About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


That motherfucker wasn't fucking around. He wanted the whole damn head!
"Hey, baby, how about a little head?"

As much as I dislike cats, I love this scrappy bastard.

Somebody wrote that PETA had a hand in it, but whatever, they freed the animals from their cages.

I would have bet serious money the nosy bastard would not be able to get his head out without assistance.

Do you think that's true?

It's called Flirting With Death and is considered great fun by some sea creatures.

This did not end as I predicted it would.

Notice that almost immediately the octopus clamps the mouth shut. That's not its first rodeo.

You think this is bad?
At least when it dies it nourishes other organisms. When you die your body is just wasted. Think about that.

Why do I sometimes barely get service in my house but the goddamn Taliban can upload videos from some cave in Afghanistan?

The Argentinian cartoonist Quino is best known for creating Mafalda. An ink master, graphic humor master, and a social rebel.  He has some great cartoons with words too, but these I didn't need to translate.

Thank God


Sword Fighting: Not even once.
But I bet it's a hell of a story.

And he's a goalie!

How absolutely wonderful.
Nice house, Grandma.

I ran across a whole a photo-essay concerning feet. It had this one I've shared before.
And this one.
This little piggy went to Chernobyl...

There are two things you should never do at the same time...
Sail and get in a hurry.
Did you notice that the bridge is lowering?

[verification needed]

We have all done this...
But who the fuck cuts a steak like that before cooking it? Some sort of cultist I bet. Or a collector of snails.

I would wear it much better than he.
My wife would have the same reaction.

That is me when someone orders me a beer when it's time for me to go home and cook for my patient wife whom I love so much.

This is me moments prior...

By the way, my near-wizard beard is now getting caught in the shoulder strap of the seat belt. I also drag it through my plate when I reach across the table for something. But those are just prices I pay for the awesomeness.

People from states with nice roads may never understand what it's like hitting a pothole so hard that your soul leaves your body for a moment and you feel an obligation to audibly apologize to your car.



Let's suppose some Walmart stores employed child rapists, and when found out they were not sent to jail but rather just transferred to another Walmart. Would you ever shop at Walmart again?
I'm not so angry at the sick priests who did this or the power-mad Catholic leadership who allowed it to continue; no, I am furious with you people who still attend services and donate money like none of this happened. You people sicken me.

The trial begins for a Russian woman who has been charged with extremism after she reposted this meme on social media deemed offensive to authorities.
You guys have a way of trading one Tsar for another then another.


RH: Hell, yeah!

I would dare to say that 90% of those kinds of decisions are made by the mother.

Let's close this section with:



“For the purpose of this guide, we’ll refer to the vagina as the ‘front hole’ instead of solely using the medical term ‘vagina,'” the document explains. “This is gender-inclusive language that’s considerate of the fact that some trans people don’t identify with the labels the medical community attaches to their genitals.”
Further is this bit of drivel:
"Healthline has claimed health disparities and higher rates of HIV and STIs observed in LGBTQIA communities are due to discrimination in the sex ed world."
Speaking of...

Grocery shopping with kids is just yelling "put that back" every 30 seconds until everyone is crying.

(they can't all be gems)


I know I'm no expert, but you would think that there would be an acid that eats only the minerals you want to be removed and left the skull fossil unscathed.

I think that is the factory that produces them. You can glimpse others in the background.

Okay, I've given this a lot of thought. Watch changes everything. Why go to Mars when you could set up a colony on the Moon and let them work out the survival kinks as it were? Once it is more or less routine, move the whole operation to Mars.

Doctor hands me this and says Go buy this...
...and the pharmacist gives it to me.

I always called this guy Super Visor.

An apprentice called his boss asking about a red light in a ground buss, the boss asked him to send me a photo.


I found that very funny.

I could watch this for hours.
Most impressive.



That looks like he meant to do that...looked right at her.



Let me get this straight: A man hears voices and then mutilates his penis.
And nobody thinks that batshit crazy? I mean you can visit any insane asylum and find people who hear voices from god and they could pass a lie detector test. That mental illness, not divine revelation.


That's the cutest expression I have seen in a long time.




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