About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 20, 2015


One Of My Very Own...


First things first. The new parents don't have a bear skin rug, but they do have a very large dog.
 It was not very hard to get the dog to calm down, and the real camera's took much better pictures than mine.


You may have noticed that the weekend posts are not as large as weekdays. That's the best I can do. I just knew that while on my trip I would be posting things about my keys and other happenings, so I might as well include some images.
Left to installations at my grandson's house.
One on the garage.
 And one that can only be seen from the basement bathroom window.
Been eating good. This is olive bread.
And my son-in-law is a wine expert with a very nice collection, this being only part of it.

 I also installed my first stencil, though without enough paint...
 It's from the old stencil in the bottom of the sack trick.
 I found a spray paint that will operate at any angle...even upside down.
 Plus it has this finger saving trigger that can't be accidentally depressed like a regular can.

And being accidentally depressed was a real possibility in the back of the car.

 I built that wooden shelf that spans the wheel wells.
I also have a milk crate with cups to give me easy access to all the components of the installations.
Oh, by the way, in the upper left you can see a cup half full of holy molies that I will include in the installations.

So, with us picking our way across Indiana by now, let's begin the start of the official roadtrip with style.


The whole point of golf is to play the least amount of golf possible.

News from my home city:
 The hate was so thick in the air you could taste it.
Then there was this guy.
He's a friend of mine.

Too young?
I try to be so careful that I don't post an underage child inappropriately. But on this one I am assuming she is the small child's mother...or at least I hope so.

Why don't they print out ivory with the same DNA trick like they did for rhino horns?
What a great photo.

Something else with cash in it...


School performance is related to genetics, partly due to the inheritance of intelligence but also due to other inherited traits, such as personality.

Just wondering...
Would it embarrass you to have some smuck kiss your fucking ring? Well, my embarrassment threshold is pretty damn high and I would be mortified.

 And, oh, my...

So, now the crooks make art?


The degree to which mosquitoes are attracted to certain individuals is related to their genetic make-up.

The best advice I can ever give you.
 Especially you women.

Is there anything people won't buy? Why, in the name of all that's holy, would anyone believe an ad in newspaper, or worse the internet, instead of the high priced, college educated, board certified medical professionals?


The only miracle I can think of, besides humans duplicating themselves, is pearls.

It's funny about the naughty bits.
 Like anybody actually remembers what this or that lover's nipples look like. Think about it. Women freak the fuck out if their top falls and strangers see their nipples, but if you lined up photos of the nipples of every lover a man has ever had, he wouldn't be able to pick out any of them by name. I mean, seriously, they are all, more or less the same. So get over it.

 If I had the right tools, I would so do that.
 But why launch them to bounce off the wall? I would, at least, launch them out a door or window.

The special effects behind Game of Thrones' epic White Walker battle

This guy made a to scale clay sculpture of everything he ate for a year.
 And then he had a show.
By the way, I'm lining up a show for my cash art for next summer. I'm even hiring a professional photographer to shoot them all. And if you knew me better, you would know that means I'm serious.

One of my bartenders went to Romania. As soon as she got back she came down to the bar with at least 200 hard copy photographs...PRINTED LIKE IN THE OLD DAYS!!
They were interesting, though.

 As I understand it, there is no computer mumbo-jumbo involved.



one fish
two fish
fuck fish
you fish

Do you think that this was on purpose?

I have this thing about looking at image sites and coming upon something that I am very familiar with.
 That is a window at the visitor's center at Meteor Crater.
 It really drew my attention because it looked exactly like a mural.

Since 1975, car makers have been heading to Apulia, near the coast of the Ionian Sea, to test their wares at Porsche's Nardò Technical Center, which celebrates its 40th birthday this month. Built by Fiat and bought by Porsche in 2012, the center's open to all vehicle manufacturers (for a price, naturally). The region's mild climate allows for year-round testing and offers 20 tracks that provide everything you need to see just how well a car works.


I find myself saying, "Oh, shit, was that today," a lot lately.

Underlit LED skirt. 

Milk consumption is associated with a higher prevalence of acne in teenage boys and girls.


Penal transportation is the sending of convicted criminals to a penal colony. Transportation sentences were fixed at a duration of seven years, 14 years, or life. That said, even a seven-year sentence usually meant a one-way ticket to the United States, or later, Australia - convicts rarely had the means to return to Britain after serving their time.

"Pearl Harbor", "Japs", and "Atomic" Twitter trends during the World Cup Match

This is why our (US) dates suck.
 Look at that carefully. It makes no sense!

An actual headline:
 You can't make that shit up. That's one of the best headlines I've ever posted. It deserves to be past on.



I hate it when I'm on the treadmill and accidentally hit the stop button and go to my bar and drink beer and eat pizza.

Wise man.

I've begun to sleep more...a lot more.
 I'm thinking it's just because I can.

The Tallest structure that has ever been moved

Cold glass sculptor Jack Storms makes his gorgeous pieces, including one that became a cube prop in the Guardians of the Galaxy film. Most sculptors with hot glass, but Storms prefer to cut and buff cold glass, fitting shaped pieces together with extremely close tolerances. 

Punjammies, described as "loungewear bottoms made with hope by women in India who have escaped human trafficking."

That sounds very similar to the bracelet I wear made by Cambodian ex-child prostitutes.
And a totally unrelated observation....why would you pick that wall and that litter covered ground to take the photo? Maybe peeling paint and unkempt grounds is fitting for a story about the low lives of the world?

 If you think I'm going to hell for that last gag, I have a special message just for you...

1 comment:

Colin said...

Help.... cannot find the photo of Tony Blair kissing the Popes ring.....
The photo sets new standards in depravity.

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