About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

A song just for you pet lovers.

“Walkin’ My Cat Named Dog” by Norma Tanega.

I've started adding the yellow warning tape to some installations.
My wife is confused why I don't take pictures of each key and the answer is, all packets on a telephone pole look more or less the same. And the odds that someone reading this blog will recognize where it is is not likely.

A lot of stuff about sex today. Don't know why. Luck of the draw, I guess.


There are only two days in your lifetime that aren’t 24 hours long.

Let's do a few captioned images...


Botox doesn’t make you look young. It makes you look like you think you’re old.


I’m going to vote for Donald Trump who will fight the Chinese and get revenge for Pearl Harbor.

This is 50 cent.
Or as they call him in Zimbabwe, 4 billion dollars.
(I found that very funny)


A "smoking gun" found in a 1927 songbook may prove once and for all that the song "Happy Birthday" is out of copyright. Though it's long been known to be older than claimed, the presumptive copyright proprietor improperly continues to collect royalties and charge licensing fees: for those wishing to use the song, it's cheaper to pay up than fight in court.

 This is the sexual art in question.
 Speaking of...


If you tell everyone at work that you have a twin, then you don’t have to talk to them if you see them on the street.



"I kid you not." - Abortion doctor.

How wonderful!

Look, there are holy molies all over the place. I found four in this photo.

This is called a choir book...


Today’s average 5 yr old can’t tie his own shoes & probably still shits his pants, but he’ll solve your wireless network problem.

My wife got another tattoo.

An ancient feathered creature dug up in northeastern China is the largest winged dinosaur ever found.
 The fossil of the prehistoric raptor - named Zhenyuanlong suni - is so well preserved that scientists have been able to reconstruct its impressive plumage, from the tiny feathers on its head and neck, to the larger quill pen-like feathers that sprout from its tail and substantial wings.


I hold the U.S. indoor record for waiting in the house until my neighbors go back inside.

I haven't a clue.


Golf phrases that sound dirty #38: It bends a little to the left.



That awkward feeling when I'm wearing Nike's and I just can't do it.



The suction cups on my wife’s new TomTom will secure it to the windshield for about 22 minutes, then it falls off and hits her in the knee. She curses it, I laugh, she curse me…every time. It sort of like a two week absurdity marathon.

 Yeah, until one of them gets hungry and you are weaker.
 Speaking of...
Monkey teaches human how to crush leaves

Sorry I was late. I got stuck in internet traffic.



My wife considers 4 Hours Scrolling Through Facebook Before Bed ‘Winding Down.'

 Does the cat have a cellphone?


Peanut and nut intake is associated with lower risk of death from respiratory disease, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, likely because nut intake is indicative of a healthier overall diet.


I didn’t really find 4 Holy Molies in the picture above. I only found two. I was just fucking with you.

This is one of the saddest expressions I've ever seen...


My phone died doing what it loves: dying.



I just want to be rich enough to add bacon without asking how much more it costs.


The creative art/architecture group Snarkitecture has installed “The BEACH“, a monochromatic indoor beach/ball pit in the Great Hall of the National Building Museum (NBM) in Washington, D.C. Created from over 750,000 recyclable plastic balls
There is a whole thing about sculpture and it is that it alters the space. Considering that, that piece is aces.
I know it is crass, but wouldn't you like to be the young salesperson who sold those balls?


That's What He Said...

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