About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Don’t you give up hope...

Well, are there any Navajo in Mexico?


One of my least favorite memories from my youth involved me cutting tens of millions of tons of firewood to stoke the three functioning fireplaces in our house. There are numerous tools made to split wood...
But my father bought the lightest, cheapest regular ax he could find and I struggled. I vowed never to live in a house with a fireplace and I never have.


My buddy once drove his '57 Chevy in a ditch and bent the fender back up against the tire. He put a strap on the bottom and pulled it out with only a small crease to show that it had happened.
But be forewarned, there is such a thing as too much force.

Bouncer Absolutely Overwhelms Gun Wielding Punk.
Brave man.

I like how it strips the overhanging pole one item at a time.

Stupid bastard. He will never live that down. Never.

Percussionist playing Mahler's 6th Symphony
Lower right is priceless.


So, all of that for mere amusement?

They say that if you lose one of your senses the other ones become heightened. Like for instance, I lost my sense of humor in a boating accident but now my sense of style is so on point I can tell when someone’s wearing his hair in last week's style just by looking.



A Waldo Finder
What a time to be alive.

For recycles?
I assume people steal them otherwise.

F-35 thrust vectoring

How STOVL (short take-off and vertical-landing) works in F-35B.
That took a whole bunch of really smart people.

Louis Edward Curdes is a badass. He was one of the only three American pilots to shoot down aircraft of the German, Italian and Japanese air forces, belonging to the three main countries that comprised the Axis Powers. He also has the unusual distinction of having downed a United States aircraft. In total, he shot down seven German Messerschmitt Bf 109s, an Italian Macchi C.202 fighter, a Japanese Mitsubishi Ki-46 reconnaissance aircraft and an American Douglas C-47 Skytrain.

But what are these vertical things?

Remember me telling you about my brother-in-law who has a personality exactly like Donald Trump?
He drove one of those. Well, he did until the Federal Government took it and everything else of value for ill-gotten gains in a money laundering scheme.

What a fun place.

It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
I'm thinking table tops.

Nuclear explosion photographed less than a millisecond after detonation.
I know you've seen that several times, but we all need a reminder from time to time.
Note those vertical rocket plumes on the right.

That's terrifying.
What the fuck is that?

This is a great idea.

Before scrolling, guess what this is.
It's a balloon!

That's pretty fucking big!

In comparison to the day when a six-mile wide asteroid slammed into the Gulf of Mexico and incinerated most of the world's biomass, today is going well.



This took me longer than it should have.

My wife can still do this...
Dress her own self, I mean.

Emma Watson almost showing her vajayjay.

Fuck you. We were tricked into doing that to start with under the implied reward that they would lower their prices. They did not lower the price yet we still act like it's our civic duty...like voting. I don't care if you do or do not clean your own table, but don't belittle me for letting the employees do their jobs.

Peas and mayonnaise pizza.
Why the hell not.

I admire everyone who does their jobs with aplomb.
(Nice word aplomb.)

The internet is leaking again...

Do you think his car stuck in reverse?
Wouldn't that be great with the Benny Hill music?



"There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.”
Marshall McLuhan
(write that shit down, Y'all.)





Lettuce, Guac, Bacon, Tomato, Queso



RH: That is supposed to be true.





First Lines





I will never tire of this...

Hints of what it is not:





Anonymous said...

Your three straight lines are the symbol of the italian air force in WW2

marlinmo said...


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