About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


At Petrified Forest National Park, visitors sometimes break the rules (and the law) by taking rocks home with them. According to rangers, they often end up returning the stolen goods in the mail—along with an apology note.


Tis but a scratch...

Did you know that there are salt flats all over the globe?

Salar de Uyuni – Bolivia

Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah – United States

Makgadikgadi Pan – Botswana
Atacama Salt Flat – Chile
Lake Eyre – Australia

This is extraordinary...and I mean that.
It was too large a gif to load so I will tell you storyboard method.
While a train is barreling through town dozens of people were crossing the track ahead of it.

The engineer hit the brakes right here. What is that about 100 yards to the people?

And that motherfucker stopped that 60 mph train before it hit the people.
 Watch it here:

My bartender said that it took days to prepare and that there was a BBQ place near me that served it.

This snake died in the California fires near Taylor Creek.
Looks like he died trying to fight off the fire.

The Great Divide, Johnny Miller
I assume those are borders but not certain.

The only person who’s actually “living the dream” is that guy who watches the security camera at the grocery store & turns on the veggie spritzer the instant someone reaches for parsley.

That's my kind of subtle humor.


Homecoming prisoner, Vienna, Austria ca 1946.

A. A. Milne was born on this day in 1882. He was an English author, best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh. Photo: A.A. Milne, his son Christopher Robin, and the real Winnie The Pooh, 1926.

A Prussian Landwehrmann tanning rat skins in a dugout, WWI.
I wonder what he did with them.

U.S. Army military policemen toasting bread over molten lava from Vesuvius, March 18, 1944.
Not to get picky, but isn't all lava molten?

American soldiers watch as the Tricolor flies from the Eiffel Tower again, c. 25 August 1944.
Any of you Americans take pride in us taking all those countries and not only giving them back to the rightful owners but paying to rebuild them?

On 27 January 1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration and death camp, was liberated by the Red Army. Photo: The liberation of Bergen-Belsen, April 1945.

Titanic Orphans, brothers Michel and Edmond Navratil, 1912. They were the only children to be rescued from the Titanic without a parent or guardian.

Two Native Americans looking at photographic film, 1913.
How ever strange.

Unpacking Mona Lisa at the end of World War II in 1945.
Restoring my faith in mankind.

A soldier of the 1st US Army, among debris inside the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig, Germany April 1945.

Nikola Tesla in his office at 8 West 40th Street, New York City in 1916.

And then there's this guy.
Goalkeeper Sam Bartram, alone on the pitch, not realizing that the game had been abandoned 15 minutes earlier due to heavy fog. 25 December 1937.

Hi, welcome to adulthood where you will be constantly tired except right before you need to go to sleep.



Who does that?!


Funny Guy.

Who sketches this out and submits it for approval?

Very shallow learning curve. How many times must that happen before you get a Plan B?

I would give that guy a dollar every time I passed him.

Stupid bastard.
Do you think he would have done that had there been no camera?

Did you notice that in her moment of pique the meat ended up back in the bowl?

"I'm so brave. I'm better than you. I'm not afraid of anything." - Fucktard Probably

Car gets rear-ended in the worst way possible.
Have you ever wanted to watch a man fuck the tailpipe of a car? Well, now is your time to scratch that itch.

I've learned two important lessons in life. I can't recall the first one, but the second one is that I need to start writing stuff down.



I once went to the chiropractor for my back and after examination, he informed me that it was very rare but as messed up as my back was, my neck was perfect. That doctor was out of town during my next visit and his replacement re-examined me and told me my neck was messed up worse than he had ever seen. I refused to let him "adjust" me.
He was also the one who, finding out I was an artist, said that I had a creative fluid...a REAL liquid that starts in my brain and flows down my arms to my fingers. I never went back.

"The Most Unknown" is a documentary I watched.
There was this one line between two scientists: 
And at that moment I was watching Interstellar on my TV. Weird that.

How much of the universe do we understand? We don't even understand our own home planet. The bottom of the ocean; the depth of caves; the quantum world. And then when you think about the scale of the universe and realize we know next to nothing. And that precludes that there are countless other universes.

13th is another documentary well worth watching.
Here's a quote from it:

I can barely hear and I do that all the time.

I hate when I can't put something on my blog that I know you guys will like. This is such a case.
It is so powerful you can almost feel the ground shake. The laughter was a little off-putting.

When I was writing I used stuff like this all the time.
I also found that I used some otherwise innocent words over and over...like the word "walk." I hit "Find walk" and stop anywhere where that word was on the same page twice. At first, I would find a page with 5 or 6...kind of like this sentence: I walked into the room moments before my wife walked in and then together we walked to the store. I hate walking around stores.

Something very dramatic is happening in my home state of South Carolina.
There is a dramatic decline in church attendance. Churches are going out of business right and left. I predicted this but thought it would take one more generation. I lay the credit right at the keyboard of your computer.
I am composing a Letter To The Editor concerning that development that will include bits like this:

You are now in the internet age where nobody believes anything without pics. You can not expect these people to just accept the holiness of a story featuring bears being sent by the creator of the universe to eat children who called a man baldheaded. They have problems with talking donkeys; the stopping of the sun; and the repeatedly stated "fact" that the earth doesn't move. 
And then there is the problem of two animals starting pairing a whole species...incest and all being what it is.


First Lines

Demon Rum









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