One Of My Very Own
What a cluster fuck.
Today my neighbor yelled at her kids so loudly that even I brushed my teeth and went to bed.
Roman folding pocket knife. (50CE)
Some Rivers Are So Drug-Polluted, Their Eels Get High on Cocaine
Critically endangered eels hyped up on cocaine could have trouble making a 3,700-mile trip to mate and reproduce — new research warns. And while societies have long grappled with ways to cope with the use of illicit drugs, less understood are the downstream effects these drugs might have on other species after they enter the aquatic environment through wastewater.
The oldest known Monopoly board created by Charles Darrow -1930.
I wonder how many young people have ever heard of Charles Darrow.
This is the gateway activity...
Soon they progress to more hardcore activities.
Until finally they are completely hooked.
Because real life is too boring.
I hired a guy right out of the army and Desert Storm and he broke everything he touched.
He explained that in the army everything was so heavy duty that it more or less couldn't be broken.
And when you are fighting for your life, breakage is not an option.
Speaking of...
British special forces soldier killed six Taliban in pitch-black, Viet Cong-style tunnel fight.
I've told you about these caves before. They are used to collect rainwater for agriculture and the soldiers are forbidden to blow them up even though they know the enemy seek refuge in them.
I haven't a clue as to why that is necessary. Have I missed something?
Note: I will explain it in a later post. It's not a pretty picture.
Want to guess what you are looking at before scrolling.
A frog who swallowed a firefly.
Did you know you can pop corn in a muffler?
Ancient Roman trephine -a hole saw used in surgery to cut out a circle of tissue and/or bone made from solid bronze.
Ancient painters palette carved from ivory with the name “Amenhotep III” inscribed - (1390-1353 BC)
Uncanny resemblance isn't it?
Guy rigged this up himself.
The manufacturers should take note. All electric cars should have solar panels on the hood, roof, and hood. It may not completely recharge it, but whatever amount it does is less you will have to pay for with your home electric bill.
One of the oldest diving suites still in existence. It is called the Wanha Herra, - 18th Century, Finland.
Yeah, I had question also.
Why would this be advantageous? I would think the ability to pick up hot pots would be advantageous.
Guy captures the moment a swollen river cuts a new channel to the ocean.
Best to skip forward on videos.
We use to do that on a much smaller scale when we were kids at the beach.
Rosetta probe's last images before colliding with comet.
I find such things fascinating.
A Cabinet of Noses
Want to guess what this is about?
Noses on 19th-century statues are notoriously fragile and would frequently break off. So the owners of the statues would replace them with marble or plaster replicas. Nowadays though, the museum removes any replacement noses because they only want to display the original sculptures, faults and all.
Human enginuity at its finest.
I bet they had similar devices during caveman times.
Instructions on how to use a dial telephone - (1951)
Artist David Bowen has produced a new video of his expanded tele-present wind project, where indoor plants in Spain are moved by an outdoor plant buffeted by winds in Minnesota.
Jade burial suite with 4,248 jade pieces held by gold wire. (206 BC-8CE).
Dueling bagpipes - only in Scotland
We were both strangers, but he was stranger than me.
Some people know how to ride a bike...
And some people don't.
Never take a dare if there is fire involved.
Watch carefully.
And example of complete, total ineptness.
Hong Kong's "Coffin Cubicles"
For the unemployed, elderly and/or college students, these are their only option.
And some are even worse...
Rent typically starts around $180 a month.
Communal bathrooms are available to the tenants.
How exactly would the guy holding the cactus put that on his resume?
Grandpa missed the Apply Brakes briefing.
There is always time for lubrication!
Unlucky, yes, but at least she wasn't on this deathtrap.
And now we wait.
I think those are orcas and I don't think they attack people. But I could be wrong.
There was a GREAT gif of a wedding party.
Here are some of the guests.
Here is the groom in one of those balls - who shit himself, and it got all over the inside of the ball.
And this is the reaction of the guests.
AirAsia Pilot Puts AC On Full Blast To Make Passengers Leave Flight Faster
The flight was scheduled to depart at 9 am and was initially delayed by 30 minutes. After boarding, passengers kept sitting inside the aircraft for one-and-a-half hours with no food or water at all. The flight captain then instructed all passengers to deboard without any explanation. When passengers refused to deboard due to heavy rains outside, the captain put the air-conditioning blower on full blast to hound the passengers out. It created a scary scene as a heavy fog was created inside the plane and it was very suffocating some said.
And then there is this very unlucky shmuck.
Watch carefully.
Only the true king could remove the sword from the stone because they didn't have...arthurization.
I'm thinking of adding that section to each daily post.
People making contact with concrete.
The language obedience to political correctness bothers me. Retarded was a medical term until somebody got a hair up their ass. But it's a neverending game since today a guy will ask his friend if he is special or something, which is the exact some insult.
One of my all-time favorites.
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