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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Neymar. Fucking Neymar 

I paid much more money than I usually bet for a bracket for the World Cup. I have now had all four of my picks for the final four eliminated and can only receive a score of zero. A whole bracket...a score of zero. Zilch. Nil. I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone...other than the thousands of you fine folk.



I've told you about the Japanese fans who clean up their section of the stands.

Now we learn that after losing their game the Japanese team cleaned up their locker room and left a note saying "Thank you"

Well, fuck you Japanese!
If everyone did that all the time, how many janitors would be put out of work?
The most important public health workers are garbage collectors and janitors. So much of our health relies on a clean environment. These people do some of the most important work in society. If we learned in dirty public environments full of garbage, we’d all be sick. I cannot thank these people enough for the valuable work that they do.



The manager at my bar got a call from somebody who told him to tell me that I had left my cart's turn signal on. That's one thing I hate about that cart; it doesn't turn off the turn signal after you make the turn.



The US Postal Service will have to pay a sculptor who recreated the Statue of Liberty for a New York-themed Las Vegas hotel over $3.5 million after it used his version instead of its much more famous predecessor on Lady Liberty-themed stamps.


Almost every time that has ever been tried it ended in disaster.


First generation Iraqi-American who uncovered the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. She is a pediatrician who started testing blood samples of children in Flint for lead and used the results to finally get the government to admit there was a problem.
RH: What difference does it make that she is a first generation anything. She is an American, period. It's like a rule.


That is not new news. I think the reason is that being a good test taker does not mean you can think independently and/or are exceedingly creative.


They are starting to enforce this all over America, and it DOES NOT matter that you are going the speed limit.


The 4468 Mallard, worlds fastest steam train - 126MPH.


I favored the countersuit for not having a glass case around something that fragile and no Do Not Touch sign until I saw how the little bastards were allowed to run around inside a museum. I would have fined the bitch the money for that alone.


That sounds about right. I am so glad I turned that age during the golden age of Rock and Roll.


Abject poverty does that to people.


Ratatouille would demolish Stuart Little in a fight and it wouldn't even be close.



I used to do this from time to time in my younger days.


There are traditional patterns past from generation to generation. They take great pride in the designs.
My wife has a collection of wonderful quilts that I consider an art form.


This lady's legs are much too long.


I am a master at inventing games.
Just ask my children.


Not only did Allied bombers have to battle Nazis during WWII, they had to battle the English fog.
The solution was to set the runways ablaze.


I'm not saying that is Art with a capital A, but I do like the alternative medium.
Now go back and notice right in the middle the three or four horizontal black lines. I hate that.


This video was the last video that the band recorded before Farrokh Bulsara, AKA Freddie Mercury, died of AIDS-related bronchopneumonia a few months later. 
An easy man to love.


Told my wife she had a beautiful smile and she said she got it from me.



Look at the filth on the floor under the lid. Caused by the inability of standing close enough.








Oh, hell no.




How does a nudist clean their glasses?



I have a thing about the power of nature.
Here's another.
The result of a Japanese earthquake.

Even the mighty winds.


Human feet as a geological force.

I also have a thing for stairs.
If I'm not mistaken, those were the steps that were removed in hopes of turning them over to reveal a pristine surface; only to find someone had already thought of that and done it many years ago.


Over the last 100 years, female elephants have evolved to have no tusks.
Hundreds of studies have revealed that 2% of female elephants had no tusk, but over the last 100 years, that percentage has grown to 20%.
And the reason is rather obvious.
There are more tuskless females left to pass on their genes.


On the other side of the planet from Opportunity, Curiosity took a selfie of itself and the effects of the dust storm.
The ground does look a little windswept.


This is completely unnecessary.
That same mother has probably raised 12 healthy families in that exact same spot without mishap.


How wonderful.


Going in and out of mach speed caught on camera.


Dog food lid backward is dildo of god.

Just something else to worry about.




"Just like a regular horse show event..."


The anti-drug commercial that probably boosted weed sales.



I'm assuming somebody's husband came home early.



As a child, I had the impression that I would be offered free drugs by strangers much more frequently than the 0 times that it has happened.



When you accidentally cast Pornhub to the TV downstairs.


Years of meditation and self-control, and suddenly....
Notice his hand covering his erection.








Aren't you too old to be interested in comic book movies?


Never buy off-brand Pop-Tarts.












But there is another answer I couldn't discern. Anybody?



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