About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 7, 2018

FRIDAY #3541

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Welcome to this century, guys!




I want that to be true so badly.

Safety First


Then there's the Cleveland Browns Offensive Line Coach Bob Wylie - a thing of beauty.

I guess that's one way to get a ride to your car.

I dare you to guess how this ends...

You get pretty close when you are both fighting for your life.

I've never wanted to be a rope so badly.

Feel free to jump right in at anytime...

Nun but the brave...
What about that whole forgiveness thing?

Theif is the butt of the old mouse trap gag...
She seems to be talking to the instructor WHILE stealing.

Living the dream.

In the final two hours of his life, Air Force Tech. Sgt. John A. Chapman saved the lives of an entire special operations teams.

Today, he becomes the first airman to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War


If your wife or girlfriend has a friend who annoys you don't tell her to stop being friends with her. Just casually mention how pretty she is.



Budweiser has released a pair of beer cans that are guaranteed not to leave rings on your table.


That sign is not necessary for me.


We all deserve another look at this...
For all of you new people: Luck Be In The Air Tonight.




I think we should vote on that in the midterm.


In my humble opinion, that is pretty close to a perfect joke.

Wet the toothbrush, put on toothpaste, wet that bad boy again, then brush. That's the law.



I wonder how much money they have had to pay out in claims.

This was too big to load gif.
It shows a trough with swiftly flowing water (broth?) in which float noodles.
When a clump of noodles gets to you, you scoop them up with the super-handy sticks that they give away free. The gif showed person after person eating from the trough, which was totally unnecessary. 

"Come on, dude, you're drunk, it's not worth it. Let's just go home." - Sober friend
"Motherfucker's looking at me funny."

One guy was the first person to ever do that. I imagine the stone was pre-cracked and he just helped it along and quarrying was invented. And we don't even know his name.
Oh, look, I found another...
He's wearing dress shoes.


Speaking of things that point in many directions...
As I understand it, he shoots at stationary targets on the ground to fine tune the alignment between helmet and weapon.

Sleep tight.
Never will I see mannequins that I don't think of the hundreds I was given if only I had a place to store them.

The Beyond
Not a great movie by any means, but well crafted. You can tell they had consultants all along the way to at least keep the black hole exploration plot in the vicinity of plausibility.

Once on a journey far, far away I had pulled over to get a drink or change tapes or something and I was just in the right place to watch two very old women come out of a house, make their way to their truck and open the passenger door. Then the healthier of the women went to the back, opened the tailgate and removed a huge concrete block, which she put under the passenger door very much like the stool above. She then helped the other feeble old lady up into the cab and returned the block to the bed. I will never forget that.

You must understand that rule number one is never, ever stop your vehicle.


I'm thinking one was planned and the other just grew, following existing lanes through the countryside.

Experts conclude no threat from 3D-printed guns after watching nation try to operate normal printers.


In America, there are words whose usage can get you fired from your job, kicked out of your apartment, and/or expelled from school.

These words include but are not limited to Faggot, Cunt, and Nigger.

However, other selected groups of people are immune to that "forbidden to speak clause" in our groupthink. Other groups can yell it from the rooftops with immunity.
My question is, are there any other countries that have such targeted linguistic taboos? Oh, I know there are forbidden words everywhere but are the punishments targeted to just one group as it is here in America? Just wondering.


I ran across these and decided to share them with you.

Reminds me of that other clip about the dog and cat.

I credit that with being in the exact wrong (right?) location on the map.











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