Yesterday was the first Monday that I didn't eat lunch with my wife in a long time. The weather was so wonderful she sat out on the sidewalk at our favorite bar and Garrison Keillor sat at the next table....and I missed it.
Various people are having health issues and after supper I ask my wife what she was going to do and she said, "I'll probably go back to the Google School of Medicine." I thought that very funny.
By the by, a three year old we know just stopped walking and began to crawl again. My wife Googled it and...Bingo...she read that some children develop inflammation of the hip that they find uncomfortable enough to cause reverting to crawling.
I'm thinking the doctor who diagnosed it at the hospital Googled it also.
Sketches of the suspected
assassins of Boris Nemtsov released.
You've probably already seen this. If not, enjoy stupidity at its finest...
This round egg, laid by a hen
now named Ping Pong...
Sold on eBay for $740.
Doesn't this look like a great idea...
Speaking of...
Bullshit! I like chocolate, but I can't stand nutella.
I read an interesting article about eye lashes...
The perfect length of the eye lashes is one-third the width of the eye. This is optimum in doing two things: keeping particles out of the eye, while at the same time minimizing the evaporation of the moisture on the eye. It works for every size mammal.
Can you deduce why that could not be the answer to that puzzle?
Inherited behavior: Spiders building webs on its
first try.
But why is knowing how to build a web any different than, say, knowing how to swallow?
In the Wheel of Fortune thing above, the "i" in "air" would have been exposed with the other i's.
In the Wheel of Fortune thing above, the "i" in "air" would have been exposed with the other i's.
I don't hate all graffiti...
On the wall above I sincerely hope that the lettering is part of new graffiti. But when you look at the wall itself, you have to ask if the scars from the "repairs" make the wall better or worse.
I have finally figured out what bothers me most about "most" spray painted bombing.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present the perfect example of cliche'...
Crazy? No, I just once let my mind wander and it didn’t
come back.
Saying “right” to prepare everyone for your imminent
Jeff Wilson, a university
professor in Austin, left his beautifully appointed dumpster this week. For a
year, he lived in the 33-square-foot space, set in the school's parking lot.
Wilson's next project will be
to crash on 99 couches in Austin in 99 days.
Icebergs are big...
Did you see the boat of people in the first one?
Relationship status:
Yeah, ask those children wasting away in one of those prisons in North Korea...all because of the "sins" of a family member.
I found this on
Wikipedia and found it offensive...
He was an artist also...
This image reveals the
internal structure of an ultra-small bacterium. The cell has a dense interior
compartment and a complex cell wall. The scale bar is 100 nanometers.
Yeah, that's it. Now think about the terribly abused children and think for yourself.
Powerful anti-anti-immigration statement...
Okay, this is cool and all...
But how did they find out it would do that? I mean, who just decided to put a gallon of milk under the tap?
I think about shit like that all the time.
Communicating emotion in silent movies...
I can’t be the only one who has tried to open the back
door of their house with their car remote and for a couple of seconds you just stared in confusion.
And Christians have a hard time explaining homosexuals to their children...
The area inside the lines are the exact color as the rest of the back ground...
Different people see her spinning in different direction...
And if you know what you are doing, you can make her switch at will.
I found just deciding which way it is going after looking away, then returning to it will do the trick.
I found just deciding which way it is going after looking away, then returning to it will do the trick.
A man wrote that.
My Final Word...
1 comment:
milk jug under the faucet discovery - probably nothing more than someone went to fill the jug up and forgot to take the cap off - as has surely been the case countless other times, how stupidity can pay off... ;)
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