About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

SUNDAY #3577

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
The clue was how curled the bottom of the print is when it rolls down.
I 100% agree with this theory.

Today I have a new best friend. The staff enjoys handing these to me as much as I like getting them.
Thank you, my friend.


El Capitan compared to famous landmarks.

Kudu Bull
I like beards.

A 59-year-old, and the very sick chimp named 'Mama', recognizes an old friend.

For the first time, the most common US bill in circulation is the $100: these bills aren't being used to transact our daily business - they're the preferred form of savings after a long spell of low inflation and non-existent interest rates when there are so many obvious reasons to distrust the banks.
I would posit that drug dealers are the primary hoarders.

RH: My wife and I have a collection of those, but, of course, my collection of ones skews the stats.

Bill Cosby has justly been whisked away to the Phoenix State Correctional Institution to serve his three to ten years. It's not a nice place. Cosby will be spending his twilight years is rife with racism. Racial slurs, religious discrimination, and other demeaning personal attacks are purportedly inflicted upon the prison's population by the facility's staff on a routine basis. Mind you, the staff aren't one hell of a lot safer. It's a high caliber shitshow.
[verification needed]

Did the farmer take advantage of their natural instinct or did he have to teach them to do that?
What happens if the car, say, interrupts the queue? Do they just resume when the path is unobstructed or does chaos ensue? Why don't they just fly to their destination? What do you suppose their reward is at their final destination? From wherever they originated, do you suppose they released them in a single file?

Speaking of such magnificent creatures...
And...AND they are fucking delicious! That their shit is an excellent fertilizer is just a bonus nobody talks much about.
(Duck poop is basically like a 2.8:2.3:1.7 NPK fertilizer. No other livestock manure has NPK ratio this high.)

A biker friend of mine's Harley was rear-ended by a car and when the cop got there she said the motorcycle had backed into her. The cop was a motorcycle cop and pointed out that Harleys don't have a reverse.

A mortician's assistant once described to me, in detail, what he did for a paycheck. And if you think your loved one's body will be treated with respect, you are sadly mistaken.

Such overwhelming power.
I bet the ground is shaking.
I, of course, would never stand that close.

I don't know where you got your fucking opinion, but I hope you kept the receipt.



Anybody remember the Free Money guy from the 90s?

On mural sites, I've put beer in a coke cup with a lid and straw more times than I can count.

Why do otherwise intelligent people distrust doctors so much? Seriously.

Looks like a clandestine art installation to me.

Speaking of drugs...


My wife told me that her blinker fluid was leaking out.



"It's called equality, bitch, and you're welcome."


Personally, I don't believe in bros before hoes or hoes before bros. There needs to be a balance. A homie-hoe-stasis, if you will.





In basic training mostly every unpleasant chore is called a party.


That was my deaf ass during my draft physical. They turned it up so loud I could feel the vibration but still not hear the tone.

If your neighbor is a heavy drug user, and if you have to eat that neighbor would you be able to pass your drug test at work? Asking for a friend.

How very clever.


That sumbitch ought to work a Google.

Cleaning a beaker with a rag and high pressure air.

As I understand it, this is an anti-aircraft missile for incoming targets.
Flat Earth Space Program?
The same technology used in sub-launched missiles.
Love those positioning retro rockets near the nose. And after they are no longer needed they jettison.

How to stop snails eating your tomato plants.
How very, very clever.

Old woman solves the problem of temporarily removing a barbell from the floor.

I've painted a few things very similar to that. My brush of choice for grasses and such was this.
It's not truly a rounded tip brush but rather flat and you can apply pressure to leave a wide stroke then release the pressure for the thinner top of the plant leaf.

This is me detecting a plot absurdity in a movie.
And I can't help myself.

The was a gif too large to load, but they are racing on what appears to be a 45-degree slope covered in those ropes.
I needed a rest after just watching that.

How exactly do you think they handle the sewer in a complex like this?

This device oscillates fluid jets without any moving parts.
I find that fascinating. What kind of degree do you think the person who invented that have?

What a time to be alive!
How many times have one of those spring loaded pieces of crap tubes shot across the room when I didn't do it just right.



A surprise to no one.



As silly as you think that is, I feel the same about this...
Did you catch the gag?

Nuts stored by some vermin.





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