hasn’t. This sort of utterly amoral screw-everyone capitalism has become much more prevalent in the last 15 years. Our financial elite is now totally out of control. They learned nothing from the crisis, except that the rest of us were stupid enough to give them a second chance. And, now, having plucked all the “low hanging fruit,” they’re destroying the middle classes for profit.

But that's not from America. Here's the headline:

Then this related item:

The massive, student led protests in Hong Kong were sparked by the fact that Beijing's political and economic elites get to choose the candidates in its elections ("I don't care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating" -Boss Tweed) -- but is this really any different from America's big money primaries, where corporate elites can spend unlimited sums fixing the race?

During World War I, since Bucharest was occupied by Germany, the Romanian administration moved to IaÅŸi, and with them, the most valuable objects which belonged to the Romanian state. Fearing an eventual German victory, the Romanian government decided to send the Treasure abroad. The Romanian government signed a deal with the Russian government which stated that Russia would safe keep the Romanian Treasure in the Kremlin until the end of the war. At 3:00 AM during the night of December 14–15, 1916, a train with 21 carriages, full of gold bars and gold coins (around 120 tonnes), departed the IaÅŸi train station eastward. In four other carriages, two hundred gendarmes guarded the train. The gold load of this train has as of 2005 a value of $1.25 billion. Seven months later, in the summer of 1917, as the war situation was getting worse for Romania, another transport was sent to Moscow, containing the most precious objects of the Romanian state, including the archives of the Romanian Academy, many antique valuables, such as 3,500-year-old golden jewels found in Romania, ancient Dacian jewels, the jewels of the voivodes of Wallachia and Moldavia, as well as the jewels of the Romanian royalty, thousands of paintings, as well as precious cult objects owned by Romanian monasteries, such as 14th century icons and old Romanian manuscripts. It also contained various deposits of the Romanian people at the national banks. The value of this train is hard to estimate, especially because most of its contents are art objects, but most likely nowadays it could even surpass the value of the other train. After the Romanian Army entered Bessarabia, at the time nominally part of Russia, in the early 1918, the new Soviet government severed all diplomatic relations and confiscated the Romanian treasure. (I just put this in here to see if anybody read the whole thing). The Romanian government tried to recover the treasure in 1922, but with little success. In 1935, the USSR did return a part of the archives, and in 1956 paintings and ancient objects, most notably, the Pietroasele treasure. All the governments of Romania since World War I, regardless of their political colour, have tried unsuccessfully to negotiate a return of the gold and of the culturally valuable objects, but all Soviet and Russian governments have refused.
(shit like that makes me sick)
Any of you Russian viewers know anything about this?

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

People, en masse, should start anonymously sending images of the French Revolution to our politicians and to Corporations.

Show them what happened the last time the "peasants" got tired of the "Bourgeoisie."

Captioned: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

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