About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Think that is an exaggeration? Watch this theatrics.

He acts like a spoiled child.


Just another reason I don't let anyone ask me for help.


Just another I don't spectate fires.
Please don't do that. I need all the viewers I can get.


Just another reason I don't trust farts anymore.


Just another reason I don't drag race.


Just another reason I don't play golf.


Just another reason I don't have a job.
Let's not forget that this moment happened live.


Just another reason I no longer fly.


Do you ever walk around an art gallery and think, “This would be so much better if I was nude?” If the answer’s yes, then...
Just another reason I don't visit museums.


Just another reason I don't read random comments on the internet.


Happy Father's day to all the dads out there trying to keep the front door closed so you don't AIR CONDITION THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD.



Justin Peters, a 22 years old self-taught digital surrealist artist from Germany who merges reality with his own imagination using Photoshop.

My favorite...



Pre-fab and laser cut
I'm not sure why it's value to me is diminished knowing that.


Tokyo nights, Mateusz Urbanowicz
I like his style. Master of the gray.


My proctologist gave me two thumbs up, which I didn't appreciate.



Can you identify these women who were in the same movie and played roles of extraordinarily beautiful women?
Answer at the end of this section.


After telling her she should maintain her care more carefully, my wife Googled how to check her own oil.
She brought this to me and told me her dipstick was too short.


Creative problem-solving at its finest.


The United States doesn't have a Minister of Science.


I know women that I would loan the money.


Veteran Confederate soldiers in Nashville, TN, US in 1917.


His statue looks like him.


The Irish wife and the English slut.


I hate it when people honk at me to speed up while I'm driving. I got drugs and a loaded handgun on the seat next to me, bitch, go around.



At 4,000-years old, the Bridge of Girsu, Iraq is the oldest in the world. It's made of baked brick.

But I can't figure out how it works or where the road structure would go. I looked for 30 minutes for an artist rendition of what it looked like to no avail. 


Ashford Castle. - Mayo. Ireland.


All Icelanders will be assumed to be organ donors by default, with two exceptions: if the deceased specified beforehand that they do not want their organs to be removed, or if the deceased said nothing on the matter but their closest relative objects.


Someone edited a Pakistani child-safety education video to make it look like evidence of a ring of kidnappers was snatching children and taking them away on motorcycles; the video went viral in India and has inspired terrified mobs to attack and murder strangers on suspicion of being involved in the fictitious kidnapping rings.
Those last two men are pictured above.

NOTE: I posted that video a while back and for that, I apologize. I didn't know it was fake.



Providence Canyon, Georgia
Approximately 150 miles southwest of Atlanta, in the US state of Georgia, is a network of gorges and massive gullies lovingly called Georgia's “Little Grand Canyon.” It is considered to be one of Georgia’s “Seven Natural Wonders”, except it isn’t at all natural. These impressive canyons were created not by the action of a river over millions of years but by rainwater runoff from farm fields in less than a century.
How extraordinary.


David Graeber defined a "bullshit job" in his viral 2013 essay as jobs that no one -- not even the people doing them -- valued, and he clearly struck a chord: in the years since, Graeber, an anthropologist, has collected stories from people whose bullshit jobs inspired them to get in touch with him, and now he has synthesized all that data into a beautifully written, outrageous and thought-provoking book called, simply, Bullshit Jobs.


Displaced persons cross a bridge on the River Elbe at Tangermunde, which was blown up by the Germans, to escape the chaos behind German lines caused by the approach of the advancing Russians on May 1, 1945.

The only survivors of 150 Polish people who walked from Lodz, Poland to Berlin huddle in blankets, on December 14, 1945.


I am a person who wants to do a lot of things trapped in a body of a person who wants to sleep a lot.



Would you feel safer there or in a place that advertises that no one is armed?


How can we criminalize something that the vast majority of citizens think is harmless?


No thanks.


Works here in the US also.



If I was a Jedi there's a 100% chance I would use the force inappropriately.



I hang out at a pizza restaurant's bar.
While there I have met many young people. Most are working their way through college and are heavily in debt.
And don't try to tell these people that you worked your way through college without borrowing tons of money, back then textbooks didn't cost $1000 while wages have remained mostly stagnant.
Yeah, I was in college once.
I attended my share of keggers and smoked my share of dope, but at the same time, I was highly motivated. I do not tell these people my war stories unless I am asked.
When asked I will tell them that at their age I had a wife, two children, a master's degree and had served in the military for four years. Not as a way to brag, but just to let them know times have changed and the old rules don't apply.
All and all the young people today are a fine group of people. They are almost to a man not racist or homophobic. They don't give a shit about where your parents are from or what they do for a living. Being rich is more of a handicap because being fed with a silver spoon does not build character.


How times have changed.
There is no way this would be approved in a park nowadays. We don't allow our sons and daughters to do ANYTHING dangerous.


There is only one way to fry eggs.
And that is in bacon fat. But now most bacon produces no fat when cooked.


Haven't mentioned my views on this in a while.
In my hometown, it is illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk. You must ride on the road. I think that's insane. A collision with a bike and pedestrian results in a scrape or two. A collision between a bike and an automobile results in a fatality.


When it gets hot they have a habit of doing that.
How hot was it?
And it's still June!


This is one of the rare periods of my life where I don't own a convertible sports car.
It really is a unique driving experience. For me, it improves my mood on the worst of days.


Not me. I simply won't allow anyone to make me fearful of the language I use, if...IF they are using it. I wouldn't dream of demanding anything like that of another person. I simply don't have the authority.


More lazy writing and movie making.
Can you spot what wrong with this elaborate restraint?

These people have just had to kill two people who seemed insane, so what do they do...

That's right, they SPLIT UP!
Back when I wrote novels I refused to do anything that stupid. Even with a plot problem, I would work my ass off not to write cliques.

There are no two sadder words than Middle-aged Gamer.














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