About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Been pretty busy with the keys.
It was a little hard to find appropriate mounting places since we drove on US Hwy 30 East all the way across Indiana and to Canton in Ohio.
 I keyed that sign post by the way, with a Zip-Loc.
 Most of US 30 is just a step below Interstate, but you can turn left or right without ramps.

This is Jack Van Loan. He's my friend, but he is my wife's best friend. And here's what the news had to say.
 Jack Van Loan wants Donald Trump to listen a little harder before he speaks. Then, and only then, might the GOP presidential hopeful regain some of his rapidly eroding credibility, he said. The former Vietnam War Air Force fighter pilot from Forest Acres – who spent six years as a POW in the infamous Hanoi Hilton – is among those outraged by recent comments Trump made about US Sen. John McCain’s military service.

My wife sent me a video clip about a guy that lured the KKK like the Pied Piper....with a sousaphone. And the song he played. Must see if only for a minute.

A little Beatles to scroll by...

20mph school zones are only making our children’s reaction time worse.


New Solar Power Shelters

I have mixed feeling about that, but I'm old school.

Take a good look at this…
It's a standard mouse trap with a piece of PVC pipe hot glued to a cut-out in the top. The 12 gauge shotgun shell in the pipe with be fire by the screw glued to the wire piece.
It's meant as an intruder device, but the fragments would probably fuck a dude up.

 Blanche Dumas was born on the island of Martinique in 1860. She had a third leg attached to her sacrum, and her two primary legs were said to be imperfectly developed. The third leg was without a mobile joint.

She had double genitalia as well as a duplicate bowel and bladder. To the right of her middle leg was the stump of another limb. Promoters sought to maximize its appeal by adorning it with nipples and advertising it a pair of extra breasts.
I would like to remind you that not only was working the freak show circuit lucrative, but more than likely was the only work they could get.


Battle Hymn of the Republic author, Julia Ward Howe
Very powerful song no matter what your politics are.


An estimated 5-13 metric tons of plastic enter the ocean each year and is predicted to increase drastically if waste management does not improve.

When that happens it will open up all that sea bed to exploration (exploitation) and all the major players are already taking steps to insure they get their slice of the pie.  
I think the huge divide between the people like me and the wrong thinking people (that was a joke) is that surely no one is saying that we are not going to be in a world of shit pretty soon, but rather there are those who think this is just a normal fluctuation and other people think our pollutants are accelerating it and should be curtailed. But then there are the ones who say that all that doesn't matter because no matter what the cause, at this stage there is nothing we can do about it. I think I am in the third group.


My climate scientist friend’s final word on the topic said climate change is "whatever" and life is "bullshit" and "Judith left me last night, that's why I'm drunk at work". I can dig it.


3d-printed finger sized tardigrades

Also known as the Water Bear, THE most amazing life form of which I am aware.

Went by an unoccupied computer at the library's and saw this on the screen.
I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY what the person typed into Google only to be disappointed by the results.

And when you really think about it, for the first time in history, with the click of a few keys, you can find an image of anything you can think of.
No matter how depraved or just plain silly.
Type in "Beautiful women in plane wreck" and you get one.
Type in Pickled Placenta Dress and there it is.
It was pickled for two years, then oiled and sewn with loving care, by the way.


Antibiotic use in animals raised for food is drastically increasing. This poses a risk for antibiotic resistance, which may limit our capacity to treat infectious diseases.

This took me much longer than it should have...
 Ditto to find the oddity in this image.


Only 5% of the entire world's population lives in the blue shaded regions. For comparison, another 5% lives in the red shaded area.
That's amazing.


My favorite childhood memory is not paying bills.

Can we assume this was a malfunction?
My question is, does the molten steel weld itself to any other metal object it comes in contact with?

This reminds me of my wife.
My wife is very supportive of my art, but every once in a while I catch her looking at all the thousands of dollars in cash in my art work and I can just hear the gears of her mind wondering about it.
And my commandeering of her colander to show my Pastafarian ties was a little dicy. 

 Julia Child, before she was a celebrity chef, was a US intelligence officer who during World War II tried to develop a shark repellant for the Navy. It didn't work at all, and the search for an effective shark repellant continues to this day.


the worst part about a shark eating your legs off is when you realize your wallet was in your pocket

In 1957 the FBI felt threatened by the Usual Gang of Idiots at MAD after the magazine ran a piece about draft dodging as a game, which involved writing to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and asking him for “full-fledged draft dodger” membership card.

 An FBI agent directed his bureau’s New York offices to “make contact” with MAD and “advise them of our displeasure” and to make sure “that there be no repetition of such misuse of the Director’s name.” The agent also decided it was important to give his opinion on the quality of the article: "It is also of interest to note that…it is rather unfunny.”

NOTE: 1957? That sounds a little early to me. The Vietnam War didn't really get geared up until the early 60s.

 Full 11year time lapse journey of rover in just 9 minutes.

 Putin's party launches "straight pride" flag

The text reads "Real Family."


Professional Slap Fighting, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Professional? Does that mean you get paid?! I ought to sign my wife up for that, to add to our 401K. 

Oh, heck, let's do politics...

I need a gun to protect me against those that want to harm me, a group mainly made up of people I've threatened with shoot with my gun


Non-metal robot performs prostate surgery inside MRI
And in other hospital news...
 Speaking of rubber things...
Notice that as soon as she realizes that what she is doing is sexual, she puts on her fuck me face and does that lip thing my wife used to do.

Do you think this is real. If it is, it's a shame.

A man speaks to his video game.

Awesome 5-star solar system with two contacting pairs found...

 The article said that the sky of the planets would be a real hoot.

 That's the running of the bulls. I bet she has three stranger fingers in each of her orifices. 



I hope the all-female Ghostbusters reboot proves once and for all women are as equally out of ideas as men

Drill-powered walking machine
Yes, you read that correctly. It is powered by one portable, hand-held drill and can got 400 miles on one charge.

I made that up about the mileage.

Is nothing sacred?

Making Sense...
Oh, yeah, we aren't supposed to question the illogic. It's the sinners who think.

Tired of me making fun of your religion? Why don't you all pray for me to stop? Oh, yeah, I forgot; you're not supposed to test that shit either. Test nothing. Believe everything. Got it!

1 comment:

Colin said...

This moustrap thing
The suspense is killing me....
But you are already deaf so the noise is no problem.
The mess - well - artists are messy anyway.
But Newton's Laws of Motion...How do you survive them?

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