About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Woke up this morning to this...
Remember what I said about it aiming right at my back door?

Darkness Falls on Hurricane Florence
Look at that roiling shit in the bottom left.

Never forget to thank the linemen you see after a huge storm. These guys (and a few gals) work around the clock to restore power. Offer to get them food or water. 
Also if the storm hitting is like Irma last year, offer to wash their clothes if you can. Most of the time these guys are sleeping in their trucks for days and sometimes weeks.

Fire Ants in floods
Just something else to worry about.

An alert viewer sent me this:
"That is NOT a photo of Burt Reynolds, it is Tom Selleck. Am I the only one out of all of your viewers that caught this?"

[verification needed]


What a wonderful idea. Reminds me of the restrictions put on the use of the word "cheese".
And this image goes here as easily as anywhere else...

But there will always be the rule breakers...

And then there's this...


Stupid motherfucker.


This should be universal...

Reminds me of prayer.
I received this most excellent advice from a great professor of mine:
"Success is being respected by the people you respect."
Social media is making a mockery of that.


A line in a movie: "If you could see your whole life, would you change something?"

The point, I think, is that you can change things...everything, now. You don't need special powers, just stop doing what makes you miserable. Could it be that simple? I think so.

A New Study On Climate Change Reports The The "Point Of No Return" Is Now 2035

That's about 17 years, give or take a few months.
I thought it was already beyond that point.

British Columbia Is Suing Dozens Of Pharmaceutical Companies Over Opioid Addictions
I've been preaching that for years. If you make a dangerous product - any dangerous product - and you produce many times surpassing legitimate usage, then you are an accomplice.
I'm not excusing drug abusers, but many of them are children.


What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint.




Someone once took a dump in the urinal at my school and I was the only guy working there.


"How drunk were you last night?"

The real reason your order was wrong...

This is one of the most fucked up I've ever seen anyone.
She is trying to swipe right her pack of cigarettes. 

And this is her friend showing her the video what she did the night before.

We have all awoken the night after and felt this amazement...
On a serious note, I feel very happy every morning that I wake up alive and pain-free.
I know that is rock bottom low expectations, but it works for me.

One of my wife's favorite games to play is “is my headache from dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, lack of proper nutrition, my ponytail, stress, lack of sleep, not wearing my glasses or brain tumor?”



Trees evolved on Earth before the microbes to eat them. Therefore there must have been a whole lot of stacked up trees.

I can see problems in having a hose attached to you in a burning building. You can drop the fire hose hand run...not so with the smaller hose that feeds the spray.

Recall my warning about what a moose can do to a car?


Canceling plans is ok. Staying home to cook is ok. Disappearing for a bit to get your life together is ok. Resurfacing in a foreign country with a new name 10 years later is ok. It's called self-care.




The airline lost his luggage.

The key to happiness is low expectations. Write that shit down, Y'all.

Don't be stupid...voluntarily.

A man and his friends...

Here's the way he did it...


RH: I'm of the opinion that everybody is entitled to an opinion.

Nothing to see here folks...
And he kept after him off the mat.

I try to find the good in every situation. Wait. Typo. I meant “food.” I try to find the food in every situation.



Don't set your bat down if you don't want the bat dog to take it.
It knows one thing...if the bat hits the ground, go get it.

"Playing through..."

The New Zealand government announced a plan to eventually ban all cats in her village of Omaui, according to the Otago Daily Times. Ali Meade, biosecurity operations manager for Environment Southland, said the proposed plan would prevent people from purchasing any new cats — and require owners to neuter, register, and microchip any current felines they have at home, the newspaper reported. 
The ban is needed because Omaui has nature reserves, Meade reportedly told Newshub, and the cats are “preying on native birds” and “all sorts of things.” New Zealand has already announced an “ambitious” plan to rid the country of all non-native predators by 2050. Environment Southland, a government agency, wrote in a press release that the possible ban on cats is part of a larger effort that targets “72 specific pests” in the area.
And if you die hard pet enthusiasts need a substitute for the beautiful cat...

Might I suggest the awesome dog...
The only thing it will kill is you with kindness.

White blood cells attacking a parasitic worm.
And of the millions of battles just like that, you have to win every one of them.

Shit. Fuck! Don't look now, but there's a fuckin' ambulance right behind us. FUCK! Okay, everyone act healthy.



Did you notice that each one of those "tiles" is identical only turned a different way?

Because my standing ability has been deminished, I have a bench of a thing in my shower.
And I can tell you that there needs to be some kind of accommodation for my ball sack much like the one above.

Okay, I  guess most of those are legitimate, but confusing "seen" for "saw"? Maybe it's just a matter of slurring "I've seen it" very quickly so that it just sounds like "I seen it," which is a Southern thing.

When learning from Youtube videos goes wrong...

I've always liked detail like that.









I did not like that one.



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