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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 19, 2014

FRIDAY #2203


And as of posting time, Sony refuses to allow film to be shown....all because of this lunatic...
I think that sends the exact WRONG message to the world. I, for one, would attend the movie premiere just to show the world that Americans can't be frightened by threats...
 And now let's address the real problem this oh-so-clearly demonstrates...
If North Korea can seriously fuck up a major American Corporation, then what must the Chinese or Russians be capable of doing? 
Then there's this; Boing Boing teased me with this...
And then this...
If I dare? They are the cowardly bastards who won't dare!

The whole ugly affair shows just how venerable we are when it comes to cyber security.
If a movie studio can be invaded, then so could an electric company or gas pipe lines...just sayin'.



I have been calling for normalization of relations with Cuba for a long, long time...

My logic was based on US tourist allowed to spend their money on the island, demonstrating that even an American school teacher, like myself, had, comparatively, money to burn. 

“I can’t go into safety leaving my children among the beasts”. Principal,burned alive by Taliban in Pakistan. Let us not forget Ms. Tahira Qazi...

There's barbarism, and then there are acts so heinous they defy the human tongue. This belongs to the latter.


 That was absolutely factual.

 Talk about your dysfunctional families...
 Ailina Tsarnaev, sister of the accused Boston Marathon Bombing brothers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, appears in Manhattan Criminal Court in New York December 17, 2014. Ailina Tsarnaev faced court on charges of aggravated harassment for making a bomb threat against her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.


I learned something I didn't know in this short very interesting video...

This is oh so subtle...

It drives me up the wall when a cable news guy uses the word rocket when it's a missile.
A missile is generally understood to be a weapon. A rocket need not be — consider the various rockets used to launch satellites and astronauts into space.
In the military all missiles have internal guidance, whereas rockets are fired and expected to go as intended without guidance. The only difference between a rocket and an artillery shell is the propellant.

My wife watched me walk naked to the shower and made this joke: "I like men the way I like my coffee. Scarbutts."

I don't speak Canadian...can someone translate this for me?

Hey, computer, I’m sending an email without a subject, not launching an ICBM. No need for the ‘Are you sure.’

 Why would anyone need college to sell donuts?

Glass paper weight tries to burn down the house...

Disney animators study their reflections in a mirror to draw the proper facial expression (circa 1950s)

What were they thinking...

I don’t talk on the phone because I don’t like looking people in the voice.

I told my daughter, "If you age is on the clock, you're too young for the cock." When she turned 13 I told her I was referring to military time.

Johnny Carson faking eating part of lady's chip collection...

Ohio man exonerated after spending 27 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit after key witness recanted his testimony.

And this, boys and girls, is why the death penalty is problematic.

An elevator in a bathroom stall...
Something you don't see every day.

Live octopus, an actual Korean dish, a rather dangerous one because if you don't prepare it properly, the tentacles can stick to your throat choking you to death.

What event(s) could possibly have transpired to motivate this?

I marvel at how easy my life is every single day...

And now a story that just came in tonight, but it is very relevant to that image.
I've mentioned many times that I hang out with some very bright college students. Sometimes I will ask one of them how they are doing and they will say something like, "Oh, you know, same old shit," or "I've been better," etc. I always remind them that they have won the life on earth lottery. They are young, white (mostly), smart, healthy, and you don't have to haul muddy water from a river in buckets just to take a bath. You don't get rained on. You have enough to eat. You can't be sold to someone else. No one is shooting at you. So, let's look at the big picture, shall we?
I met a new friend tonight. A good looking kid with two wooden hoops in his ear lobes about the size of a half dollar. When I asked him how he was, he mumbled something like, "Not so good, man." So I gave him the canned pep talk and he just looked at me for a few seconds, then he said, "Well, my daughter was born on December 1st and has never left the hospital. Today she was flown to Charleston to get a liver transplant, because her's isn't working. Then they will address the problems with her lungs."
I could but hug the guy and we both got pretty teary. I apologized for my "pep" talk and he told me not to worry. Then he promised to keep me informed. I will make sure he does.

 Hell, I would have yellow carded the faker.

Oldest known photo of a tornado, taken about 20 miles SW of Howard, South Dakota, United States. (August 28th, 1884)

Back to the Fuchsia...

 Why would anyone paint a stainless steel car?

It all started with this pic from Australia with the caption:
"Why we check our shoes in Australia."
Then people from all over added their own... 
"Why we check our shoes in Finland."
"Why we check our shoes in Chicago."
 And in Colorado...

There is no such thing as bad weather...only inadequate clothing and methods of transportation.

One Of My Very Own...

A 3D printed dress...

Ever wonder how truth serum works?

What is this enough ketchup for?

A worker walks near train wagons loaded with coal at the Borodinsky opencast coal mine, near the Siberian town of Borodino, east of Krasnoyarsk, December 9, 2014.

 Think of what must be in their lungs.

Baby Putin...

My wife couldn't remember the name of a movie and described it as "That movie about the gay guys on the mountain," and I said, "Lord of the Rings?"

I have this really great party trick. I drink too much, then start crying loudly and the first person that comes forward to comfort me, I vomit all over.

Birthday card...

Sardine catch...

This is Margaret Hamilton, NASA lead software engineer, and this is the Apollo guidance program she wrote.

 Hamilton is credited for coining the term “software engineering”... She's still amazing at age 76.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

It's possible that DeLorean isn't stainless steel. I was under the impression that, perhaps, the models made in '83 were just black fiberglass, but I can't confirm that anymore. However, there were still hundreds of black fiberglass versions made. They're nowhere near as common, though.

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