About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Had a tooth cut out of my jaw yesterday. They put me to sleep, thank gawd, but whatever they did to my jaw had me doing this all day...just to see how much I could open it before it caused pain. When I did it in public, strangers laughed at me. 

Here's a puzzle for you. Answer later...

Thing you might say if you never took physics: "I’m overweight even though I don’t overeat.”

Sir John Fowler (left) and Baker (right) each hold two wooden poles with outstretched arms, forming two diamond shapes. When construction foreman Kaichi Watanabe sits in the center, the diamonds are prevented from tipping inward because their outer ends are anchored. It worked. The Scottish bridge, opened in 1890, held the record as the world’s longest single cantilever bridge span for 17 years.
 How clever.

I thought the 60s were wild...
 But as I understand it, modern young people don't even consider oral sex sex. I'm okay with that.
The tattoo thing is new(ish) also. I'm okay with that also.
I find that one exceptionally pleasing.

 Just think, those stones were laid before our country was a country. 
I can't really explain it to myself, but really old stuff just blows me away.

This is a novel way to treat a stair...
 I'm pretty sure the doors are so you can close off the upstairs when heating the lower floors.

 I'm also a big fan of re-use. These benches are made out of chairs and an old bed...

I know 5 people who are clinically insane. My wife is 2 of them.

Nearly 160 yrs ago, a Frenchman and a Russian fired at one another ...

Is it a street scene photo with filters or a painting…and does it really matter?
Further, is the following a slide of some mineral or a painting...
 I don't think that matters either. I do like art that makes a statement, though...
 That was, I assume, how the forest used to look.
But then there are things that, at first, don't seem to make sense...
But listen carefully, folks...ART DON'T HAVE TO MAKE SENSE...
Artists do some weird ass shit...
 This guy travels all over the world putting balloon hats on indigenous peoples and photographing them...
Is he crazy? Probably. Would I like to meet him? Of course!

Visitors to the Collegium Maius at what is now the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, can see the very scientific gear used by esteemed alum Nicolaus Copernicus whose famed astronomical model of 1543 put the sun at the center of the solar system.
There were many (most) people who didn't want to believe it. That knowledge went against their world view and most every world view is based on a simple principal...That's the way we've all ways done it.
The trailing edge mind set can be seen in science, art and social change...
 People didn't want to have black people given equal rights because "they had never been given equal rights".

“In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now pick up your flashpoints. You think homosexuality is dirty? Creepy? 
Don't be the trailing edge. You know many homosexuals and trust and like them whether you know they are gay or not. Why not offer them the same rights you have?
And don't get me started on this shit...

I'm not an expert in warfare or international conflict...
 But I am a bit of an expert on how to teach generations of people to hate us and us thinking the only way to win is to kill people is just such a way.
We are so good at selling everything from cars to jeans to drugs, why don't we "sell" all those people that living free is a pretty good goddamn idea?

One Of My Very Own...

Quality humor, it's our slogan here at Folio Olio...

You should never do shrooms with anyone who looks like you.

 My daughter is anti-nuclear power...
 Never really understood the concern. So a few people die from a leak. We already know thousands die in coal mines.
And as far as environmental problems go...
Just want to remind everyone this is the river Exxon Mobil spilled 50,000 gallons of oil.

 I saw yet another movie about robots becoming self-aware....
This one wandered into a cave with those pre-historic handprints and wondered about why someone human would do such a thing. Why, indeed.

 Here's the solution to the puzzle...

 I'm not sure why I found that so humorous.

This is fucking freaky...

Some days the best I can do is not shit my pants…in public.

I look at something like that and wonder about the tears shed leaning on that mantel over a lost wife or husband....or child. And the toasts given to new brides. And the people sitting warming themselves as they pondered the biggest decisions of their life.

I've been watching a bunch of documentaries about Stonehenge and surrounding area. I like that everyone seems to have a theory about what it was, and knowing they are all just pulling it out of their ass....

U2 just announced a world tour. Are they going to sell tickets or just break into my living room and start playing?

I've got a thing about photos like this...
It seems obvious that she is not pleased either by her get-up or her being asked to be photographed wearing said get-up. The look, I think, is universal.

 Bullet holes don’t look that way. Those came from the back.

Speaking of...
He closed his eyes! No real shooter closes their eyes.

Make of this what you will...

Smiling is weird. It’s like “Hey, I’m having a good time, so I’ll let you take a quick peek inside my mouth.”

A boy and his dog...

Ladies, don’t you hate it when men hit on you on the internet? If you agree, send me your number and we can discuss it further.

Word of the Day – Exhaustipated: Too tired to give a shit.

My Final Word...

By 2016 the richest 1% of people in the world will own more than the other 99% combined.  They have already seen their share of global wealth increase from 44 percent in 2009 to 48 percent in 2014.

The Koch brothers are budgeting almost $900,000,000 to influence upcoming U.S. elections. 


wilhelm said...

Two questions: numero uno; is homosexuality a form of population control. Dos: why does america not implement bedais(?sp). What other part of your body do you get shit on, and then wipe it off, and say "naw, it's good."?

Ralph Henry said...

Uno: One would assume one's sexual adventures has nothing to do with procreation.
Dos: That's why wet wipes were invented.

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