About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 27, 2018

MONDAY #3530

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
Send your $2 today to:
Dano's Pizza
3008 Rosewood Drive
Columbia, SC 29205


Wizard beard so long I get it caught in my armpit when I roll over in bed.


Baltimore police officer is suspended after disturbing video showed him raining punches on a man who refused to show ID.
If I'm not mistaken, that's not even illegal.

I can remember when I could make a woman look like that without touching her scalp.

44 years ago, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein watched Nixon resign.


That's one cool ass pedestrian.

Think about that cherry for a moment.

This is an internet classic if there ever was one.

Please watch until the end.



Life is what happens when you’re busy misquoting John Lennon.



In America

Land Use


Average age per county

A fishwife from Musselburgh who was hanged in the Grassmarket in 1724 for murdering her illegitimate baby shortly after birth. After the hanging, her body was taken back to Musselburgh on a cart. However, on the way there she awoke. Since, under Scots Law, her punishment had been carried out, she could not be executed for the second time for the same crime (only later were the words "until dead" added to the sentence of hanging). Her "resurrection" was also to some extent seen as divine intervention, and so she was allowed to go free. In later life (and legend) she was referred to as "half-hangit Maggie". There is now a pub in the Grassmarket named after her."

See anything odd?

Hail and the golf course
How do you suppose you repair that?


Hovenring is the world’s first suspended bicycle path roundabout. Located in the Netherlands, Hovenring can be found between the localities of Eindhoven, Veldhoven and Meerhoven which accounts for its name, Dutch for “Ring of the Hovens“.


Solar Flare near the Sun causes a beautiful 90-minute plasma eruption.

Give her a little time and my daughter's satellite will tell us all about things like that.

Have you been keeping up with the murder rate in Chicago?


If you really want to, you can be the reason why a grown man gets torn apart by clowns.



A neighbors' dispute.

Bamboo Dancer
Weird audience. Look at all the body language.

How to turn salt water into fresh water with improvised distillation.

That was great, but a chemist friend said you can do the same thing without the fire. Just have one bottle in the cool wet sand and the other on hot sand.

Some random gelatinous blob.
Let's touch it.
I don't think so.

This nail gun uses wooden nails.

Once a piece of furniture is nailed together, you just sand off the tiny bit of nail sticking out. Cool.

Still working. How wonderful.

The heart-warming moment mom plays 'airplane' with its baby and includes a little turbulence.



The Dollar Bill problem:
In a bag are 26 bills. If you take out 20 bills from the bag at random, you have at least one 1-dollar bill, two 2-dollar bills, and five 5-dollar bills. How much money was in the bag?

Huge Pie problem:

A huge pie is divided among 100 guests. The first guest gets 1% of the pie. The second guest gets 2% of the remaining part. The third guest gets 3% of the rest, etc. The last guest gets 100% of the last part. Who gets the biggest piece?



I owe most of my vocabulary to reading the closed captions dialogue in porn films as a child.







Nuff Said.



But this is the real problem.

But every district wants their senior member to return to a position of power.


If you are going to be hung for stealing the goat, you might as well fuck it as well.

 - Old Australian proverb




I sent my mother the front page of the newspaper in which I was featured. The article next to my picture was of a murder victim.








Out cold.









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