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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Got this comment concerning that image:

"Are you saying that women that are photographed naked are usually sluts? 
How can you say that these 4 women photographed naked look like sluts?"
My flippant reply:
"It's called absurdity, anon. Look it up."
Then I got to thinking about a few questions that the image begs clarification or, at least, conjecture. Does a bevy of young non-sluts often get collectively butt naked in hotel rooms or offices or whatever that is in broad daylight? 
Do non-slut young women then stand out on the balcony of a downtown building staring down on god knows what - maybe...probably, men staring up at them? 
Do you suppose this is their first time out of the public nudity gate, as it were, or do they all show up for regular naked balcony sessions at the Holiday Inn like a clandestine If You Have It Flaunt It Tuesday? And do you think their boyfriends or husbands know? Do you think alcohol is involved?
And lastly, do these paragons of virtue always make plans to take along a photographer to document all their wholesome non-sluttiness or was that a spur of the moment decision just to spice things up?

There, that's absurdity, anon, and now you don't have to look it up.





RH: But lesbians seem to like boobs also.










If there is anything I have learned this summer it is that you shouldn't live in an apartment that some cop thinks is hers.



Weeks ago I posted a clip of an alligator who scooped up her babies in her mouth and took them to the pond.

I commented about images like this and wondered how the camera got in its mouth.

Well, they devised a robot spy among the babies.

Would be very helpful in disaster areas. Nobody wants to rescue a stinky survivor.

What a time to be alive.

Rocks added to this hungry boy's food to slow him down.
I love low tech solutions.


Binge watching is great until you run out of show and have to start watching it weekly like some sort of medieval peasant.




Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

This man must have never seen any of the 10,000 video clips of other people also fucking that up.

Do his scooter's handlebars look abnormally high to you?

Well, there's your problem right there.

Next time someone asks you about motherhood, show them this picture.


Earlier this year, researchers at the University of Tokyo accidentally created the strongest controllable magnetic field in history and blew the doors off their lab in the process.
As detailed in a paper recently published in the Review of Scientific Instruments, the researchers produced the magnetic field to test the material properties of a new generator system. They were expecting to reach peak magnetic field intensities of around 700 Teslas, but the machine instead produced a peak of 1,200 Teslas.

I have never seen anything like this before.

All while being filmed.
What's up with that?

Adulthood, where youthful optimism is replaced by anger when they rearrange your favorite grocery store aisles.



Looks like it is scraping along the bottom.

"Fuck the police!" - Horse probably



Tethers are for pussies.

Not what I would have expected.

Kinetic sculpture of Franz Kafka's head.

I normally would not have posted this.
But when one of my favorite servers' thought it hilarious I had to share it.

Running would sound a lot different if our butt cracks were horizontal.



How big are the Pyramids of Giza?
I watched a documentary which was rather convincing that the middle of the pyramids is filled with packed rubble, which answers many of the questions.

Wasabi (ワサビ or わさび(山葵, earlier 和佐比); Eutrema japonicum or Wasabia japonica)[1] or Japanese horseradish[2] is a plant of the Brassicaceae family, which also includes horseradish and mustard in other genera. A paste made from its ground rhizomes is used as a pungent condiment for sushi and other foods. It is similar in taste to hot mustard or horseradish rather than chili peppers in that it stimulates the nose more than the tongue.


The coolest thing about Mr. Wizard is that he started his first science show in 1951, and it ran until 1965.
I used to love watching the kids' reactions.
Some were terrified.
We called kids like that woosies.


Taking ships overland was done several times throughout history. Lewis and Clark even did it. There were boats built to break down into pieces to facilitate such overland sojourns.




What do you think he is adding to the fire?
I'm thinking it's cooking oil.



Everything you call a miracle, I call magic. But it was just god who could perform such magic. The King of Egypt had magic men who could turn wooden staffs into snakes, just like Moses. I was about 9 years old when I detected this plot hole and asked my mother about it. She explained it perfectly with "God works in mysterious ways."


I really like this one.





Anonymous said...

About the comment concerning the four nude women.

Well said Sir Ralph. Jesus Fucking Christ!

What is with people today taking everything so literally?

B. Baggins

Unknown said...

BTW: I read your blog almost every day...good stuff...keep it up.
Maybe i have "stupidphobia"

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