About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

SUNDAY #3543

One Of My Very Own
Someone once told me that BBT was hilarious, so I watched it a couple of times. When I saw the guy again I told him it wasn't funny, and he told me that was because I just wasn't smart enough to understand the jokes.
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Who the hell thinks shit like that up?

How clever.

I don't play my superior aesthetic card very often, but that image on top is not what anyone but a child call art. It's childish kitsch.

Good design makes all the difference.


The infamous black rose is not black at all, but rather a very dark red.



Daniel Rozin, “Wooden Mirror,” 2014

Blue lights in restroom prevent drug users from finding veins to shoot into.

Early Humans Reconstructed
Looks as if it knows it is posing. Beautiful.

The United States Compared To The Moon

That is awesome.

A wild boar skull compared to that of a wolf.

And to think that the exact same aeronautical skill is required for models and real airplanes.

Many dogs are easily trained and hard workers because they have evolved to please their master.

The only miracle I've ever witnessed.

This male salmon's face as he nuts...


The bacteria that cause urinary tract infections are not only becoming more resistant to antibiotics, suggests a recent study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, but they’re starting to spread outside of hospitals. Even worse than that, doctors might be losing their ability to predict when someone has a superbug, raising the chances of treating them with useless drugs that will further promote resistance.

The entire observable universe in a single photo.

The Laniakea Supercluster is home to 100K galaxies including our own.

In 1957, Tulsa Oklahoma decided to take a gold and white 1957 Plymouth Belvedere, nicknamed Miss Belvedere, and stuff the trunk with trinkets from 1957, shrink wrap the car and stick the car in a reinforced concrete vault underground; only to be reopened 50 years later.
And it was a mess.
Somebody didn't seal it properly. Bummer.

You can always know something won't be fun if someone says "Come on, it'll be fun."



I wonder how they disable the automatic fire suppression?

And he was so very correct.

[verification needed]

Islamic Dance Remix
You MUST go see at least part of this:

Speaking of dancing...
Kind of prissy, ain't she.


I find it admirable that people overcome their innate fears to do shit like this.
That just reminds me of the burial at sea ritual.

"Look for the helpers." 
  - Mr. Rogers

Okay, pay attention to every detail of this...
That was fucking hilarious.


[verification needed]

What it is is Gerrymandering.

With his teeth.

I'll take two.

It's a mole...

His post-recovery reevaluation of life facial expression...

Do you notice anything...a little off?

A kindred soul.

"Look, let's just forget it." - Translation: I will remember this until my dying day.








Famous First Lines




Yes, that is exactly how silly I think your religion is.





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