About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


So, now terrorist hostage taking is a spectator sport...
 Let's discuss stereotyping...
I would think it dereliction of duty for groups of people who cause most of the real problems in society NOT to be targeted by the police for further scrutiny. That goes for Americans of any stripe. If 90% of acts like the one in Australia are committed by Muslims, then I say spy on them. I further say that if the vast majority of crimes on US streets are committed by one group, then this group has earned the extra scrutiny. Everyone uses the term "stereotyping" as if it's always evil, but in my opinion it's only logical. You do it everyday in your personal dealings with people. So what I'm saying is that anyone who works on Wall Street should have their phone tapped.
I mean, why waste resources on scrutinizing old gray beards like me, if we commit such a tiny percentage of the crimes?

They have released the first true color images of the comet...
 I found that very humorous. Seriously, that's what color it is...gray.

Lo and behold, free speech is not a crime. Who knew?

When was the last time a human ate mammoth flesh?
Think about it a minute. They were alive when the pyramids were being built. But could I positively tell you within a year or two EXACTLY when a human ate the flesh of a mammoth?
Just a few years ago when they found one frozen in the permafrost in Mongolia. They had a film crew there when scientists dug it out and when part of it thawed one of the scientists took a bite…raw. I mean, damn. He may be the only living human who knows what it tastes like...I'm thinking chicken.

I am in an NFL football pick winners pool. There are only six players, but the payoff is $300. The only guy ahead of me in points is only ahead of me by 13 points. I only had three weeks to go, so I took some chances. The long and short of it is that he is now ahead of me by 28. I had a HORRIBLE week...with 16 on my Packers, who lost in a good old fashion ass whooping. It's a sad day in Mudville.

A Pro-Russian separatist stands near the damaged war memorial at Savur-Mohyla, a hill east of the city of Donetsk

A war memorial damaged by yet another war.

The inner-workings of a drum-feed fully automatic 12 gauge shotgun...
 My zombie weapon of choice.
Seriously, that's one of the most lethal things I've seen in a long time. For urban warfare I bet it can't be beat.

The tables turned...
Do you have any idea how strong that Jew had to be NOT to kill that Nazi?


I would like to meet this man.

Another reason why everyone hates white people...

Oh, Ralph, you can't make dark Christmas jokes...

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

At least we have gotten past that bullshit.

 The Rose Galaxy....
Just like the computer model predicted.
Newton's Pendulum...wait for the double helix toward the end...
DNA so awesome? Maybe that's just a comfortable way for nature to behave.
Here's how it looks on a computer...

And after all that science has given us...
....like all but erasing polo, there are those among us so stupid that they refuse to use these marvels.
Think vaccines do more harm than good? 
Here's my comment...
And then there's this...
Who could possibly argue with that?
Are we THAT stupid?

Moving on...

Documentary on plate tectonics submersion:

“…pushed deep into the bowels of…”
(I giggled like a school girl)


Sure I cursed in front of my kids, but it wasn’t like…you want some motherfucking cereal?

What could possibly go wrong?

I don’t think I get enough credit for getting all this done without medication.

Mom and auntie to the rescue...
 Does that lion sculpture look cross-eyed?
I don't think this next gif is going to work. For whatever reason gifs are all the sudden not loading properly...

Teaching my kids to eat healthy was basically me saying, “It’s too late for me, save yourself.”

No canned food and hammers cost $500 each if you want one?

 This man's earlobe is wrapped around his tongue through a hole in his cheek....
 ...because his daddy didn't hug him enough.

I watched a 9 minute film about this...
 A guy dumped a huge bag of balls at the bottom and it acted rather like a perpetual motion machine. My question is, what stops the balls from just rolling away when it reaches the bottom again?

If the government approves of your protest march, it is not a protest…it’s a parade.

One Of My Very Own...

I’ve noticed that when someone says they’ve had a bad day, nobody tries to cheer them up, but rather they enter a competition of who’s had the shittier life.

"Rio: Entre Morros," Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010. Claudia Jaguaribe

 Circus freaks...
 But remember, I read a long article about such people and back then being in the circus was about the only way they had to make money and the money was pretty good.

As a man with some very nice furniture made of exotic woods, it will sound odd, but this just shouldn't have happened...

 What would you say about a man who did this?
 I would say he needs therapy. Faking your body parts is just silly...a sign of extreme insecurity.
I got a comment regarding women having to do stupid stuff all the time because "society dictates it," but WE are society. I don't dictate shit. You have small breasts, then live with it...don't fake it.
Then there is this fun...
Now imagine a young woman past out on the couch and two guys doing that and posting the photo. Can you spell double standard, boys and girls?

Got this email that may come in handy one day...
"Attached is the seat map of my flight.  I am assigned 22L.  Using the seat map ap on my phone, I see several empty rows.  I am "squating" in 24K.  Although not as spacious in leg room, I have the entire row to myself and can stretch out. Works every time."

Same guy sent me this from inside a public bathroom stall and wondered if blind people enter the stall and immediately begin to feel all the surfaces in case there is a message they need to read...

We are all mortal until the second six-pack.

We all do that, don't we?

Another woman talked into doing something she normally wouldn't do...
...but women have been doing that for a long time...

When your wife hates someone, then you hate the same someone...it's like a rule...

Man pretending to take pictures at a wedding he would have preferred not to attend...

Polished Meteorite Sphere...

I still find it odd that a regular person can just own and modify something like that.

My wife needed a hero, so that’s what she became.

 And sadly, Gentle Reader, I'm afraid the average citizen feels so powerless that there is no one to stop the madness...


Anonymous said...

This made me tear up:

My wife needed a hero, so that’s what she became.


Anonymous said...

The Lancet paper about fluoride as a neurotoxin has come under serious scrutiny due to flaws in data interpretation. The article, published March 2014, generated several letters of correspondence questioning the results, which were published by the Lancet in July 2014.



Spider Borland said...

I don't make this stuff up. People smarter than me research this:


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