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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

SUNDAY #2191

"The former leader of a Christian ministry that promised to cure people "trapped in homosexuality" has revealed that he has married his gay partner."

Charles Darwin’s signature discovery—first published 155 years ago and validated a million different ways since—long ago ceased to be a matter for serious debate in most of the world. But in the United States, reconciling science and religious belief remains oddly difficult.

 The same god who told you that you would be able to talk in tongues?

 Hardly anyone knows that there were many people who declared themselves the Messiah during the Roman occupation of the Middle East. Most just think Jesus was the only one. Virgin birth....a favorite ruse. All performed miracles...of course.
 And they all said more or less the same thing.

 The same god that killed all of our distant ancestors in the genocide that was the Great Flood? Fuck that murderer.

 Nobody is in charge of the universe....this one or the other ones. The particles follow rules and we end up with what we got. We don't need a god to explain why three quarks got to gether, that's what quarks do.

You believers are going to sit on a throne. Wow!
Must be kind of crowded by now.
 Have you ever looked up the words "All Merciful" in a dictionary?

By the way, have you ever read the book of Revelations?
 You have? And you STILL believe that book is flawless?!

This is a comment I got concerning praying before high school football games...

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