About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

My new desktop image.
Expect a lot more of these.

Trying to talk my wife into letting me take my Pastafarian mitre kippah on our journey...

Rather topical...
First image I've seen of the obvious debris flying through the crowd. I mean, damn.

Interesting twist on securing the border.

The greatest name in the bible is.........Nimrod.

The queen has just become England's longest serving monarch...


25 November 1941: Sailors jump from the hull of HMS Barham as she capsizes and her magazines explode.

Back when we didn't just decide to start a war on a rumor.
I'm thinking all those men were killed by the concussion from such a huge blast. Wondering if the ones under the water could avoid that?

I've posted several awful examples of crime sketches, so here is one that nailed it.
They even captured that little lazy eye thing she's got going. I'm impressed.

I don't know as much as I ought to about the Fed. I do know that it is not a wing of the government and that it regulates currency, but other than that...not so much.
However, there are a buttload of people who passionately despise it. 



If my nose was running money, I’d blow it all on you.

Just another reason to give government as little power as possible.

A German and British soldier share a smoke.
Those Germans designed that brilliant helmet at the turn of the 19th century. It was so far ahead of its time that America's latest design mimics it.


Skeleton Found in Herculaneum:

 Note ring.

I hope this makes you feel less stupid about yourself.
 Ewwwww. I bet it's going to be a long time before he gets another blow job.


If I ever met anyone who actually worked at NASA it would slide them $20 and ask them to tell me about the aliens.

The oldest foot prints ever found in North America.
 I mistakenly erased all details. Sorry.
Stuff like that blows me away...more so than bones.

How nice. I mean, if you are going to dye your hair you might as well DYE YOUR HAIR...


More people would have prosthetic devices if they didn't charge an arm and a leg.

One way to move a couch...if you are young...


The most pizza delivery friendly house in the world.


There's a BBQ joint in Georgia where you can pick up a pistol on your way out. 

I accidentally erased all the information on several of today's images while trying to repair that damage done to yesterday's post. This is one of them.
 Good thing they are wearing hardhats.

How do I tell if this is correct or just something posted to fulfill someone else's agenda?


 I think I posted this before, but it's worth a second look.
 He hand printed the first Harry Potter book in this configuration...
Notice the striations. They could be caused by him going faster or writing smaller, etc.
I did something like that one time. I fell off a ladder and crushed the bones in my right wrist for the second time (along with my right leg, but that's another story), and was afraid I wouldn't get my fine motor skills I needed to be an artist.
So I got some real small graph paper and even before the cast came off I started writing the alphabet.
I did dozens of sheets, but this is the only one I saved.
Notice that there are darker areas where the letters take more ink.
 This causes the finished sheet to have "lines" in it.
On a side note -  When you see my installation packets I'm going to stick up all over the country during my upcoming roadtrip, remember that I started putting things in little packets a long, long time ago, as per part of artwork to the right in above image.

I don't care how distracted you are, how do you run into a fucking truck?!?
How do you get so stupid? I mean it. How do you survive to be that old when you are so stupid as to walk into a fucking van?!


Pick out a dog at an animal shelter and no one bats an eye. Pick out a girlfriend at a women's shelter and everybody loses their minds.


Child leash for the smartphone generation.

That a look at these to meals and tell me what they have in common.
All of the food is rocks. 


If only...
Think of the the tens of millions of lives that could have been saved if the smart people had just concluded that that mother fucker was completely off his rocker.


For my daughter -


If we ever travel thousands of light years to a planet inhabited by intelligent life, I think we should just make patterns in their crops and leave.



It’s not summer unless your tongue is purple.



Is it okay to call a woman a cunt if she’s acting like a cunt?

Guy parked in a handicapped spot and came back to this.
He called a cop. Cop wrote him a ticket. 

I know I posted this previously...
 But I like it.

Get it?
Tramp stamp.


 I know this is silly.
But it makes a point. Think of the miracles Jesus is said to have performed. Water to wine, walking on water, making one guy alive, yada, yada, yada. Now think of all the genie's three wishes stories you've heard. If you could perform miracles, what would you do?
Does curing cancer come to mind. Or childhood luekemia? How about clean water for every child in the world?
I doubt seriously if it would be helping a friend get his wedding guests drunk. Just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

Where are Obama, Dick Cheney and the entire Bush clan? Out democratizing another oil rich country, no doubt.

Colin said...

I don't know as much as I ought to about the Fed....
Or Greece, but who gives a fuck. It's too late!
Try - The Creature From Jekyll Island.
A Second Look at the Federal Reserve By G. Edward Griffin.

Abolish crime - stop voting for them.

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