About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


One Of My Very Own
Let's try that again...
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Correlation or causation?

A steam train after a boiler explosion.
Those rods are filled with water and the configuration makes it possible to turn to steam.

Wait for it...


The one true gender...


Lucky lady.


From India...
That young man looks scared shitless. The Indian cops do have a habit of beating the crap out of suspects.

Who could have foreseen that Multipass would be one of the most memorable lines in the movie?

When you ask how a white person is doing and they say "Living the dream", that's code for "Every morning I wake up wishing I was dead."



I like that, but craftsmen like that usually do thousands of the same down thing with few if any variations.

Like a cat.

Oooooooooooooh dear god.


For my favorite bartender who has moved on to better things.

Mother acting scared when her little hunter tries to sneak up on her.

I ask my young friend who does standup comedy once a week if he had ever bombed. He smiled and said, "Let's just say I received a lower than expected reaction to some jokes."

For whatever reason, the guy who built our house had a three block high concrete block wall built along three sides of the lot. Well, over the years the holes have filled leaves, dirt and shit and squirrels put hundreds of acorns down in there. So now I have hundreds of lush oak trees about a foot apart lining my yard and it looks pretty much like the image above.



Notice the door handles. Those are not the handles of a pickup truck.


I would love to come upon one of those. If anyone finds out she has a Gofundme account let me know and I will send her money.

Supersonic shockwaves visible as rocket passes through clouds composed of ice crystals.

If Goldilocks tried three beds, then Momma Bear and Papa Bear slept separately and Baby Bear was probably the only thing keeping the family together.




73 Camaro RS
That is such a redneck car that we once took over and under bets, on the year Camaro in which our bartender was conceived. 



Guy's grandfather was a "very private man about his WW2 Service."
My immature ass found something funny about that.

There's an old saying that the fewer keys a man has, the more important he is.

That was an interesting time to be alive.

All things Ralph...





How man insane tests were done by Coca Cola before they chose the middle ground of too much cocaine and not enough cocaine?



Mount Olympus, Mars

Now THAT'S a hole!

Volvo Sugga
There were only 720 TP21s built and the last one was made 60 years ago.

Canadian and Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine.

Let's take another look at this marvel.

You can't make it spin all the way around in either direction...or at least I can't.

A different perspective on just how immense the Great Pyramid of Giza truly is.
And they are still not sure if it's filled with rubble or whole stones. My money is on rubble...it makes the timeline work.


Opening Lines










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