About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


One Of My Very Own… 



Gentle Reader, I present Miss Janet Joplin...

Bobby McGee

Last of the Olympics posts...

Team GB arriving in London Heathrow from Rio.

Watched an awful soccer game between Roma and Porto, with Roma getting to red cards and playing with nine players. Anyway the score toward the end was 3 or 4 to nil, so I said to my barmates, if I were referee I would end the game at 90 minutes with no stoppage time added. The real soccer expert among us bet that there would be two minutes stoppage time. I countered with one. The game ended with NO STOPPAGE TIME. I should have made it an over/under of 1 1/2. I learned a valuable lesson.

Our homeless friend is back in town. One of her only birthday cakes...


One of the managers at my bar has two young children, ages 9 and 6. Periodically the kids have to spend a couple of hours (doing their homework) at the bar before the father can pick them up after his shift. From time to time I gave them two quarters each to play the various arcade games, but lately I have been asking them to tell me one thing that they had learned new that day. I always lead off with one thing I had learned that day, usually accompanied by a Folio Olio post. Only after them explaining in detail their new found knowledge do I dispense my quarters. I very, very good time is had by all.

The guys who measure out the granite so it fits nicely in your kitchen were probably upset when they found out the term counterfeiters was taken.


Thanks for nothing...

I read about an online service that, for a fee, will mail a dildo to your ex. That kind of looks like some of their work.

Mistakes were made...

[death row]
Okay Johnson, it’s time. Any last requests?
Pardon me?
I said it’s time, any last—ah I see what you did there, Johnson. Good one.


I'll see your two headed lizard eating cockroaches and raise you two headed snake(s?) eating mice.

There's a Yo Mamma joke in here somewhere...

Really, Russia? Really?

Bacon still has a nipple on it. Gross!
But it is the perfect segue for our next collection...


Oh, my...

And the best for last...


No matter how lazy you feel, just remember that Goldilocks decided to take a nap during a B&E.


I'll be thankful my daughter is an independent iron willed human w/an unrelenting strong voice, but not today, not in this grocery store.


Guy made this map for beer bottle caps of the beer he drank where...

My wife's favorite way to clean the house is to stop inviting people over so no one sees it’s still dirty.


Those people should have their license suspended forever.


You can just imagine the outcome.


Well, I for one am greatly alarmed by that. And even in this country the uneducated are breeding like mice and the PhD's are not even replacing themselves. I read much about Nurture/Nature and we should all know outcome is predicted by both. So we are letting the proven high IQ people become extinct?

But wait, there's more...

And then there is the end of a culture. When, not if, the immigrants outnumber the native-born Germans, they can enact whatever laws they want, thus ending German culture.

I would find a tool and fix this...

I could not abide that every day. But it does appear as an optical illusion...in that they don't look like the same size.

This is like a playground for adults...

My home town's population always stayed the same. Overtime a girl got pregnant a guy left town.

Trigger warning ⚠

SOUND GUY: [taps microphone] this is a test, testing, testing…1, 2, 3..
MICROPHONE: [sweating profusely] OH GOD, UH. FOUR?!! FOUR, IS IT FOUR?


True? Hell, I don't know.

If you attempt to rob a bank you won’t have any trouble with rent/food bills for the next 10 years whether you are successful or not.


So with such a long history of things like this, why would be assume dinosaurs were drab?



What freedom looks like...

But you could never outrun your gas stations.

What a prick!

I run across tons of suggestions of black people accomplishing just about every major feat in human history. Most of it is suspect, but I can see why they do it. The best use statues to show that people like Cleopatra were black, thus all Egyptians were black. This is an interesting take...

Such bullshit that people stop saying "You ate it all! Good job!" once you reach a certain age.



Anonymous said...

The tattoo translates to "I regret nothing"

Ninja Grrrl said...

Are you asking for a translation of her tattoo? It says, I regret nothing. A bold statement by a woman who has not lived long enough to understand regret maybe. I see no point in brooding over the past but what kind of person has no regrets? Either someone far more shallow or far wiser than I.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you, my friend.

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