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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 15, 2014

MONDAY #2199

An interactive map of men not working...in many places 50% of men sit idle. Check your county...

How is it then said that unemployment is 7% or so percent?

Undercover Cop points gun at Reuters photographer after his partner was attacked. Berkeley 10/10/14...

Malala Yousafzais parents during the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony yesterday.

The white lines outlined in  red dots indicate the paths taken by the Greenpeace activists....
 The paths scuffed into the land may never go away due to the climate.
When some responsible person must approach the lines they wear these.

Families carry their belongings as they evacuate their homes after a fire broke out at a slum area in Manila December 11, 2014.

Their possessions consist of old video games?

Protesters in Hong Kong went home. This one giving the Mocking Jay salute...


I talk to many young college people, and it seems that they are mostly all dissatisfied with their lives.
Then I think of people elsewhere...
It occurred to me that when American youths say they are miserable, what they really mean is that they are not entertained enough. At least that's my take. 

Prince Charles in Saudi Arabia...

 Can you spell "Pompous Ass", boys and girls?

A chance discovery by a group of repairmen in Boston has led to the unearthing of a centuries-old time capsule, believed to have been buried there in the 1790s by Paul Revere and Samuel Adams. The antique time capsule, which had been placed in a cornerstone of the Massachusetts State House, was discovered this week when workers who had been repairing a water leak at the building stumbled upon it.


An owl doing the breaststroke...
 Oh, look, more owls...


Gold diggers marching through Chilkoot pass, the only way towards Dawson City, 1898...
According to a documentary, the real money was made by the merchants who sold the shovels and pans and such.


Have you ever been so mad at a camel that you...

Execution by cannon, in Shiraz, Iran, mid-late 19th century...

 Major General Horatio Gordon Robley with his collection of tattooed Maori heads, 1895

Fuck that bastard.

 If I were on his jury I would call it justifiable homicide...

Yes, my wife would indeed do something like this...

I wonder if I will get feedback because I posted that word even thought a nigga said it.

 How women use computers...
 How men use computers...
The Napoleon Complex...

 Speaking of soccer players...

Children: Pretty much just like tiny little drunks.

I call it putting the sidewalk in the wrong place.

You can do this with a normal empty booze bottle...
 You just have to heat the remaining drops in the bottom enough to vaporize it, from the outside, of course, then just light it.

This is what every new girlfriend said when they saw photos of my old girlfriend.

 If you don’t clean up your dog’s poop in North Hempstead, a community on Long Island, New York, you’ll face the possibility of a fine or imprisonment. But how much is the fine? The law says the fine is $25, but the signs say the fine is $250.

So how do you solve the problem? It costs too much to change all the signs, so they are passing a new law to increase the fine to $250.

This block of stone in Lebanon measures 64 feet by 19.6 feet by 18 feet. Weighing in at 1,960 tons, it's the largest known surviving block of stone carved by humans...

Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort in Huzhou, China. At a total building cost of $1.5 billion, each of its 27 floors cost $55 million to construct. The logistics of building such a structure in a lake, as well as the shape of the building added to the expense. The hotel features, among other things, a full spa, hot springs and indoor and outdoor pools. 

Some newspaper items you may have missed...
What the hell else would he say?

This morning my wife woke me up by bursting into the bedroom and yelling “Bulbasaur, I choose you!” then throwing a head of lettuce at me.

Today a woman showed me a picture of her grandchild and it was so ugly the only thing I could think to say was, “Nice phone.”

The growth of Walmart...

Let's take another look at the greatest Christmas Tree harvester in the world...

 When I was growing up, I road on many a bus with these signs. In Birmingham the signs were moveable, so that if too many white people got on the bus the driver would move the sign toward the back and make the seated black people get up and move.

Have you ever given much thought to the spelling of "Twelfth?" 

One Of My Lamer Ones Of My Very Own...

Scientists call it a lightning vortex...

 The rest of us call it Holy Fucking Shit!

 Detcord vs. Bullet: Slow Motion

Make sure you look for the bullet at the top of the beam.

Porsche showing the model of the beetle to Hitler, 1930s
 But to be honest, it was a brilliantly designed automobile.

With the right person, there is no such thing as inappropriate behavior.

 That reminds me...my wife just finished a sigh she began yesterday.
And this is what every man looks like when their wife asks them how they "feel" about this or that...

 Women doing things they normally wouldn't do, but what the heck, a photographer asked her to...

Every cloud has a silver lining, except a mushroom cloud which has a lining of Iridium and Strontium 90.

Did You Know There Is A Secret Apartment Atop The Eiffel Tower...
Well, it USED to be a secret. Eiffel built it for himself, by the way.

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