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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 31, 2015

FRIDAY RT DAY 18 #2418 Parkesburg, Penn.

One Of My Very Own...

A song I like...

You can't imagine how much fun I'm having with my DO EPIC SHIT labels. These I put in our room last night.
 It's on that molding beside the TV.
 This one is on the ceiling light in the bathroom and can only be seen in the mirror.
I also manage to put at least two in every restaurant we enter.

I have been trying very hard to find a rock wall to use my metal spikes to install a key packet. It's dead center slightly south of mid point.
 But it wasn't a wall, but a pile...the best I could do.

We have turned our entire route over to Google with a No Highways clause. Beautiful drive but motels are few and far between. Here's Thursday night's dwelling 40 miles from Bum Fuck, Egypt.
When was the last time you saw a TV that fat?
And it has no remote. Think about that a moment. 
And here's the closet.
 Here's the formica table...
 ...with the flowers from the garden.
 That was the Dupont garden.
ALL rooms are smoking.
 And here is one of only two lights.
 But the bed is comfortable and it's raining like a bitch out there, and believe it or not, the wifi is smokin' hot and there is a bar attached to the motel. Tonight we dine on bar food. Oh, and the mattress and box springs are brand new. How do we know that? They left them in the protective plastic wrap they came in.
Here's a couple of more items that make up the decor.
And these late entries from my wife.
The 3/4" gap that allow anyone to look in and is the reason we have flies abuzzin'...
 And finally...
Do you have any idea how thrilled I am that my wife picked out this motel? Now we are over 2 hours to another and I'm exhausted...to exhausted to keep driving.

Federal safety officials say the maker of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo, Scaled Composites, is at fault for not anticipating the copilot error that caused the spaceship's disintegration during a test flight nine months ago.

Children’s language errors such as "breaked" and "holded," which could not have been parroted from their parents’ speech, have [long] served as a vivid reminder that the mind of the child is not a sponge, but actively assembles words and concepts into new combinations guided by rules and regularities.

Andrew Lloyd entered 1,000 different contests, sweepstakes, and competitions to see how many prizes he could win and chronicled his efforts in a short video. Lloyd laid out three rules for himself to follow:

1. Enter 20 competitions a day.
2. Don’t enter the same competition twice, and
3. Begin immediately.
After spending 50 days entering contests, Lloyd had to wait four months before he started to get results to find out how many of the 1,000 contests he won.
Guess how many Andrew Lloyd won. Answer later.

For the first time since leaving Urbana, Illinois, we saw our first black person yesterday.

Andrew won 4 out of 1000.


A group of residents in Farmersville, Texas said they are prepared to put pigs' heads on spikes and pour pigs' blood on a plot of land where a Muslim cemetery will be established.

Many people, including me, think Trump is the best comedian since Lenny Bruce.

What if when the machines gain self awareness they just constantly text us and ask what we're up to and invite us to play FB games

 I'm not sure why everyone seems to hate mimes.
I knew a guy who studied with Marcel Marceau and he was damn good. Did one skit about an American soldier committing suicide. Strong piece.

I don't know what this is, but imagine if it could be filled with whatever you happen to have.
 My daughter has a whole big basket of wine corks and those would work well in a chair.

Shit's bout to get real, ya'll...

Stephen Hawking spoke Monday in support of a new $100 million effort funded by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner to search for alien life.
“We believe that life arose spontaneously on Earth, so in an infinite universe there must be other occurrences of life.”
The 10-year project, called the “Breakthrough Initiatives,” will utilize two powerful telescopes – the Parkes Telescope in Australia and the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia – that will scan 10 times the amount of sky covered by previous efforts. That includes a survey of the million stars closest to Earth and the search for signals from the 100 closest galaxies.
If an alien civilization near one of the 1,000 closest stars broadcasts a signal with the “power of common aircraft radar,” the telescopes will detect it.

The cyclists in the Tour de France are due down that road any minute...
 ...but there are some who will sit at the bar and watch it on TV.
I'd probably do that.
I'm amazed at the lack of violence at that race. There is so much room for a long distance shot...
 Or just stand close to the track and stick out a straight razor to the throat.
 I'm glad people have so much fun and all, but it just seems like a prime opportunity for a terrorist attack... 


I normally don't like crowds, but I would have liked to see the parade for the US Women's Team...

In other French news, their fencer beat the Russian fencer in fine form...

This man was teasing his cat with a laser...
The laser was attached to his 9mm Glock and he shot his roommate in the ankle.

Ali accepted a challenge to fight the world champion kick boxing champ. 
 From the article:

Mixed-martial arts have come a long way from 1976, the year Japanese wrestler Antonio Inoki challenged the world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali to a 15-round fight billed as “World Martial Arts Championship.”  The fight ended in a draw before the 14,000 spectators, who paid between $17 and $1,000 for seats. Ali was to receive $6.1 million dollars and Inoki up to $4 million.

He never even saw it coming...
 Speaking of bottom feeders...
 Man's got a whole meal...


Historic rain in Southern California—the most they've had in July since 1886!—caused an Interstate 10 bridge collapse.


Imagine getting the girl of your dreams phone number and her first text to you she spells it "definately"



Milking bullet ants to extract venom that causes the "worst pain known to man"



The worst five words are "can I have a bite."

 A few from The Onion...


Kenyan visual artist Cyrus Kabiru ingeniously fashions electronic trash into fabulously unique decorative eyewear. 


I admire these people. I also admire the ones who don't take medicine and such. They are  putting their health (and lives) where their mouth is.
 The bible also says that if you believe, then you will be able to perform miracles just like Jesus. Have you heard of any miracles lately?
Anyway, those people have a great security system on weekdays.

Never know when you might need this skill...

Bahama Island with ebb and flow ruts...

It's all about the light and contrast. 



From The Desk Of Rev. Knowitall
 90% of Christians don't know this. 100% of Christians don't give a shit what god demanded because they like Christmas Trees and having one is worth going to hell for.

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