About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Of My Very Own…

"...for what my body was made."

Please watch this long enough to get to "LONLEY."

ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Sir David Attenborough turned 90.

That guy has taught me a lot.



German humor.


This is my bride.

She is known far and wide as the baby whisperer. Her talent with babies is legendary.

And by the way, I think she is more beautiful today than she was back then.


Guns don't kill people, stupid parents kill people...mostly themselves.


Now pay attention because I need my viewers' advice on a change I'm thinking of making.

I have always posted my blog at 6am Eastern time, US for no particular reason I can remember. But my blog host calculates everything from 8pm to 8pm. What would be your objections to me posting each new blog at 8 o'clock at night? If I don't get any negative feedback, you can expect to see the change in a week or so. Thank you. 


It's amazing how patiently people will wait in line behind you when you're buying tampons for your wife.


I wonder if this has ever happened...


Something to think about...

Do any of you people know what the word "unsustainable" means? Well, let me know, I'm here to listen.


Yes, we remember.


Procedure for being unthanked for door holding:

1. Keep eyes fixed on culprit

2. Say you're welcome

3. Shake head

4. Mutter "unbelievable"



Kinda creepy that Noah could tell the difference between the male and female versions of EVERYTHING.




My kid once threatened to hold her breath until I gave her dessert. Now she's a pearl diver in the Philippines & can afford her own goddamn dessert.



Do Chinese cities have Americatowns?


Elton John Colonoscopy


Stop saying shit like "11/11/11" only happens once in a lifetime. EVERY date only happens once in a lifetime. That's how time works.



Are there things that will be forever Too Soon?

Advertising German Engineering


I understand why the people who built this endangered their lives to do so.

I do not understand this risk.


This more or less speaks for itself.

That was made up. As far as I know they made it just fine and are living full productive lives.


I am rarely judgmental, but I do scowl, and shake my head slowly in disapproval whenever I see a vegan biting its nails.


Saving broken necks one gymnast at a time.


The interior of the crown bar in Belfast.

That reminds me of the bar in Germany that had a wall between each booth and a floor to ceiling curtain. When you wanted to order, you just opened the curtain. I was pretty sure it was for getting together with someone other than your wife. I know for sure that from the motions and noises coming out of the one behind me that there was some fucking going on.


Rock porn...


I remember watching this live and thinking how embarrassing it would be had he missed.

The next day he was interviewed and stated that due to the large size of the target, it was almost impossible for him to miss.


Look at the detail in this getup...

And, yes, it is being worn by a real person.


You can find pleasure in the smallest things...



I've been told that Christianity wouldn't have lasted 2000 years if it weren't true. I found a couple of equally plausible things that is older than that and is still believed.


This army of 900 Indian Runner ducks keeps the Vergenoegd Wine Estate in South Africa in pristine condition by eating slugs and snails all day long.




I so want to believe.


Donald Trump always looks like he's trying to apply lip gloss in a rear view mirror.



I know I've posted this before, but it makes me smile every time I look at his face.


Not saying I'm special but kids these days never have any money behind their ears.



Anonymous said...

Sir Ralph you post your blog whenever you fucking feel like it we'll be here to read. B.Baggins

Anonymous said...

I will adjust my schedule accordingly.


Ninja Grrrl said...

I personally liked the 6AM time because I can't sleep very late anymore and I sincerely hate mornings. Knowing that 6AM would bring me something to look forward to has been nice,but I can look forward to 8PM too. Please don't suggest I just not read the post until the next morning because that ain't happening.

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