About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Here's some very good advice for people in my area:

My cronies and I at my bar have already begun to make wagers on the storm. The over/under of total people killed is 5 1/2 and I took under. We are also working up a pool for the exact minute of the official landfall, and the number of inches of rain Columbia will get until the storm officially moves out or dissipates.

I haven't mentioned my concern over the state of the union lately.

Please think about how many times this goes on in the richest country in the world:


Inside Naked in Motion: A Naked Yoga Studio Class

Don't worry, it's a YouTube clip from The New York Times so the full-frontal nudity is classy.


Klara Mauerova, 31, mother and cult member who tortured her son in a locked cellar while relatives skinned him and forced him to eat his own flesh has been jailed for nine years. Mauerova, a member of a religious cult and her sister Katerina led the torture of her eight-year-old son Ondrej and his ten-year-old brother Jakub. During her court trial in Brno in the Czech Republic, people heard how relatives partially skinned Ondrej and forced him to eat his own flesh. The judge also jailed Katerina, 35, for 10 years for her role in the abuse.
RH: Just nine fucking years? Had it been up to me she would never see the light of day again.


This is a picture of NBA star Wilt Chamberlain running track in high school, 1962. His nickname - Wilt The Stilt.

We pay people to do this for a living.
And that has got to change a man. I simply can't imagine doing it day in and day out.
But it occurs to me that every single person involved in every single war thinks they are on the right side. They are right and the other guy is wrong. Good versus evil and oddly enough nobody in history has ever been on the side of evil.
But of course, wars are fought to increase the landholdings of the monarch, extend national territory and most recently, to fill corporate coffers. 

Stupid bastard.

So one day he just decided to do that and see what happened.

When your wax statue looks more human than you do...

Next time your wife gets angry put a cape on her and say, "Now you are super angry!" She will laugh and laugh and then have freaky sex with you.



Drawing of a greyhound from 1910 Chicago Tribune.

1. How the hell did they get the drugs inside?
2. Is that a real pineapple?
3. How could they possibly have detected it?

Bear picks out a Teddy

Bullet Trains parked in Wuhan, China.

A heard of wildebeest and one zebra. Can you find it?
On the left half way down...just her rear end.

Look at the directional arrow.
Why would anybody care what direction you turned it?


On a road trip with a few equally drunk men, we began to list as many different nasal grunts as we could. The one above brought it to mind. Here are but a few of the phrase that can be express with a brief snort or two at different pitches:



how curious

I'll be damned

I didn't hear you
Pity that
Yeah right
Tastes great
Tastes awful

Let me know if you can think of any more. Seriously.


My dog does this amazing thing where he just exists and makes my whole life better for it.



But there are exceptions.
The number of Bolivars needed to buy 2.4 kg of chicken in Venezuela today. Photo credit: Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters
The economic situation in Venezuela today is depressing. The annual inflation rate is spiraling out of control and millions of Venezuelans are struggling to afford even basic items such as food and toiletries. Prices are doubling every month, and if economists are to be believed, the inflation rate will touch 1 million percent by the end of this year. The last time hyperinflation of such scale occurred was in Zimbabwe between the 1990s and the 2000s, when the government famously printed banknotes of 100 trillion dollars in a vain attempt to make carrying cash convenient. That banknote was worth about USD 30 then. But Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation was only the second worst in history. The worst was suffered by the Hungarians between 1945 and 1946 when the daily inflation rate was at over 200 percent. Compared to the inflation in Zimbabwe and Hungary, Venezuela’s train-wreck of an economy looks very amateurish.


A self-starting siphon.
There are several configurations of the tube that work, but in all cases, the water level must be filled to the brim, something that is rather rare in normal circumstances.

Actually, I think all of us overestimate crime.

My bartender scoffed at that saying "Yeah, like I'm going to put my $600 at the mercy of a bit of wire and a piece of plastic."

Half of all gun-related deaths in 2016 occurred in six nations — Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Guatemala. Together these countries hold less than 10 percent of the world’s population.

I would like to remind you that if you removed a handful of inner-city neighborhoods from the US stats we are just as peaceful as anyone else. People don't kill people, gangbangers kill people.

Guy sent me the method of stablizing the rotation.
Try not to focus on the face, rather look at the ponytail.

"What?" - Van Gogh probably

"Awesome Hipster Outfit"- three words that have never been placed side by side...ever.



Stupid bastard.

Oh, speaking of stupid bastards, I took my computer to the computer doctor because it kept warning me that my hard drive was almost full. Come to find out, half my hard drive was taken up with undeleted items from my trash. I didn't know I had to empty it manually.
And the question begs asking, what the fuck is a computer for if not to keep me from doing things manually?!? Every other thing has a setting to empty weekly, monthly, etc. Anyway, 10  years is how long it takes to fill up half your hard drive with shit you don't want anymore.


When someone makes a rude manuver in my lane I just imagine they are rushing home to a bleeding child or meeting an ambulance at the hospital.


Don't give up on this too quick...







Makes perfectly good sense to me.

I'm as proud of my own dick as anybody else, but I would never think of showing anyone a picture of it...unless, of course, you would like to see it.
And a question for you ladies: Have you ever seen a picture of a dick and just oohed and aahed over how beautiful it was? 
I didn't think so.



For the sake of this story we are going to call this summoning gesture a "bear wave."
An old and dear friend used to tell this story:
I went bear hunting one time. Got a professional guide and everything. So we hike into the deep woods onto a tall hill and lo and behold I look down the slope and there was a bear, so I took aim, but my guide lowered my barrel and told me the bear was much too far away and that I should call it closer. I asked how to do that and he showed me the bear wave and after I did it, sure enough, the bear walked a little distance up the hill. I once again took aim, but once again the guide told me to call it closer, so I gave it more bear waves and it got closer and closer until the guide told me to shoot it. I raised my gun, aimed, but the gun jammed. By then the bear was on me and clamped me in a bear hug that I thought would break every bone in my body. Then I felt something! My hand was right on that bear's dick, so I squeezed it with every ounce of energy I had...and the bear let me go. So I took off running and when I got to the bottom of the hill I looked over my shoulder and saw that bear just standing on the top of the hill giving me the bear wave.






Who would let their children read such a book?





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I know this is sort of off-topic however I had to ask.
Does managing a well-established blog like yours take a lot of work?
I'm completely new to writing a blog but I do write in my diary every day.
I'd like to start a blog so I can share my experience and thoughts online.

Please let me know if you have any kind of ideas or tips for new aspiring bloggers.

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