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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

The dark side of the moon.
 Thanks, China.


Don't forget the FCC!


I should confess to my conservative friends out there that I don't hate this man for his politics. I hate this man because he is an obnoxious human being in every way I can think of.


Who in their right mind would let this continue?

Speaking of nausea...

73 years and I've never seen this...

Proof that you don't have to be human to be an idiot.
 Fuck Rudolph.

Please don't procreate.

Guy made to clean off his graffiti.

Cheap-ass flag in a movie that is printed on only one side.

Do you read idiot?
 She means insomnia.

Remember this idiot?

They left out the for-profit prisons that buy the politicians who make the laws. And we are the idiots for tolerating it.

Is she laughing or crying?
And what do you think was in that spray can?


Not knowing how to properly erect a folding table makes you an idiot.

 Annette Kellerman promotes women’s right to wear a fitted one-piece bathing suit, 1907. She was arrested for indecency.
 Women have been fair game for, oh, ever.

But the pendulum always swings back too far - which is just as bad.

There are two sides to every argument.

Stating your experiences does not make you an idiot. 

 Words escape me.

Idiots aren't familiar with basic physics principles.


I still can’t believe that my high school senior class voted me “least likely to let things go”.



 American and Canadian firefighting crews meet while fighting Forest Fires in the Green Mountains.
I bet that was a great moment for them. I would also assume they train together and recognize one another.

 Do you think those ancient primitive people had the wherewithal to do that?

A new way of walking in virtual reality.

Speaking of moving floors...
Performance art by Yoann Bourgeois

The remote islands of the Vanuatu archipelago, in the middle of the Pacific ocean, are sparsely populated. Small populations are scattered across a number of islands, separated from each other by the ocean itself and mountainous terrain. Providing adequate healthcare is tricky for the South Pacific ocean nation — in fact, one out of five children in Vanuatu miss out on essential childhood vaccines, according to UNICEF. But drone technology, it says, could give local healthcare professionals a big leg up.
 RH: And in America, we have ever-growing numbers of parents refusing these life-saving sera.

Not to brag on my wife but she doubled our accidental death and dismemberment insurance when I bought a chainsaw.



Is that computer generated?

 Kelp Forest
 I'm am awed.

Old Grand Prix racer with a 16 cylinder radial engine.
 This was made in 1935 from an airplane engine and is air cooled.

 Cool Vending Machines
 Molson has done some really strange and interesting stuff with the Fridge, from requiring users to sing O Canada (in its entirety, on tune and pitch) to scanning their Canadian passports to get a delicious beer when away from home.  This is a pretty fun one because the basic machine (a refrigerated unit) remains the same, but the fridge design gives you a pretty massive (in comparison to other machines) workspace for inserting your various components.

Cesar did this machine on a budget of $60k. They got almost a half million social media impressions.  People love weird vending machines.  There were little scent emitters in the various displays, and most likely a beam trip of some sort in the nosing area.  Dog noses the box? Gets a can of Cesar of the smell they liked. I don't know how they handled brachycephalics.

Philanthropy!  A book vending machine for areas where parents can't afford new books.  JetBlue makes these machines for underprivileged kids and some for international hubs where they dispense children's books to keep kids quiet in an array of languages.  This is a really simple vend model (jazzed up with a touchscreen), but the cool part is that JB can offer an on-demand service for kids and parents without needing a person present and help out dozens of kids before a restock.  

Cupcake ATM!  This is a super simple machine that is classed up and made pricey by flashy components (and most likely the purchaser's own requirements).  A robotic arm is used, and a live camera sits inside the machine to show you each vend as it comes through. There are more complicated versions of this same machine that will show you the item being made (in the case of air fry vends or new 'latte art' dispensers at trade shows) that have ridiculous price points because they put really nice cameras into a damned vending machine. 

A weave vending machine.  There are a lot NICER versions of this machine, but people do dispense hair extensions and weaves in vending machines.  This machine is a great option for items that you want to sell but that may not support a full store of sales.  If you only do credit card sales you don't even need to go to the machines often.  Just overstock, keep track with the machine's remote inventory management software and receive your payments to your business account. 

Ruining life one revelation at a time.

Opening a Bamboo Shark egg.
I didn't know that.

Good Guy Rich

Seems to have worked stellarly.

It was all fun and games until one society ruined this symbol for everyone.

Mount Etna Eruption
Etna shows up in about half the crosswords I do. It occurs to me that crossword creators run into situations where they must have a four letter word with a vowel on each end - Asti, Asta, Ursa,  Edna, Emma, etc. Other words appearing regularly is Oreo, Olio, Oleo, Aria, Ulee, alee, etc.



 "Let Mikey try it."







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