About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

SUNDAY #3536

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
Football has begun. I told my wife I would see her in February.




That is a good man. He did an hour-long report on the evils of marijuana, then a week later demanded an hour to rebut every single point he had reported from government information. He concluded by stating that your government is lying to us about marijuana and has lied for decades.









How day do dat?

Like the near-human Eve found in Africa.




The first step in self-improvement is self-loathing.




For about 23 years, starting in 1996, the Canadian artist Dana Wyse made pills for her pharmaceutical venture Jesus Had A Sister Productions. 
There are hundreds of them...some better than others.



Law says your dog must be in a bag.


You can always pick up your needle and move to another groove.






Well, it could very well be a father and a son.

Stupid on so many levels.

Driving across a flooded highway in China



Her hair got caught in her racket.

It's decorative gourd season, motherfuckers.



Messi, just showing off.
He is my all-time favorite player. But that brings up an interesting point. But me considering him the best player to ever play the game is just my opinion.  But many (most?) people confuse their opinion with fact. And that goes for political parties, sports teams, universities, food, etc. I find it an ugly trait in an otherwise thinking human being.

Looking for old coins with a metal detector but end up finding a WWII tank in his backyard.
I've written often about how much wealth is still buried in the ground. I base that on the number of times an army sweeps across the land and everyone with anything of any value buries it to keep it out of the enemy's hands. And not all those people survived to dig it up.

Utah Beach Normandy
The holes in the concrete are not scars from Allied shells, they were intended for soil and natural grass to grow for camouflage of the German bunker.
While in Germany I lived within a few miles of the Maginot Line. We went down in many of the bunkers - five or six stories straight down.
The gun ports had step backs like this one.
That way a bullet can't ricochet into the opening.
98% of them looked just like this, but you could tell where the kitchen, bathrooms, etc were.

The last time I had that done I woke up halfway through it and it took four of them to hold me down. Now they want me to have another.

Living near the coast has its advantages.

Handball Penalty Shot
Wondering how many hours of practice that required.

I find it telling that most satellites in space look down back toward Earth and not out into space.

I have no idea what this is all about, but it seemed clever.















Perceptive comment in your cartoon. -Well why not? When such dross as Cormac McCarthy, Thos Pynchon, Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison, Don DeLillo Donna Tartt, and JM Coetzee are all accepted as "great", then Rowling is a dead cert. If you want to read great literature go to pre-1939 plus Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Burgess. Their books wouldn't be used for exams as they are too full of quality and show the rest up. They are also too long!Mike

Anonymous said...

Did you notice how Caroline Wozniacki adjusted her grip and wrapped her hair even tighter on her racket?

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