About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

A song from me to you...

Read anything odd on this sign?

Then there the universal symbols that made me think.
I am assuming the "No Key" means to turn your car off.

Believe it or not, we have been following the same highway from northern Maine - US 202. I like following the same highway, but believe it or not, we STILL get lost every once in a while...mostly in construction areas where it is poorly marked.
 So here I am mounting a key packet in the middle of a town and not giving a shit who sees me.
And then I realized I mounted it backwards with the key and dollar bill out of sight on the inside.

I've been having a ball with my DO EPIC SHIT labels. I keep a pocket full and replenish the supply every night. Even my wife has started pointing out places she would like to see one, then giggling like a conspiratorial school girl.
And I'm running out of packets. I have plenty (by a factor of a thousand) keys, but the stamped dollar bills are running low. Luckily I have the rubber stamps and stamp pad.

And there are two cities in Connecticut named Hillsboro and Hillsborough. I bet their mail gets screwed up all the time.


What do these men have in common?
Hint: I painted a portrait of Charles Duke Jr.

Slider for his dishwasher
Funny guy. I like funny people.

All those men walked on the moon.

Cloud formation and lightning
I wonder how many people have seen something similar and then swore they saw a UFO?

What stem cells can do.
They're only half a millimeter in diameter -- about a third the length of a pinhead -- but they're there, thumping away. Tiny, beating almost-hearts.



When my wife was going through menopause for a joke I would secretly turn on the seat warmer in the car when she wasn’t looking.

 When you think about someone sounding a word out to spell it, he did a great job. I mean that. 

 Is that even funny?

We've all had days like this...


At the end of obituaries in the newspaper they should give the person a score out of 100.


First time I've ever seen anything like this on an AR platform...

My son-in-law told me about a full-length Russian film that was shot from beginning to end in one long take.
Russian Ark is the name of it.
One...Long....Take. Think about that.

These guys just won the International Math Olympics for America
The USA just beat China for the first time in over 2 decades. And doesn't the guy in the front middle look giddy with joy?

Horse has a white pattern shaped like itself.
 Right down to the mane on the back of his neck.


 Sylvia Plath, pin-up girl...

Nopeville: Population - him.
 Speaking of...

A town in Valencia, Spain, is bringing in a law that ensures each citizen has the right to enjoy an afternoon nap. Between the hours of 2pm and 5pm the inhabitants of Ador will be catching their mandatory forty winks. The town’s summer siesta tradition is so deep-rooted the mayor has enshrined his citizen’s right to an afternoon snooze in law. 
And that, Gentle Reader, is why no Spaniard will ever walk on the moon.

This was done by a master welder or....a robot. A friend of mine works as a welder at the Savanna River Plant, a nuclear power facility. He assured me that every single weld was that good or better.

Another self driving car involved in an accident...rear ended by another driver.
Now let me prove my stupidity - I get that some kind of laser device can tell him what's in his immediate area, but how does it know what's around the corner or on the other side of a semi?

Vaping! The great taste of steam, the cool look of blowing a flashlight.



To appear well dressed, be skinny and tall.

 Is that a thank you nip on the wrist,
 or a don't do that again nip?

This man is a genius.


The send button is mightier than the sword.

One of the big worries about women fighter pilots was that they wouldn't be aggressive enough...
 Those fear were unfounded.

Weird way famous people have died.


 I'm pretty sure I know how this was done.
 The door guy took his measure from one corner and the stair guy took his measure from the other.

Stabilizing thing


Shout out to that old cop in movies, talkin' 'bout how soon he's gonna retire & go sailing with his wife. Dude is about to get BLOWED UP!


I hate Chiropractors.

Back when cars were heavily influenced by aeronautics...

Bgantt sent me this image. He must know of my love for all things abandoned.


From The Desk Of Rev. Knowitall

But that is exactly what they did. The Catholic church took hundreds of letters and accounts of the life of Jesus and the subsequent spread of the church and just threw away anything that would compromise their power. What you read is not what Jesus had to say. What you read is what the Catholic church wants you to know.


Joe Jackson said...

I posted the picture of the woman fighter pilot on my FaceBook page last week. My comment then (and now) : Might be one of the sexiest pictures I've ever seen

La said...

The gas pump had a "no key" label on it and you didn't key it? What up wit dat? Larry

Ralph Henry said...

La, that is EXACTLY what my wife said after we drove off. Forgive me I'm an old man.

Unknown said...

I use my pooch jezebel who is a great Pyrenees/golden retriever mix as a personal trolling motor...... and its fantastic.

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