About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 7, 2019

MONDAY #3665

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

(Or a $2 bill which I prefer)

Look what I found!
I don't have many. And remember that I don't know the solution. Email or leave a comment if you figure it out.


Have you ever been that high?


Bitch, that's Anne Frank.

The things some guys do to get laid...

A 54-year old Eau Claire, Wisconsin farmer is recovering in hospital with serious injuries after he tried to get a calf at his dairy farm to suck his penis. The member was bitten off, which is bad.

When you're home alone...
We have all done equally dumb shit like that.

I have had more than one nightmare about just this very thing...

Having a toddler is a great way to find out how much milk your tennis shoe will hold.



As I understand it, they built a small model out of precisely carved wood to see if it will work.

I posted this ingenious dryer hose connection for my wife.

Reusable concrete stencil.
Nice and easy.

The Goliath Tank Buster was a remote-controlled tank-shaped vehicle designed during the war by German scientists in 1942. This single-use mobile bomb was guided by a controller through commands sent over a wire.

The Germans produced thousands of them.


The original alien suit from 1979

 The romaine empire has fallen. Cesar is dead. Lettuce pray.



The driver was distracted for mere seconds.

This is so very badly done that it's actually attractive in an organic sort of way.

That's really not a disaster...yet.

On the internet, you can't throw a dead cat without hitting a picture of a car in a swimming pool.
Who knew that would be a problem we had to face in the modern age?

So, why was she being filmed at that precise moment?

This is what a shotgun to the elbow looks like.

And if the bullet doesn't kill you the lead poisoning just might...

And my favorite fuck up...

Me: Why are you always talking to yourself?
Wife: Because she agrees with me. 
Also my wife: Is he always like this?



RH: And millions of otherwise intelligent people think they have instantaneous super wealth all figured out. Good luck with that.

Each society just makes up insults. In America, we have the middle finger. It's all just so silly.

This is a perfect illustration of how some people just declare certain things evil.
A "sure sign."

Many laws are just silly.
The war on selling pleasure has been going on for centuries and to no avail. Can't we just let people do what they want?

I don't even know what the overlaid wording means, but that's not the point.
I WANT my child to be protected from dangerous classmates.
Anti-vaxxers must think that doctors are either naive or evil. Yet when their child gets ill they trust these same doctors to give their children medicines. But logic has no place in this argument.

This is a worldwide problem now.

This bitch will find out one day just how much harm she has done.
But I don't blame her as much as I blame the nitwits that accept her bullshit.

Speaking of nitwits...

This was included in the comments about vaccines.
Here are some more:

1. They should be shipped off to an island.

2. So why don’t they vaccinate once it’s clear their child isn’t autistic?

3. I've noticed much of the "cause autism" claim has been replaced with warnings about "toxins" and anecdotes about bad reactions to vaccines.
4. Some people will continue to walk blindly, even if you tell them the path they're traveling is ablaze.
5. I think people like that are just shills for the kid's size casket industry.

I put anti-vaxxers in the exact same camp as climate change deniers.

1. creating sin
2. inventing gravity 
3. keeping doctors away 
4. shooting off of a child’s head
5. pie



Ladies and gentlemen, the reticulated python.

Feeding piranhas

They look rather regal, don't they?

Ever seen a maniacally pissed off frog?

I watched a documentary about how these flocks act just like a single organism, as do schools of fish.

Imagine when the stars that make Orion’s belt die and his pants fall down.



I watched Apocalypse Now again.

I hadn't noticed that the title was scrawled on the wall of Kurtz's fortress.

A line from The Humanity Bureau with Nickolas Cage.

I thought it was an old movie, but then there was this detail.

But the female lead had a windchime made out of holey moleys!!!
I've got an 8' curtain on my porch made sort of like that, only neater and much longer.



That driver was really...on the ball.








Anonymous said...

Italian dressing?

Keep up the good work.

Ralph Henry said...

Italian dressing would be a big ten-four, good buddy.

Anonymous said...

The meme with the woman overlaid with "video" and the child overlaid with "video star" refers to a song by the Buggles entitled "Radio Killed the Video Star" It was the first song ever played on MTV back in August 1981

B. Baggins

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