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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

SUNDAY #3664

One Of My Very Own


A couple of hours ago I learned that another of my young friends killed himself. I went through many emotions but settled on anger. I am so pissed off. Pissed off at the waste, the unnecessary pain, the...surrender. Words aren't coming easy, but I'm sure I will have more to say at a later date. His name was James. And he was a friend.


 This sеx doll is seen on a bed at the doll brothel “Dollhaus” in Speyer, Germany, 10 December 2018. The “Dollhaus” is the first brothel in Germany with only sеx dolls. The “Dollhaus” is the brainchild of businessman Raphael Abelmann who says his girls – including ladyboy versions – are the future of the sеx industry.

I would bet the brand name supplies the store brand.

 Hell, I can do that.

You should be able to see this coming...

Do you think he just picks it up off the ground to serve? 

That dog's expression.

My daughter just remembers the page number she was on. Think about that a minute.

 Just another reason to get rid of ridiculous footwear.

 “It pushes the tabs into the slots...”


 What a brilliant line.

Like I've said, that looks like a fun job.



Please tell me that you spotted the illogic. 

Too close for me.

British SAS and service dog
Reminds me of my friend who asked her mother why if they are Scotch-Irish did they have coal black hair and her mother responded, "Not all the sailors on the Armada drowned, dear."

 Get it?
Vampires can't fuck with you unless you invite them into your home.

 "We're gonna need more chalk."
- Detective who discovers my wife's body



 A Palestinian woman wears a headband with Arabic that reads: “No God but Allah and Muhammed is his messenger, al-Qassam Brigades.”
She believes her "messenger" flew off to heaven on a magic horse. Cute.



RH: The US has a broken system. I know it won't be easy or cheap, but we must fix this.

 She got torn up by a boat propeller off New South Wales in 2001 and proceeded to walk it off...swim it off
 The scars from the propeller slices healed  - 20cm deep down her back and across her tail fluke.
Since then, whale watchers down under look for “The Blade Runner” every year.

RH: I worry about fucking with the environment like that and the rabbit plants mentioned earlier. It seems every time we fuck around with the introduction of alien organisms we screw it up.

 But more and more people are moving to the cities, and people we live in cities have fewer children.

New Encryption Is Based on the Random Movement of Living Cells
Cybersecurity depends entirely on a computer’s ability to create a code that other computers are too weak to crack or solve. But as computers grow better at cracking difficult codes, we may find ourselves in need of fundamentally new approaches to digital security, especially if scientists figure out how to build functional, powerful quantum computers.

Fracking is grossly unprofitable: the fracking industry is losing hundreds of millions of dollars, but it claims to be profitable and august publications like the Wall Street Journal and Reuters repeat these claims as though they were true. How can this be?

The reason that is funny is that the image was taken with a drone and Gatwick was completely shut down one day due to drones over the airport.

People will read 50 Amazon reviews before buying a pair of headphones but won’t think twice about taking drugs they bought from someone in an old van who they only know as “the guy.”



The First Human Cannonball
 Her name was Rossa Matilda Richter, but she was known as Zazel, the human cannonball. Zazel was a trapeze performer and walked a tightrope, but became famous for performing a new stunt on April 2, 1877, at the Royal Aquarium in London. The 14-year-old performer climbed into the business end of a huge cannon, which was then lit, and she was suddenly launched across the arena and into a net. The cannon act brought Zazel worldwide fame.

I can almost guarantee you that those cowboys shooting looked like they were throwing the bullet out of the end of the barrel.

The resonating chamber of a velociraptor.
I'm not sure if that is a mockup from the movie or if it is scientific.

I wonder how many of those black dots are bodies or body parts.
What an event to live through.

Did anyone else remember that Harrison Ford was in Apocalypse Now? He play a Colonel Lucas.

My family used to watch this movie every Christmas.
 Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Everything my wife knows about dancing she learned from the Charlie Brown Christmas party.




My young chemist friend presented his first proposal. Here is the response of a highly respected professor.
"I read your proposal. First, let me say that this is really a shockingly good proposal -- it makes an exciting, detailed, and compelling case for your project. I have read many NSF proposals that are not nearly as good."


Then there's this...

Two guys agreed that the 800 million spent on the insight lander could've been used to feed the hungry which, I suppose, is true...but instead, the money went into the paychecks of the contractors, builders, scientists, and a myriad of other people involved with the program thus feeding them and their families and providing them with personal funds which they will then spend on other things from other people...they didn't launch 800 million dollar bills to Mars and bury it in the dirt; that's not how a market economy works. 

I am lucky to live on a planet that have these.
 That was cooked in a Filipino style with a sweet gravy. Absolutely sensational.

Roasted Suckling Pig - Russian
1 whole suckling pig, about 20 pounds (see note)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
20 whole cloves garlic
1 six-inch piece of fresh ginger, cut into 1/2-inch slivers

I have cooked hundreds of whole hogs - usually all night.



Jesus fucking Christ, Sparky! 







1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your pal James. Thoughts are with you. Re #32.. I lived through that. Found your initial remark somewhat insensitive but such is life

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